Chapter 5- Trouble In Paradise

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"Oooh, oh God Jo... Yes. Yes... Yes! Ohhh yes!"

Some incomprehensible moaning came from my other side. I felt blood rush to my cheeks, sheer embarrassment coloring my quiet pleasure. It felt good to see his grey-green eyes rolling back into his head, his mouth falling open slightly in a gentle "o". It felt good to see all their expressions and hear their noises of satisfaction. But I felt like I was interrupting something and discomfort clawed up my spine.

"Soooo good Jo. Oh my... I could kiss you! Marry me? Oh, yummmm!!" Cassandra moaned as she licked her fingers, slipping her tongue out to lap up the sticky, sweet chocolate left from the truffle. Jax opened his eyes again and glared at Cassandra. She smiled warmly at me, winking and got up to peck Jax on the cheek as she skipped over to get more wine. "Don't get all possessive, Mr. Grumpy Pants. You can't be mad if someone swoops in and steals her away because you're too much of a little girl to nut up and ask her yourself!"

"Hey man, I'm not gonna lie. There's some truth to that." Garet said, flicking some dusty ginger wisps of hair from his eye and picking at the wrapping on a new tattoo. We were sitting down in lawn chairs around the fire pit all stuffed and happily chattering away, the moon high in the night sky. "And if you're too bashful to ask because you're nervous she doesn't feel the same, I can assure you she was floating on clouds every time she got off the phone with you, or ended a Skype call with you. 'Mmmm, eeeeeee! Oh Jax! You don't know this, but I'm secretly in love with you! BFF? No need to hide behind extra letters, drop the F and be my BF!' " I leaped at Garet, attempting to cover his mouth. All I really managed to do was climb over him and somehow hug his head awkwardly. He crumpled me up into a little ball on his lap as easily as if I was a rag doll. All my struggling to escape and shush him seemed futile, so eventually I gave up and just focused on covering my flaming face.

"I thought you were on my side." I grumbled at Garet, poking him and sliding off of him. I rose my voice and attempted to seem nonchalant and as if I was slightly frustrated. "Stop pushing, geez. We aren't having some secret, salacious love affair that you don't know about, okay?"

I was grateful for the cool sea breeze that tickled the baby hairs on my forehead, so I pulled my hair up into a bun and let the wind lift the heated embarrassment from my neck. Cassandra and Jax's mother exchanged looks, Jax's father wiggling his eyebrows at me once before regaining his calm composure. I bit my smile back and peeked up at Jax. He read my eyes and opened his mouth, backing me up and confidently breezing, "Exactly what Josette said. Besides, I'm not that diffident. C'mon, you've all seen me in the courtroom. If Josette was my jury and I needed to convince her that she should be mine, she'd be sitting in my arms already."

I sent him silent thanks across the three feet in between us, appreciating the cocky, yet genuine, aura that rang from his voice. His eyes were dark pools in this light, his pupils dilated to the point where all the green was swallowed up by inky blackness. His clear skin was colored by a breath of pink from the cold night air, his lips dark red and glinting in the hazy, sleepy glow from all the small lights in the tree branches. He brought thin, pale fingers up and messed with his lip ring, pulling it into his mouth and nibbling his lip. I ripped my eyes away from his distracting mouth and settled on Nathaniel with a pleased sigh. My brother's eyes flicked in between Jax and I, his mouth pulling up into a creepy little smile. I know the next shiver that ran down the back of my neck wasn't from the wind as Nathaniel slowly rose from his seat.

"Bull." He said simply. He snapped his eyes back to me and stalked towards me, gracefully swooping me up and out of my chair. I cried out and tried to flail from his arms, but within moments, he dumped me onto Jax's lap and sat down to pin me on Jax.

"Get your bony butt off of me! You're cutting off my circulation!" I giggled, trying to slide him onto the ground. Jax reached around me and pushed Nathaniel off of my thighs and down closer to me knees. I felt like I could breathe again, but still wasn't happy with my brother. Especially when he threw, "Yo Jax, now she's on your lap, in your arms. Since I know there's nothing wrong with my sister, you sure it's not just that you're too shy?"

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