Chapter 3 (Centralia High)

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I checked the time. Then checked it again, to be sure that what I was seeing was correct. Seven oh five. My mom was going to kill me.

"Oh! Sorry- Noah- I have to go!" I turned and started walking back down the bridge. Time flies when you're doing nothing. With a cute boy.

The sun was ducking low along the edge, leaving an eerie distaste about the forest.

He called after me, "Wait!"

I slowed down, but kept walking until he matched my pace, "I'm so sorry, but I told my mom I would be back by six thirty."

"Well at least.. let me.. escort you back.. home." He huffed. I almost felt bad for just ditching him, but as I said before, my mom comes first. Always.

I smiled, "Okay."

We walked together in a comfortable silence.

"So I'll see you at school?" We were in front of my house, and I could see the shadow of my mom in the living room. Oh dear.

"Yeah.. Yeah. See ya!" I called, rushing to the door. I looked back once, and he was still standing there. He smiled and waved, and I gave a shy smile as I opened the door.

My mom was sitting on the couch waiting.

"Mom, I'm sorry! We were just at that little park down the road away! You didn't text me or anything. My phone is on!" I started.

"I asked one thing, McKinley Ann, and that was to be back by six thirty. Not six forty five, not seven. Something could have happened to you! I hardly know Noah, I have no idea what that boy is like. Teenage boys-" She leaned against the wall, staring at me.

"Mom, he's NOT like that. I promise."

"I just don't know what to do with you." She shook her head.

"Mom, I never do anything like this. I promise it won't happen again! And Noah is respectful. Meet him." She gave me a look, "We're just friends. I don't even know him. Don't worry."

A moment passed, "Fine. I'll let it go. But just this once."

I stopped talking to give her a hug, "I love you, mom."

"I love you too, Kin."

Before I got to the edge of the stairs I turned, "Mom?"


"Where am I going to school?"


Centralia High School, Home of the Tigers. Roar. A month in Centralia and I already knew everyone high and low, yet walking into school is scary. Especially since it's the first day of senior year. 

I stood by the edge of the door. Do I really want to go in? Maybe I could skip. No, that would just disappoint my mom.

Minutes ticked by as student after student bumped into me. So I'm a wallflower here. Perfect.

Someone tapped me from behind, "Hey."

"Okay, okay, I'll move, I'm sor-" It was Noah. He was wearing a dark blue polo and khaki shorts. Cute, simple. I liked it. 

"Hey McKinley! How long have you been standing out here?"

I shrugged, slightly embarrassed, "An hour or two."

He laughed and opened the door, "Cmon, I'll show you around."

I sighed in relief, trying to stay close to him while he maneuvered between the other students. He grabbed my hand to pull him up to where he stopped. I clumsily followed, and huffed to a stop.

"You know, we're neighbors. I don't know why I didn't ask for a ride." Noah said, leaning against his locker.

I smiled, "Yeah, why didn't you think of that?" 

He shrugged in a "oh well" kind of way and held out his hand, "Where's your schedule? I'll walk you through before the first bell."

I rummaged through my bag and pulled out a crumpled piece of paper, "I have it memorized."

He took it from me, "Well good, we have first and sixth period together."

"Pre-cal and The Commoner? So you're smart and you can write." I said.

"Yeah, pretty much." He smiled, "Let's start this school day."

I stopped, "Yeah. I'm just gonna make a trip to my locker first?"

"Oh! I'll show you!" He grinned, "First I forget to offer a ride, and then I forget to show you the basics. I kind of suck at my job."

 He began walking down the sea of high schoolers, and I followed, smiling.

This school wasn't so bad. Some faces became familiar and it was like I've lived here my whole life, too. I was good with names, and by the end of the day I was walking down the hallway with Noah, a blonde girl named Kaylee, and a freckled boy named Jake. Kaylee and I were talking about joining the dance team. I was only a month late to school, so hopefully they would let me join.

"It would be so much fun if you can. We could get matching outfits. Like neon or something." Kaylee went on, "Or maybe not. But it would be whatever. It would be fun, right?"

I nodded, "It would be the best."

Another attractive boy came out of nowhere and picked Kaylee up in an obvious "she's with me" embrace. She squealed. I watched for an awkward moment, and eventually the boy let go of Kaylee. He had deep brown eyes and brown curly hair. Well hello there.

 "This is Braedon." Kaylee gloated.

He grinned and extended a hand, "Nice to meet you..."

"McKinley." I returned the offer.

 "Oh... Yeah.... Noah's mentioned you a lot this summer." He winked at Noah.

I felt my cheeks blush, and I looked over to see Noah's reaction. He gave Braedon a look that clearly stated, thanks man.

"So, the dance team..." Kaylee continued, this time clutching hands with Braedon. We continued to talk about the dance team. Then the step team. Then how we would never join the cheer team because of hypocrites, stereotypes, and sorority.

 When we reached the bus lines, cars, and chaos, Noah interrupted, "Sorry ladies, but Mckinley and I have a bus to catch." He grabbed my arm gently and pulled me toward the long line of orange buses.

I waved apologetically to Kaylee, "I'll see you tomorrow!"

He didn't let go until we were on the bus. I sat in an empty seat, thinking he would go sit with his friends. No. He cleared his throat and smiled as I scooched over to make room.

"It's a long ride. Besides, you're cute and love to write. I'd like to know more about you."

 I smiled.

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