Chapter 4- Glow

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"Jo, I've got the lanterns! When did you wanna light them?" Zoe came rushing out into the backyard and skidded to a stop next to me. I finished arranging the strings of white lights wrapped around the large tree in the yard and turned to see Zoe precariously balancing a lighter, five huge glass lanterns, two packages of small tea lights candles, and a bag of five large candles. I quickly unloaded her exploding armful of stuff and carefully placed the last lantern down on the grass.

"How did you even manage to...?" I just shook my head in amazement as she waltzed back inside to grab another impossibly large armful of stuff. "Zoe, you need a wagon?" I called out to her as she tucked her chin with steely resolve and looked over all the food dishes and serving things that still needed to be brought out, determined not to make even one more trip than was absolutely necessary. I decided there was no shame in being safe as I grabbed one huge pumpkin and waddled it over to the tree, making four more individual trips to get the rest of the pumpkins safely set up in our makeshift carving corner. I had sprinkled a little hay down and set up some cushions for us to sit on, a couple large bowls of food, and had some light music playing. Zoe finished setting up the table and we speedily placed tea lights in small glass candle holders all over the backyard, decking our bushes out with some extra strings of lights. I set the ice chest down and Zoe dumped ice and water in it, filling it with drinks and setting the cooler with dry ice right next to it. I set up a few twinkly lights next to it and we both stood back to admire our handiwork.

My phone buzzed and I picked it off the table, quickly unlocking it and unconsciously smiling. "Garet just texted me; they're pulling off the freeway and will be home soon! Is everything ready?"

Zoe collapsed at the table with a pleased sigh, chirping, "Yep!" and started arranging the large candles around the bowls of cut fruit and cous cous salad. I nodded and answered my ringing phone, not even checking the caller ID. Jax's sister's voice came breezing over the line and I smiled at it; I've missed that girl.

"So you're all here, Cassandra?" A muffled yes and a distant car door slamming came back in reply. "Okay, great. I'll be right out to let you in."

"No need! The door was open I guess, my parents just went right in. Dad should be joining you in three... two... one and a half... one... he there yet? I'm running out of numbers." I peeked in the house and saw Mr. Logan sniffing the garlic bread that was sitting in the oven keeping warm, so I told Cassandra I'd see her in a second and hung up.

I sat next to Zoe and within milliseconds, she kicked her feet up onto my thighs. Sticking my tongue out at her and pretending to gag at the smell of her feet, I leaned back and looked up at the evening sky- a dusty purple rose color fading into sherbet orange. Burnt yellow still singed the distant horizon, but the quickly deepening sky was getting softer and more melodic as the seconds ticked by. It was a little past 8 o'clock and the burnt yellow of the evening setting sun drained away, giving more power to the glowing lights decorating the little green backyard space whe- it's a bit difficult trying to focus on the romantic setting of the sun when my phone won't shut up! I glanced down at the crazed contraption and laughed aloud as I read the texts flying in, rapid fire.

Garet: Jax said he slept the whole plane ride

Garet: All 17 hours

Garet: I guess he's ready to party all night

Garet: His question for you is... are you? ;)

Garet: I'm dictating my texts as I write them- Jax is blushing so brightly he's going to pop a blood vessel

Garet: I told him as long as that's the only things he pops tonight, he can keep his manhood

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