CHAPTER 2: The first day

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I woke up early, obviously getting ready for my first day at varsity. I was never one to dress up so I threw on a jean and an oversized jersey with some sneakers. It was pretty cold that day. My hair was tied up as usual. Still stuck in that highschool days of following rules, I thought to myself.

My possessions were all packed. Mom made breakfast but I wasn't hungry. Dad was sleeping as usual. Not that it mattered to me. Im so use to it already. Anyways I got to the kitchen. "Mom, I need to leave." "Are you sure you dont want to eat?" She asked. "Yeah."

The room I was allocated was in good shape, except for it looked so ancient and colourless. Kinda made my mood worst. Mom was sad to let me go but I told her I'd be back the friday. Its not like im goimg to Mars or anything.

Class started at 10 so I had some time to eat. I went down to the cafeteria and got me a chicken salad and some coffee. Now that brightened my mood alittle.

I noticed someone was kind of staring at me. It didn't bother me, I was too hungry to stress about stalkers. I kept on devouring my salad. Then I felt a hand approaching my shoulder.

"I noticed you sitting here alone, I mean sorry I never meant to stare but im new to this place and honestly I'm lost. I was just hoping I could sit with you. I turned around and saw a fairly short girl, red headed and poised. She kind of looked alittle bit afraid too.

"Uh sorry  I forgot to introduce myself. Im Ally, Ally Hanson" said a new tone of voice. "Bianca Clarencefield." I introduced myself. "You may sit. Im sorry that I didn't really notice you looking at me, I was really hungry so my main focus was this chicken salad". She laughed.

It felt really good to have someone with me. A nice girl too. We did the usual and spoke about ourselves and highschool. Her stories similar to mine. She too had fake friends and boy drama and things like such. But she was good in her school work and she had leadership skills. She doesn't have a boyfriend though, I do.

She was studying business law and I, psychology. So we departed before 10 to get to class.
I arrived at the class. It was big. Everyone was there talking as though they knew eah other long before this day. But wait, this class is first and second year students so that makes sense. I sat infront, knowing that I would be distracted if I had sat at the back.

The lecturer introduced himself, "I am Mr Carlos Kastalina, many of "dju" guys may not underst'u'nd what im saying, thats why the board is here. If "dju" cannot see, tough luck." He said in his Spanish accent. I kind of chuckled on my own. Until some random dude came to sit next to me.

"Brad, Brad Beddings." He flirtatiouslly introduced himself. I must admit he was cute. No doubt about that but his one of those arrogant pussies so I'll stay away from befriending him. I ignored his introduction. 

"What are you not going to introduce yourself pretty lady." he asked. "My appearance is my introduction." I replied. He told his friend on the side, "ooh this ones fisty, I like". I though to myself (so typical).

The lesson ended at 12, I learnt about, well the basics I already knew but nonetheless I enjoyed the class. I met two girls, one named Kashana and the other Porscia. They seemed nice, but kinda like party animals. They invited me to this initiation party. I said I'll think about it.

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