Chapter 9 (Please?)

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            Breakups. They happen to everyone.

            How the breakee handles it, however, is a whole other story.


"Why can't you give me another chance?" Noah followed me out of the Commoner room, my heel boots clicking on the linoleum hallway.

"Because..." I kept walking, "You lied to me. You told me we could leave the party if I was too uncomfortable- but wait, you couldn't know if I was or not because you left me and then got drunk." 

I felt awful for ignoring him all through graduation ceremony. My mom had occasionally glanced at him, wondering why he was keeping his distance. She didn't know that I hadn't forgiven him. What made it worse was that I planned on getting pictures with him on graduation to put in my "Barbie" scrapbook. No pictures. No forgiveness. No way would I admit that I missed him. Because I did. I missed him, I missed us, I missed the genuine love we shared. And this whole "grudge" thing against him: Another total lie. I'm just too stubborn to admit it.

It was obvious that Noah saw through it too. He gently took my arm and guided me to an empty area in the hallway.

"Look, McKinley Ann Ruth. I know you. You aren't one to hold a grudge. So please, please I'm begging you. Our life is the Kin and No show. I hate being without you. Can I live without you? Yeah, I've been getting by these passed few weeks. But now it's almost summer. The last summer before college. And I want to plan a life with-" 

I interrupted him, "Noah... please. I have to go." My thoughts were scrambled. Has he thought this much through our relationship as I had? We always talked about college. And having a same apartment building and going out on the cheapest of dates because we'd be living on month to month pay checks.

"Wait- What?" The hurt in his voice sent my heart throbbing. His blue eyes showed worry, concern. I tried to push past him to just run away like the drama queen I am. He tried to keep up, walking, or rather stumbling, through the crowd of students.

I turned, "Noah!"

But before I could yell at him for the whole I've-told-you-a-million-times talk that I made up, he kissed me.

And in so many other words, I kissed back.

It just felt right.

True, honest. 

 Only when a kid bumped into me did I stop.

"What.. What are you doing?!" I cried out to Noah. He paused, but before he could reply I walked away, rather disheveled, but confused nonetheless. I knew that all I wanted to do was turn around and jump back into his warm embrace.

 I ran to the bathroom, afraid that if I went anywhere else Noah would follow. Luckily for me, it was the end of the day. And the last day of school.

 I pulled out my phone and dialed-

"Mom?" My hands shook as I held the phone.

"What is it honey?" Her voice sounded tired over the phone. I'd forgotton she'd worked all night.

"Are you okay? Are you tired? If not... Could you pick me up? I had to stay after school to finish some writing stuff." I lied.

"Slow down, Kin, you're talking so fast. Maybe you should try decaf."

"Not funny, mom." 

  "Why do you need a ride? Did something happen?"

"Yeah. Noah... he kissed me."

She sighed, "McKinley Ann Ruth, what is going to open your eyes up and realize that you're in love with him?"


"He is trying. He is trying, Kin. One thing your father didn't. So he drank once. He hasn't touched a beer since. But he loves you, and you love him just as much."

I sighed, tears burning my eyes. Because she's right.

"You're not a child anymore. Next year, you'll be waking up in a dorm, surrounded by other reckless in love teens."

"Yeah. I know." I laughed, almost giddy at the thought of it. But then my blood ran cold. "Love you mom." I said hurriedly to her, hanging up the phone and running into the hallway. The hallway was empty. The courtyard was nearly empty. The buses were gone. No Noah in sight.

I sighed heavily and began my extremely long walk towards home, clutching my bag to my side. A million thoughts racing through my mind of the biggest mistake it would be to let someone like Noah go.


I sat in my car, the taste of McKinley's lips still on mine. I knew she was still angry, her face puckered up and her eyes began to tear whenever we made eye contact in the hallway. Or worse, in the Commoner, when we're both stuck in the same room. I made every effort to go talk to her, but after awhile I knew that she needed her time. But weeks had passed, and today I couldn't take it.

I'm not sure where we stand now. I probably blew it, big time. But her eighteenth birthday is sooner than it appears, and I'm not giving up without a fight. Not fight, fight. But I would do anything for her. And I overheard her talking to Kaylee about a party. If I didn't man up before, now was my chance. Man, the thing's we do for love.

I opened the door of my car and walked into Kay jewelers, smiling at the blonde woman behind the counter.

"Hello! How are you today?" She asked pleasantly.

I scanned the fancy looking shelves, not knowing what in the world a girl would love.

"I'm great."

And that's when I decided to burn the biggest hole in my pocket. Ever.

But it didn't matter. Her kiss is what mattered. She loved me still, I knew it. If that kid hadn't bumped into us, I would be holding her hand right now, asking what she liked in this jewelry store instead of the blonde woman.

The look in McKinley's eyes the moment our lips parted was what told me to hold on. It was a look that was young, vulnerable, and reflecting every feeling I was feeling towards her, only towards me.

"What are you looking for?" The lady interrupted my train of thought.

I considered, "Well, it's for my girlfriend's eighteenth birthday. What do you suggest?" 

She smiled, "A necklace. Ring says marriage and bracelet says kinky. Everyone knows that. I'm Jenna by the way." She went on and on as she walked out from behind the counter and led me to a counter that held shiny... girl stuff.

"So... this girl," Jenna said, "What is she like?"

"She's," I began. "The most beautiful girl that I've ever laid eyes on. She's smart, creative. No one will ever compare."

Jenna smiled, "She sounds like a keeper. Here, she sounds like this."

She handed me a necklace that had a thin outline of a heart, with small diamonds around it. 


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