We Stand Tall (United)

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Hi guys, so here's the next update; please give your feedback and views on it. But, anyway, bye for now, and I love you, my liltte Batling Army :3

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Jake's P.O.V:

Striding towards the door, ready to hand Danny the part of the letter Ella wanted to go to him, saying about their affair which I found in my suitcase a little under two weeks ago, Jinxx, softly grips my wrists, pulling me into a tight hug before whispering, with his lips brushing my ear,

“Good luck, Jake,” the warmth of his breath on my neck caused a tingling sensation to ripple through me; a smile prickling at my lips, I pulled gently back from Jinxx and carried on, out of the bus, heading straight towards Asking Alexandria's tour bus. The speed in which I was walking caused my hair to float freely behind me as it was dragged along through the air. Knocking only a couple of times, Ben answers, swinging the door open to greet me with a smile, completely unaware of why I came over.

“Hey, Ben, can I see Danny for a second?” I ask, clearly shocking Ben because there is a strong look of surprise on his face, which, to be honest, is fair enough seeing as I hardly ever talk to Danny.

“Err... yeah, come on in, dude, Danny is at the back,” he composes himself, pointing to the back of the bus.

“Thanks” I nod, walking towards the back of their bus, and up to the door that leads into their “back lounge” or office, area. Knocking on the door, I swallowed, drawing up my strength to see Danny.

There was no reply. I knock again, and about a minute there was still no response; I hadn't realised James was stood behind me until he screamed over my head,

“For fuck sake, Danny, stop being such an arsehole and open the fucking door to Jake!” his English accent coming through in his speech. Moments later the door is swung open, and I thank James before walking into the office type room.

“So what is it that you wanted to speak to me for, Jake?” Danny spat, making it pretty evident that he doesn't want to talk to me.

“Oh, I just have something that belongs to you which I think you might like to have,” I spoke up, sounding a lot more confident than I actually was.

“Oh, really? And what might that be?”

“Well, you will see, won't you?” I pull out the part of the letter from my pocket “I don't have the rest of this, I picked this up by accident, but I am sure you will know what this would be about” passing the letter over to him, his eyes glanced over the text before staring back at me.

“Where's the rest of it?” his voice rose up

“I believe Ella has it, but she thinks I do. I know about you two, you know? And if you wanted her so badly to be with her whilst she had someone, well you can have her now, now we've split up.”

“She's finally found out what a waste of space you are then, and how much better it is to have a real man?”

“Look, Danny, I haven't come here to argue with you, I just wanted you to see the letter. ELLA wanted you to see the letter, and whether or not you ask her for the rest of it, it is up to you, but I just wanted to give you my congratulations on your relationship,” I say, spinning around and simply walking out before he could say another word; I was not letting him effect me, and at least now I know that I have completely let go of Ella, and accepted the fact she chose Danny over me.

Smiling quickly, at the rest of the guys then thanking Ben and James once more, I make my way out their bus and back to mine, feeling as though a great weight has been lifted off my shoulders. Finally feeling as though I can breathe freely for the first time on this tour, I arrive at the door of our bus, and a smile begins to work its way onto my face. Opening the door, I was greeted by the guys all sat on the sofa, looking very concerned.

“Jake, are you okay?” Andy asked, worry glinting in his eyes.

“Yeah, I'm fine. I just had to show Danny his letter from Ella,”

“DANNY?! You mean to say she was having an affair with Danny? As in Danny Worsnop, Danny?!” Andy all but screams in surprise; the only person I had told before was Jinxx.

“Yes, Danny Worsnop, Danny was sleeping with Ella and she was planning to end it with me to be with him... why so shocked?” I enquire, raising my eyebrow up, inquisitively.

“I don't know... I just never thought that he would have done that to a mate...” he stammers, lost in thought.

“Right... Well I am going to bed, guys, so if I'm no longer needed, that will be where I am if you suddenly need me,” I shuffle back to my bed, eager to get some sound sleep because I lacked in it last night, thanks to the party we had for Ben's Birthday; it's Jinxx' next week too; that's the one I can't wait for. Jinxx being the awesome person he is, is having his birthday on the last day of tour. Tucking myself into my bunk, I stared at the wall, suddenly feeling a lot more alone than I have done for ages; I just wished that I didn't have to be here, alone, and that someone would be able to comfort me. A few tears started dribbling from my eyes as involuntary gasping is forced through my lungs, as though they were refusing to to expand properly. I let a gasp shake my body and my loneliness began to conceal me, gripping me tightly and holding me in fear and sadness.

Laying in my bed, tears rolling down my cheeks, I hugged my knees against my chest, pulling the in for protection, just like kids down when they are little, a feeling of hopelessness wrapped its icy tendrils around my core as I lay there, motionless, paralysed by my overwhelming emotions. I didn't even know what brought this bout on, I was fine then all of a sudden I can't stop crying, it doesn't make any sense to me. I should be happy; we have Jinxx' birthday to look forward to next week. There was a ruffle from beside me as the curtain to my bunk gets pulled slowly back. A soft hand presses lightly on my cheek, shocking and panicking me until the mystery person spoke,

“Hey, Jake, it will be okay,” he soothed, pushing my hair out of my face, and sitting down in my bunk with me. “Hush now, what's wrong?”

“I-I-I feel so alone, like no one cares about me, like..like...” I burst out in tears, cutting myself off, but luckily Jinxx understood what I meant, because he slowly, surely wiped away each tear, holding my face tenderly in his hands. He held my face until I had finished crying. His hand must have been soaked by my tears because so many have spilled from my eyes. A soft, gentle smile coats his lips,

“How about you going for that little sleep then like you wanted?” he asked, tucking me in, as I smile peacefully to him, now feeling more drained and tired before.

He sat patiently on the edge of my bed, as I tried to drift off, but I just couldn't; even though Jinxx was only at the edge of my bed, the loneliness started to creep up on me again, but I felt so relax with his contact. Seeming happy with my peacefulness, Jinxx goes to stand up

“Don't go...” I whisper, knowing that as soon as he goes I will have nothing to prevent my feeling from crashing in on me again. Instead of the disturbed rejection I presumed I would get, a smile curl up the corners of Jinxx' mouth,

“Okay,” he gently got back onto my bed, and then slid under the covers. With one arm around my waist, he gently stroked my hair with the other. I turned to face the wall; it's the only way I can sleep for some reason, and Jinxx cuddled up with me, bending his legs with mine as we lay, closely, peacefully hugging. Nuzzling his head into the my hair and the back if my neck, I could feel a smile pricking at my lips; his contact gave me so much comfort. Much more comfort that I have ever received from anyone else. Basking in his warmth, I snuggled down, next to him, closing my eyes and finding them more willing to finally rest. He softly grips my hips as he settles down, his breathing slowing into a stable pace, as he drops off into sleep, and it doesn't take me that long to relax, feeling sleep begin to wash over me. Just before I get pulled under I faintly hear Jinxx breathe, “But I love him...” So, Jinxx is gay? I silently remind myself to ask him about that when we wake up, as I drop off, into a peaceful sleep.

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