Chapter 5 (Best First Date)

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"What do you think of this top?" I pulled out a simple baby blue shirt, holding it up for Kaylee to see.

"Hm..." Her face scrunched up in a way that said 'no'.

"You've been saying that for the last twenty shirts," I threw the shirt down on a huge lump of clothes in the middle of my floor, "I'm running out of clothes to wear."

She rolled over on my bed, facing up, "I think you're just trying too hard. You look cute in anything you wear."

"Thanks." I turned back to my closet, flipping through the hangers. The date was in less than an hour, and I had no idea what to wear. Oh, the biggest struggle of being a senior. School, nah. Boys, yeah.

"Ooh, what about this one?" Another simple shirt.

Kaylee tossed the magazine she was reading down, and came over to the closet. She flipped through the tops faster than I had, "I like this."

It was plain, like most of the clothes in my closet, but pretty. Light pink, flowy, nothing too intricate. I grabbed the shirt from her, "Perfect!"

I wasn't entirely sure what we were doing on this date, so I grabbed a pair of Miss Me jeans. If there was one item that I owned that wasn't simple, it was jeans.

I had asked Kaylee a few days earlier if she wanted to come on this date. She almost peed herself with excitement. She was a good friend to the max.

Her boyfriend, Braedon, was meeting up with Noah. Apparently my new best friend's boyfriend has been dating my soon-to-be boyfriend since the seventh grade. 

The doorbell rang. "Shoot!!" I said.

Kaylee got up, "I got this."

"I'll be ready in five!" I hopped around, trying to get my jeans on. I even had to do that attractive jean dance. I heard her answer the door, and turned 'five minutes' into rush time.

"Hey!" I smiled as I reached the last step on the landing. Noah reached out and gave me a side hug. 

"Ready?" He asked. My mom came out of the office.


"Hi! I'm Sarah Ruth. Nice to meet you." She extended her hand, and Noah took it in return.

"Noah Davidson." He smiled. 

Kaylee giggled, "Okay, let's go!"

Braedon and Kaylee were already holding hands.

Twenty minutes later we were parked in front of the town's local bowling alley. Speak of a small town. This is where the party was at, it seemed, because half of Centralia High was here. It was a party all on it's own.

Bowling. Bowling? Bowling! If there's a sport that I can't do, it's bowling. But I shrugged it off and joined the party.

We tied up our clown shoes, grabbed bowling balls (mine being a weak six pounds), and went to our alley.

Braedon typed in our names, and the party truly began.

Kaylee went first, scoring a perfect strike. Then Braedon. Again, a strike. My turn. Great.

"Er..." I said, "Um, can I have the bumpers?"

Noah laughed, "Here, let me help you."

He wrapped his arms around me, placing his hand over mine, telling me how to get a strike. His arms were warm, secure. I loved it.

"Now release." I threw the ball. I closed my eyes. If I was going to fail, I didn't want to watch.

"Whoo!" Noah called out. I peeked. A strike. What?!

"Haha thanks!" I said, looking into his beautiful eyes. He smiled back. 

A few wins later, we were sitting in the alley's foodcourt, chewing on delicious cheese pizza. Plain and simple. Just like life here in Centralia was.

We laughed, and talked, and laughed. It was like hanging out with an old friend: A comfortable surrounding.

"Well, shall we go for a walk?" Noah offered. I checked my phone, no missed texts or calls from mom.

"Sounds great." 

Braedon grabbed Kaylee in a bear hug, "Let's go for a walk!" He sang. I sighed. They were so cute and so lucky. To have each other, I mean. I can't imagine having anything like that. This was just a normal every day date with Noah. Sure, he flirts with me. But I don't know if he's interested in a relationship. Especially after that girl.

Trust is a hard thing to get back. 

We put on our jackets and headed out to the chilly autumn air. Braedon drove in his car. The four of us hopped in and headed to "The Park", where Noah took me the first day I met him.

I love this park, even more, I was beginning to like Noah. The soft little tufts of brown hair that grew in every which way direction, the amazing blue eyes that were so warm, and his laugh. The low monotones of an always laughing guy. I loved it.

We arrived at the park, and we all jumped out, rubbing our arms from the cold. Kaylee gave me a smile, eyed Noah, then me. 

Noah casually slipped his hand into mine, and the four of us began our walk.

I could get used to this.

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