I Dried Your Tears Of Pain, Babe

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Hiya, guys... so I wanted to write again, but like, I don't know what you will think of this chapter or how god you will think it is, so please let me know. I hope you enjoy this though, but please feel free to leave me feedback; it'll be very much appreciated. 

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Jinxx' P.O.V:

Jake had put in his music and was sorting through his things, leaving me to my thoughts, which seemed to have vanished as my eyes tracked his movements. I zoned out, not really thinking of anything but not wanting to turn my attention away from him. I don't know what it was, but when he said our messing about meant nothing, it really hurt me, but I don't know why, I mean, it's not like I should care. I must be tired, and that's why the comment had an effect on me; I'm too tired so everyone's comments are getting to me. Putting my emotions down to fatigue, I push my case onto my bunk and open it. Pulling out a picture of the band, and sticking it to the wall, I grabbed my iPod, placing it gently on my bed until I had unpacked, which was a tedious and boring task that I despised rather greatly. Finally, I had finished, even though Jake was still sorting his out, which took my by surprise seeing as he has less stuff than me; for starters I have to bring more instruments than anyone else, thanks to my violin parts. I sit down, in my bunk, and put my headphones in as Bach comes on... yeah, I know, I'm in a Rock 'N' Roll band and yet I listen to some classical music, to you that may seem weird but for me it makes perfect sense; classical music has a big influence on how Rock is structured. Thinking about how the music was put together, I stared, unthinkingly, towards Jake.

Soft tears start slowly clouding up his eyes as he holds on to a piece of paper with shaking hands. Concern grew within me, as I watched, debating whether I should get involved or not, but as a tear dropped from his eyes, splashing the paper, I decided someone needed to check on him. I pull my headphones out of my ears to hear the soft gasps for breath being taken by Jake. I gently stood up, so I didn't startle him, before walking over to him and pulling him into my arms.

“Hush, what's wrong Jake?” I ask, resting my chin on his head as he cries into my chest.

“Wu-what do you think this meant?” he stumbles, puling back from me, and holding out the paper he held in his hand. It was a letter. I recognised the handwriting, but I wasn't sure were from.

'I know I need to tell him, but how? You don't know how tricky it is to tell someone something so huge, something that will hurt them so much. And I know you are going to say that it's my fault, and I should have thought about that before I acted, and I did, I thought about it every time, but now I have to tell him and I don't know how to find the words. How can I be sure that what you say is true and that you have actually missed me? How can I be so sure you will be there for me after like you promised? I need you to promise it won't end up like it has with him; so, please, no arguments, no leaving me to be with the guys. Just you and me. I've missed your touch so much, and I love you from the bottom of my heart, so please let this work if I tell him

-Your Cheeky Ella x' I stared at the letter for a good few minutes as I tried to piece it together. It appeared to be the last page of the letter so we had no clue as to who this was addressed, but that wasn't the cause for concern for Jake.

“Oh, Jake...” I sigh, pulling his closer to me once again. How could she do this to him? How could anyone do such a thing to someone they apparently love? Fuming with her, I cradle Jake in my arms as he tried to calm the flowing tears.

He sat in my arms for a while until he had calmed the cascade of hurt-filled tears.

“Jinxx, what should I do?” he asked, now a lot calmer than before, but you could still hear the pain rising within his shaking and strained voice.

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