Chapter 12 (First Love)

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Despite the tears falling down my face, I read on. Call me crazy, but every word I read brought me closer and closer to the dad that I never really knew. The dad that, regardless of his decision to apply himself to a clinical trial that we all know would never end right, was with me this whole time.

"Kin, there are things in life that we sometimes can't explain. Stay with me here as I try my best to tell you. It was 1972 when I met the most sane, beautiful woman in the world. As soon as I saw her, with her long brown hair and understanding brown eyes, I knew there was something. Something, is something we can never define. But your mother, Sarah Ann Ruth, is the most special woman in the whole world. I was 21, working in our town's local coffee shop when she walked in with her friends, laughing to an unheard joke and trying to rub her hands to stay warm in the frost of winter. Her eyes caught mine, she smiled, and that was it. Twenty million dates later and one romantic proposal, we finally became one. 

What I'm trying to say, honey, is that I never wanted to lose either of you. My two lovelies in the whole wide world. Your mother and I shared a bond that can never be broken. You understand I'm sure, you've probably had your share of boyfriends that I haven't been able to kick in the butt. If you haven't, you'll find out one day. And one day there will come a time when something like cancer comes along and seperates you from your world. No matter how small the roadblock is, learn. Learn from it. Learn to forgive. 

Please don't hate me, not forever. Because honey, love is a passion. It's the most passionate feeling a human can endure. McKinley Ann Ruth don't you ever go a day without love. Love your mom, love your friends, and love with all your heart. I will always love you."

"Love dad." I whispered.

A knock on my door made me start, but it was only Noah. He took one look at my face, but didn't say anything as he gently made his way to my bed and pulled me into his arms, embracing me in the infamous "Noah and McKinley" embrace.

I wiped away my tears, and quietly listened to his steady heartbeat. Bom, bom. Bom, bom. Bom, bom.

"I love you." He whispered. Suddenly it hit me. This is the first time we've hugged in a while. The time I spent ignoring him, then getting hit by a car, then finding out my dad is dead made Noah seem like a lifetime ago, but a lifetime for years ahead.

I looked up and his pretty blue eyes greeted mine, "I love you, too." 

He smiled and reached into his pocket, pulling something out, "And happy birthday."

I laughed, "I almost forgot it was my birthday! What a strange way to spend the birthday...."

Noah kissed my cheek, "I know." 

Smiling, I took the velvet box he placed in my hand and opened it. The most gorgeous silver heart locket greeted me. On the front was engraved "love". I opened the locket to see a picture of my mom and I.

"I figured you'd need a little reminder for all the love you have when you go off to college." He said. My heart swelled. It was, it was.... the most amazing present I had ever recieved in my life.

"Noah. This means the world to me." I began.

He shrugged, "It's noth-"

I covered his mouth with my hand, "And you should know, that when you have something as special as we do, you never let it go. Noah, I'm sorry I left you when it should have been the easiest thing in the world to forgive you. You are the truest, most passionate person I know. You're smart, you write, you sing in a tone only your grandfather can listen to, and I want you to know that I don't ever want to lose that. And happy belated birthday. ....I'm sorry I didn't get you anything."

He took the locket out of the box and I moved my hair so he could put it on, "I think that speech was enough for a lifetime." 

I leaned back into his body, "No, it's not. That, and a sandwich?"

He laughed, "Sounds good." 

                                                    Sarah Ann Ruth

I don't know how long I've been staring at this photo. A fifteen year old McKinley smiled at me, while a younger and happier version of me laughed. This is the picture that was taken right before I recieved the call from John telling me the trial wasn't going well.

"Hello?" I asked into the phone, while McKinley sat on the couch watching tv.

"Sarah?" His voice asked.

My voice dropped to a whisper as I turned around, as to not let McKinley see my face, "What do you need?" 

"This is it." He had told me.

"Do you want-"

"No, it's best if she doesn't know. She's-"

"She's almost fifteen, John. You've already missed six years of her life."

"I know. But it's better this way. Everything will work out in due time. I promise, honey." 

The hurt and shame in my voice was covered by a wall that I'd built up the past six years, "Right."

"I love you. I love you I love you I love you, Sarah Ann. Please be-"

"I love you so much John." My voice trembled. 

"You'll forgive me one day." He said.

And that was it. No more debate. No more secrets behind McKinley's back. The one thing that hurt the most was that she never once hid something from me. The fact that I spent nine years lying to her about John killed me.

Her laugh wavered me from the trance I was in, and I wiped the tears that had semi-dried on my face. I heard her footsteps enter the kicthen, and I knew Noah was with her. 

It's silly, by how jealous I had grown these past few months. Yet whenever I saw the way Noah looked at her, I knew this wasn't just another High School Sweetheart. He looked at her the same way John looked at me.

And it was the truest of all true passion's in the world. 

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