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It's been weeks since I've meet Faylinn. She's always bugging to help her learn magic, and when I tell her that I know almost nothing of them, she'll look through my bag and try to set things on fire.

"Faylinn, do you have any idea at all where the next town could be? I'd like to find a quiet place to settle down once in awhile." She shook her head, serves me right for asking an eight year old. "Ah well, maybe there's a road or something nea- Oh you are kidding me!" Faylinn had me turn around to see a goddamn city with a castle and everything. "That's what we wanted right Scales?" I chuckled a bit and grabbed her hand before she ran off.

We walked up to the city gate and greeted the guards as they let us in. It was much bigger than I thought, and there were people everywhere. I pulled my hood lower over my face and started walking, Faylinn however was a different story. "Look at all this strange food Scales! And the library over there could we go visit it? Do you want to go to school together?" By the gods I didn't expect this much talk from her.

"Yes, sis we'll visit all this stuff some other time. But first let's find a place to get some money." She didn't seem to hear me and kept pointing things out. "But look at-!" She doesn't miss a beat. I looked around to see lots of inns and places to eat, my mouth was watering from the smell of fresh bread.

"Out of my way kid!" A random guy shoved his way past me with a sword in his hand. "How rude of him" the recurring voice said in my head "We should kill him." It kept saying this over and over. Faylinn started shaking my arm "Scales, your eyes are changing, are you sick?" I looked down at her and shook my head. "Where is that guy going?" I wondered. I placed a hand on the handle of my sword and went in the stranger's general direction.

When I had caught up with him, there was a crowd gathering around a sort of notice board. An image of a man in light armor wielding a spear was above some text, that I couldn't read. I looked around hoping that someone would read it aloud.Damn this place for being near silent. I walked forward and ripped the flyer down, hoping to find somewhere I can translate it. "Scales, can we go to the library now?" I looked at her, she seemed serious about wanting to go there. "Fine, as long as we don't attract attention."

It was enormous! Full of all kinds of books (as expected from a library) as far as the eye could see. It seemed like a one story building from the outside and had a drop to a lower floor on the inside. Faylinn let go of my hand and started looking through a children's book section, giggling like a maniac. Looking at most of the shelves, they had too many books in the unreadablelanguage.I pulled one off the shelf and stuffed it in my bag, from the display on the front I could guess it was a storybook.(A/N It was at this moment that I realized he just stole from a library, YAY THIEVERY!)

Faylinn came walking back with a beam on her face, "Do you think there are secret passages here?" I shook my head "Where do you get these ideas?" She shrugged and looked out the window. "Brother, I think something's wrong, are there supposed to be fireballs shooting back and forth?" I stood up suddenly and looked outside to see a crowd circling around two people, throwing fire at each other. "Are they wizards?" Faylinn asked. I shook my head "They're carrying vials of explosive substances, I would guess they are alchemists."

I told Faylinn to stay at the window as I went outside to see one of the fighters get knocked over. I pulled my hood down and slipped into the crowd. A voice rang out, "Anyone of you wish to fight in a duel using any weapon or skill? Money goes to the winner, about 200 copper!" Money? We could use that, now if only I could get close. I got to the front row of the circle to see the same winning chemist go up against a helmeted warhammer user.

This guy has it planned out, if the chemist should try to attack directly then the armor would completely block it. It probably sucks on speed though.

I spent time examining both of their fighting styles, should I have to fight one. In a sickening CRUNCH, I saw the chemist fall.

Without thinking I ran forward toward the fallen fighter, now bleeding heavily "Gods, all this from one swing.: I heard someone say. I held my hands over the wound over his ribs. I did what I normally did when it came to healing, Twice more after this I told myself, Twice more I can use this magic.

"The hell are you doing kid?" I heard a somewhat deep voice say. I finished my healing and stood up, "This was a game of skill wasn't it? There's no need for anyone to die, isn't attacking until they lose the will to fight enough?" The armored adversary gripped his warhammer. "Double or nothing then? What's your name kid?" I bit back a curse, was money the only thing rolling through his mind right now? "Reflet, Reflet Azura, yours?" I could feel my eyes rapidly changing color with my anger. "Janggo Amzulious, don't see why that will matter, you'll be dead soon." I reached into my bag and pulled out a windtome and held it under my arm.

"Tomes eh? Where'd ya get them? There aren't as popular among mages anymore." I ran my branded hand along one of the pages. "You gonna swing that hammer yet? Or do you need to wait for your mother's permission?" He laughed, "Maybe this will be worth it after all, no one has the guts to insult me." He swung it vertically at my head which I casually sidestepped and threw a wind blade at the hammer itself. He's faster than I thought he would be.He swung it horizontally and nearly caught me in the steel blocks path.

"Hold still ya coward!" he started shouting at me. My sword would shatter on impact with that thing, if I can affect the weapon and armor then I should be able to land a clean hit. My momentary thinking nearly cost me greatly, he had managed to catch me in the abdomen, swing me over his head and slam me to the ground. I could feel some of the cobbled bricks under me shatter. "Shit man, did you have to overdo it?" I asked him grinning as a faint trickle of blood came from my mouth. "That mouth of yours will get you killed!" he shouted as he slammed his hammer to the ground.

*Snap*He stood there stunned as his hammer had broken in two, "While you were trying to pretty up your kill, I had managed to throw enough wind blades at the same spot on the handle." He screamed at me in rage and kept swinging what was left of his hammer at my face. "I've had enough!" I shouted and quickly pulled out a new tome, a yellow one. I held my hand over the tome and thrust it out, surprised to see a ball of pure electricity arc around Janggo's armor, I felt pretty satisfied once he stopped shaking and hit the ground. "Listen Amzulious, you need to pay more attention to the fight in front of you next time instead of focusing on pleasing others....BUT I'm getting all preachy here so just hand me the two hundred and I'll be on my way, and yes I'm letting you keep the winnings from earlier." I reached down and took the coin purse off of his belt and attached it to mine.I signaled Faylinn who was still at the window and smiled as she ran outside. "That guy was pretty good huh Scales?" I smiled back at her "Sure sure, let's go find an inn or something, I'm tired of fighting for a while."LaterI had tucked Faylinn into bed in our room and walked down the steps to relax by a fire. "Hey kid!" Oh by Naga's- I turned around to see Janggo right in front of me. "Let me guess, you escaped from a castle as a prisoner a few days ago and now you're trying to lay low and make a life for yourself." I sat there stunned at what he said so suddenly. "Word gets around quick in the Stormlands kid, hide that brand of yours next time. And tell that girl of yours that I'd like to talk to her sometime." I managed a small smile and pulled down my hood, "May we meet again someday sir, I'll be sure to- wait what?"(Special shoutout to my Roblox horned brother DarkJanggo for letting me use his OC for this)

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