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That sound woke you. As you opened your eyes ,to see what the sound was, you where terrified to find where you were. You where trapped. You quickly stood up from fear and shock.You were in a cage, but it was moving! "Where am I? " you whispered to yourself. You kept looking up to see where you where going, but nothing but darkness appeared. So you sat back down and started thinking , thinking long and hard since you quickly discovered you had lost your memory and couldn't even remember your name. You where terrified, you had no idea were you where or who you where. it felt like a stone was on you. You couldn't move, your breathing started getting heavier to the point you couldn't control it anymore!
Then everything just stopped.

The cage was in complete pause. You heard talking on top of the cage , a crack of light appeared. Then it started fading as in someone was getting closer. You started to panic there was no where to hide "what do i do? what do  i do? what do i do?" You kept repeating to your self.
With that you heard a crack and then two doors appeared opening in front you and a ray of bright light hit you.  It blinded you for that moment. Then you hear "It's another girl".

Your vision came back and you saw a boy then more started popping up then more, to the point where you couldn't keep track of them anymore. You where startled and slowly started backing away. One of the boys jump in, he was skinny and had dirty blond hair,and as he got closer you noticed he limped. "H-Hello..?" He seemed to say it as a question, like he didn't know what to say in this situation. "My name is Newt. Now i know your very frightened at this moment but i promise we aren't going to hit you love. W-" "STAY AWAY FROM ME" you yelled out to him, what else could you do?! You had no idea what was happening,who could blame you!?
He slowly came closer to you . " Love, please. I know that your have no idea whats going on , but if you let us explain i promise that we won't do anything."  You started thinking if you should trust him or not , it felt like time had froze so you would have enough time to think. "O-okay" it was more like a whisper but he heard you. He held out his hand and you have him yours.
With a pull from another young man you and newt went up. It felt like you where being reborn or something , everything felt so new to you but somehow you still knew what it was.
"Welcome to the glade" newt from behind you let out. "The glade?" You asked. Before he could answer , you noticed huge walls surrounding the area.
Then Another voice came from your right "hello, I'm Teresa" you turn to see a skinny girl with long black hair and had white snow skin you thought that she was very pretty."hello..., i don't remember my name..sorry" you explained. Teresa smile "it's fine, hopefully you will remember that a bit later. For now I'm happy that I'm not the only girl here anymore." Only girl? You thought to your self. So many questions kept popping into your head with no answers. But you chose to leave them for later since you still didn't really trust these people and didn't really want to let your guard down just yet.

So Teresa was taking you around the glade explaining everything to you and how everyone has bad grammar etc. The point is she wouldn't stop talking. Then you felt your tummy grumble,"hey...um is there something to eat?" You said it in such a low voice !you where trying to make it loud but she couldn't hear you. Your to shy for your own good! So you try one more time " Teresa..is there something to eat?" She finally noticed you! "Yea, I'll take you to the kitchen i suppose " she replied.
When you got there,lots of eyes started starring and i mean lots! You felt uncomfortable,and your face turned red from all the unwanted attention you where receiving. But a noticeable face appears and it calms you down a bit. "N-newt?" You forgot his name for A moment but quickly regained it back. He turns to you , "Oh hey Greenie! Sit down with us i promise we bite" Greenie? What in the world is a Greenie? But you shook the question out of your head.
You sat down beside newt since you didn't know anyone else in there. "We were just talking about you" he explained. "Oh um..who's we?" You asked. Quickly as you said that a hand appears in front of you "I'm Minho , nice to finally meet you uhh..what's your name?" He asked. "M-my name?" You thought hard but nothing came up till it just magically came out of your lips "y/n" Minho just stared at for a while till newt nudged him to help him get out of his trance." Oh, that's a very nice name Greenie" Minho complimented. "What's a Greenie?" Minho seemed like he was going to answer but newt quickly interrupted " It's when a new comer is introduced to the glade,and we give them that little nickname to mess around with them till the next Greenie comes." Newt finished explaining. But you look back in front of you to see see Minho a bit annoyed " well y/n,newt, I'll be going now-" he then was caught off by someone grabbing his hand "Hey Mini" Teresa said it in such a flirty way that you assumed that they where a "thing" but to your surprise Minho didn't seem a bit amused and he jerked his hand away. " aww Mini don't be like that! I was only playing around!" She said it with a giggle in the end. " well I'm not , the glade is not a place for some girl to come up and sweet talk every guy she sees. Hopefully this one won't be such a shuck like you." He pointed at you, causing you to blush since everyone started to stare!He left the kitchen after that, and everyone was silent for a brief moment. "Wow" is all that came out Teresa's mouth. "Well Teresa,i think you should go take a nice shower or something to cool down. I'm going to go show y/n her room" newt had told her. But Teresa looked hurt , you felt bad for her.I mean there was no reason to be that rude about it!she just nodded and left. Newt then turned to you "yea.. Sorry about that , Teresa just crushing on Minho. But as you can tell Minho isn't very love able. Or just playing hard to get? Who knows, we'll come on you have a whole day of work ahead of you tomorrow."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 08, 2015 ⏰

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