White Blood

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So the nightmares I've been having, they're real? So then, if that's true then these guys really are after me.

My dragon form had finished settling as Vex ran forward swinging a longsword at my leg which sparked and bounced off harmlessly. He backed up and kept running at my still attempting to make a cut on me. Dragon scales are tougher than iron fool. I decided I had enough with these people, they were no threat to Fay anymore, I picked up Vex in my clawed hand and tossed him to his not so loyal soldiers. I decided to start destroying this place, if it's from Drachen then it must die!

I started by destroying the tents around me and ran through the above ground camp brutally crushing anyone wearing a Drachen uniform. Rip that one in half, now impale that one, how sharp do you think my horns are? Every one of these bastards will die. Out of the corner of my eye I could see Vex trying to get to me with with sword in his hand and Lance tryingto move Faylinn away from the battlefield. Fine with me I guess. I could feel multiple arrows rebounding off of me. Smirking as they soon ran out of arrows (if dragons can smirk) I opened my jaws and let a large ball of turquoise flame fly and explode around me.

I have no control.


"Stop hurting him! He just wanted to leave." Molarus rolled his eyes "Vex will take care of him and probably won't kill him." Istarted panicking and bit his hand "Ow! What the hell!?" I pushed past him and ran towards the large white beast rampaging around.

I ducked around a tent or two, stopping to pick up a rapier. I took it out of it's scabbard and held it with both hands like others would with a greatsword. Luckily I've only used it to clear and obstruct paths. As I saw what WAS Reflet I ducked behind a stone wall before he could see me and sheathed the sword. There was none of him in his eyes, just the beast he became. I could hear his tail scraping against the wall behind me and held my breath, How can I help? He wouldn't hurt me right?

All of a sudden it got quiet, I was shivering in my fear, my brother is a beast shifter, the things that most humans are told to avoid, for they are beasts in the soul and will not hesitate to hurt others! I looked up as is suddenly got warmer and saw an antlered white dragon's head just staring at me. It was like a staring contest for your life, eventually h-IT decided to walk around the side of the wall and just paced back in forth in front of me. I reached my hand out and it stopped to stare as Imoved closer. "Scales? You in there?" in return the dragon turned and growled, but not at me. I could see Molarus with his bow string stretched as far as it could go with three arrows nocked, each with a different magic on the arrowhead.

"Kid, back..away slowly." How could he tell me that? Scales would never hurt me, whether or not he's insane. I took the rapier, ran forward and cut the bowstring letting it cut into his face. "Don't you dare!" I shouted at him as he backed away as he put pressure on the wound. I could feel tears fall from my face, "He would never hurt me! He's just scared, you guys saw where he was from right? You know that all he wants is to be safe and have his own life!" Molarus waved his arm over the burning campsite "If this is what his life is then we can't let him live!"

Vexthel stood up from his hiding spot and shouted an order. It was as if time stopped, I could see over fifty arrows flying at me, very slowly I turned to run and take cover and fell.

Clang Snap plink (yes plink mfers)

I looked up to see a white wing hovering over me like a shield and blue blood dripping from it. I almost hugged the dragon in thanks until I saw the figure shoving scales off of his shoulders.


Becoming a dragon was fun, unless you go on a rampage and nearly eat your sister. every bit of my dragon body started falling apart taking the form of blue and silver cherry blossom petals and shed around me. Mt cloak was back on me and longer, with just a couple pieces of metal as armor on the legs, chest, and shoulders. I could tell I was wearing a helmet from the metal outline around my eyes and still had the broadsword from earlier. I started speaking and had to clear my throat "Are you done? I just figured out how to emergency escape and I'd rather not have my new outfit ruined."

I glanced at them for a bit "Shut your mouths you'll catch flies." I have to act like this is normal, they could kill me if I don't sell this. "So I'm guessing your job was to stake out and destroy this place along with the dungeons underneath? Done that for you. So! In front of you there is a strategist that can use both magic and swordplay effectively, can transform into a Manakete, branded as White blood, and has a sister who runs towards dragons in a heartbeat. Any questions?"

I drew my sword and plunged it into the ground in front of me. "If you guys still want to fight I will. Can't promise you a fair one." Faylinn was tugging at my sleeve for a bit so I turned to her. "The men in there said something about Mr. Amzulious, does that mean he's here somewhere?"

I grew cold in seconds, I wasn't necessarily friends with him but if he's dead and it's my fault...

I picked up my sword and put it in it's sheath, grabbed Faylinn and started walking toward the entrance I surfaced from. Heavy footsteps thundered behind me and I heard the faint Shing! of a weapon being drawn, I wheeled around, took my helmet off, thrust my hand in the direction of the footsteps and said "Rho Aias!"

Instantly two purple lotus shapes appeared and acted as a shield against a battle-axe swinging at Faylinn, the axe shattered against the shield after a while of vibration through it, "So you do have a problem with me?" I asked the soldier who drew a dagger "She must be a witch of some sort, or she wouldn't have tamed the dragon."

I shook my head and put my helmet back on, "Were you watching with your arse? The dragon chose to not hurt her, it saw her as no threat even if she is carrying a weapon!" He threw his dagger at me which deflected off of the shield that I sent flying at him, backing him against the wall. "You all need some common sense in your guild or whatever. The choice to not have it WILL kill you." I spat out a chunk of human muscle with blood covered over it. I took a small bow and turned.

I walked a few more feet and opened a portal home. "What's your name?" I heard the one known as Lance ask, "Reflet Azura, torture plaything of Drachen and White Blood of Manakete."

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