This Dream Is Who I Wanna Be

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Hi guys, so here's the next chapter, I'd love to hear your opinions. Alsom I hav to do another two or four chapters after this, please tell me how many you would like... so... here goes; I hope you enjoy. Bye for now, my little Batling Army:3

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Jake's P.O.V:

“We need to go back for the show soon” I say to Jinxx, and flash of hurt and disappointment fleets across his face as I lean back, picking up the bag. His hand dropped limply down to his sides as he stood, lost in thought, his eyes flicking between emotions. Carefully, I stepped up to him, holding his wrists as I step closer to him again, looking deeply into his eyes as I pull him into a hug. Knowing this moment would have to end was horrible because I just felt so safe in Jinxx' arms. His grip around me tightened for the moment, almost as if he felt the same thing; maybe he had. Just as I thought, the hug had to end, and he slowly pulled away from me, a faint smile prying on his lips causing mine to upturn lightly as we made our way back to the bus. Our hands were brushing past each other’s until we were about halfway back to the bus, where we, once again, brushed hands, but lingered a little longer than we had before, Jinxx twisted his hand catching mine and we then walked hand-in-hand for the rest of the way, gaining a few weird looks off members of the public, but I couldn't be sure if it was because they think its weird for guys to hold hand, or because they had recognised us. Either way, no one had come up to us making comments of exclaimed they knew us, so we were all good.

As soon as the bus pulled into sight, we shared one glance, and ran eagerly ran to the bus. Well, I ran, Jinxx frolicked in his usual, quirky style. I could feel a soft smile pricking at my lips, as I slowed, watching the giddiness and joy Jinxx gained from frolicking his way over. Stopping sharply, he turned to me, a wide smile evident on his face as he waited for me to catch up, which didn't take too long. We opened the door to our bus, bounding in and I dashed to the shower. We had a couple hours to get ready, so I really needed to have quick shower now just to get the sea water out of my hair. I hit the power button, stripping off my black trousers and boxers; I had taken my top off on the way back because it sticking to me was making me feel even colder than I already was. Jumping into the shower I could feel the warm water cascading onto my body, showering me in its warmth and melting the cold and sea water from my body. Feeling slightly refreshed I massaged some shampoo and conditioner into my hair before leaving the shower, wrapping a towel around my waist and leaving the bathroom. As I open the door, I call out to Jinxx that he can now go and have his shower. He arrived in the corridor as I was about to enter in the bunks, and we share a quick smile before I leave, and pull on my stage clothes. Aware that I wouldn't have much spare time after finishing my make-up, I run back to the front of the bus, with make-up in hand.

“CC, seeing as you're finished, can I please borrow your mirror?” I beg, pleading with my eyes “Jinxx has just gone for his shower, so I can't really use the shower in the bathroom” I explain quickly.

“Aha, sure, man, you can use the mirror,” he replied, smiling as he handed it over to me and I start to draw in my eyes.

It was about an hour later when I was nearly finished drawing on my war paint, and Jinxx was finishing up as well, of course Ashley was a bit behind us, but he always is anyway. We finally finished and jumped out of the bus, being escorted by security to our venue. The cool night air, filled with mist, clung to our body, slowly covering us in a damp layer of air. By the time we arrived we were damp, and so were our clothes, but it was okay; we had about ten minute to dry off before heading on stage. Jinxx and I grabbed a small towel each, gently dabbing the water from our faces and drying our arms, before we get called onto the stage. Here we go.

The crowd was chanting out our band name, and we happily ran on stage, getting into our positions.

“Good fucking evening to all YOU MOTHERFUCKING PEOPLE OUT THERE TONIGHT! I LOVE YOU ALL! SO LETS KICK THIS SHOW OFF WITH NEW RELIGION!” he screams, and Jinxx and I start chiming in the opening, sharing a look at each other to make sure we got it on time. Somehow his blue eyes seemed lighter in this lighting, making them look deeper, almost like pools of the sea in winter. I started to rock out, looking up every so often to see Jinxx doing the same. Looking over to my right, I could see Ash, performing for the ladies, with his top off already. Jesus, can he ever keep it on? We carried on rocking out as the show progressed.

Amazingly for us there were no hecklers, or haters ready to take us on by the mid point of our act. Feeling slightly impressed by this, I ran off stage, grabbing myself a drink as I could hear Andy talking to the crowd. A soft touch on my shoulder told me that someone was there and when I looked around I was greeted by the blue pools of Jinxx' eyes close to my own.

“Jake, are you okay?” he asks, my heart pumping in my chest.

“Yeah, I'm fine, you?” I breath.

“I'm just great,” he said, a half smile dominating his face as his eyes sparkled with glee,

“Jinxx, I-I...” for some reason my breath hitched in my throat, but it didn't matter, because I pulled Jinxx into a surprised hug.


“I don't know, but it doesn't matter,” I half lied. I didn't really know what I was going to say it was just an impulse; it couldn't be anything else. A smile covered my face as we pulled back and made our way back onto the stage.

“Okay, so you have a banner? Can I see it? Can I have it for a bit?” Andy asks a member of the audience, and, being unable to see who he was talking to, Jinxx and I walked on stage curious as to what was going on. Sharing a quizzical glance, we turned to Andy, who was picking up this cloth from the crowd, with the word

'SAVIOUR' written across it. Trust Andy to find someone with a banner like that to get. We watched as he fumbled about with it for sometime, trying to stuff one corned in his pocket without tripping up, everything... but eventually he tied one corner to his belt loop, and the corner opposite to his wrist, so it hung out like a bat wing. His bright blue eyes beamed with childish joy when he got it to stay, so he started the next song.

“Right, who says we end this kick ass show with Rebel Love Song?!” Andy screamed into the microphone starting a cheer from the crowd. “Alright, Rebel Love Song it is then!” we jammed in the first few chords, opening the song as Andy got ready to sing. Losing ourselves in the song; it is one of my favourites because I love the way it sounds and what what it means, we all began to smile.

“JAKE PITTS!” screams a rather large group of fans, causing me to look up to them as they lifted a banner saying: 'Janxx!' I smile at them, wondering just what 'Janxx' actually was... but then I saw it. Below it, on the banner, was “Jinxx & Jake” I could feel my cheeks heating up; did everyone think Jinxx and I were in a relationship, because it really seems that way. “WE LOVE YOU!” they screamed, and I wasn't sure if it was directed to me, or two the both of us. With burning cheeks, I turn to Jinxx, and he has clearly noticed the sign; I could see him blushing, his glance switching between me and the girls.

We were coming to the last chorus of the song, and, because of my lack of confidence, I turned to see my band mates again, just for comfort. Ashley and Jinxx were singing backing vocals; Jinxx' voice is so clean, so strong, so warm... he has such a beautiful singing voice. His gaze turned to me, and his eyes trained into my own, as he sang, 

“So take your hand in mine it's our tonight, this is a rebel love song” his eyes sparkled a glimmer as a lump formed in my throat. Was he singing that to me? He couldn't have been singing it to anyone else; so...yes. Jinxx was singing that to me. A smile formed on my lips as I carried on playing, hardly focusing on what I was doing. I couldn't, I was too lost in though. Too busy trying to work everything out in my head. 

Love Will Be Our Last Emotion- JanxxWhere stories live. Discover now