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I gave up on him.

As hard as it is to admit, it wouldn't be the truth if it wasn't hard to face.

The first few months after we stopped talking, I hated him. Or at least I tried to. I only blamed him, completely ignoring my part in how things ended. Because technically, his last words were what broke me. And I never intentionally hurt him for any reason.

What I didn't take into account was that those last words were actually just the last nail in the already made coffin.

A coffin that we both created.

Our coffin.

It didn't hit me until later on, that I gave up first. The guilt of being emotionally involved with him, behind his girlfriends back was eating me alive.

I mean what genuinely good person, wants to be the other woman?

I used to try and justify myself by thinking about how we weren't doing anything sexual. Aside from the kissing and hugging everything it was all emotional. But I knew deep down it was still wrong. So I tried to leave him, multiple times. He'd beg me to stay and I guess he got tired of begging.

And I got tired of waiting.


"Así que tú eres la nena que trae loco a El Diablo," the masked man said thoughtfully, the gun in his hand unwavering.

(So you're the girl who The Devil's crazy about)

"No se de que me estás hablando, pero si yo soy la que trae loco a este tal, Diablo," I pronounced the nickname, quite cockily for someone with a gun to their head,"No crees que es una estupidez de tu parte, intentar matarme?"

(I don't know what you're talking about, but if I am the girl this, Devil, is crazy about. Then don't you think it's really stupid on your part, to try to kill me?)

"No pienso matarte," he replied with a low chuckle,"voy a secuestrarte, para que conozcas a mi patrón."

(I'm not thinking of killing you. I'm going to kidnap you, so you can meet my boss).

What is it with psycho killers feeling the need to explain their plans to the victims? He literally gave me time to think over this situation. Calculating the amount of time it would take me to reach my arms up and move the gun, his reaction time, the amount of strength and speed...

I have at least a 10% chance of knocking the gun out of this guys hand, without getting shot in the process.

So basically I'm screwed.

Before I could make the stupid move and potentially get myself killed, another gun appeared. This time behind the masked mans head. The fact that this new gun could save me didn't register in my brain at that moment. Although it did register in the masked mans brain as his grip on his own gun faltered.

So without hesitation I did make the stupid move and I managed to get the gun out of the guys hand.

Thank the gods the other guy arrived and created a distraction. I basically owe my life to this stranger now. Although I think I could've pulled it off without his help. Now that the gun was in my hands I didn't really know what to do with it. But i knew I had to think fast, before the masked man attempts to attack me. Again the gun pressed to the back of his head didn't register in my brain, when I whacked him with his own gun, effectively knocking him out.

The Girl He Left BehindWhere stories live. Discover now