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She needed someone to teach her to take risks and have fun with this damned existence.

He needed someone to take him down the right path.

In the end, they needed each other.


"Okay enough," I finally interrupted the feuding men, placing a hand on Canes chest and keeping the other on Abel's, "you're not going to beat up your best friend because of me. I want nothing to do with either of your lives anyway."

Cane looked at me, a hurt look flashing across his pretty features. I looked away and turned to face Abel, "I'll be out of your house by the end of the week."

"Try it," he stated harshly, "and I'll show you why they call me the devil," he whispered the last words into my ear and I ignored the shiver that coursed through me at his close proximity.

I removed my hand from his chest as if I had been scathed and rushed out of the pizza place. I didn't know where I was heading, I just needed to clear my head. Being back here hasn't been easy. I was foolish to think I could come back and face him. It's easier to fool yourself into thinking the pain is gone when the cause of the pain isn't near.

After a while of walking around I found the familiar park, with the food stands and the ice cream shop across the street. It looked as if time had changed nothing here. And as I laid down in the grass staring up at the now dark sky, my mind drifted off to the memory of our plans.

He had told me one day we'd lay in the grass together and talk for hours, counting the stars. Such a romantic plan for a simple minded girl. Yet just another insignificant lie for a manipulative boy. One of many plans that never came to be.

He'd also said that he'd take me away for a day. To the movies and to wherever I wanted to go. When I last came here even though I knew things were pretty much done, I had the smallest hope that we'd still do those things he'd promised. But words were all they were to him. He's probably forgotten all of our plans by now.

Just like how over time he forgot the reason we came to be. He made me feel protected, cared for and adored. I made him feel more human, like less of the bad guy he saw himself as and loved. The way he saw himself had always made me feel horrible for him. He saw himself as a worthless bad guy. I tried to teach him to love himself the way I loved him.

I wanted him to realize that there is beauty in even the worst of things.

I saw good in him.

And he said that eventually he'd inevitably hurt me.

What a naïve girl I was for trying to prove him wrong.


"Oh who might you be?" The mysterious man lounging on Abel's couch questioned me as I walked inside.

Hopefully he's not one of Abel's 'business' partners.

"I'm no one important, don't pay me any attention."

"Hm," he murmured before standing up and getting in my face, I stumbled back slightly in shock, "your face looks familiar."

Familiar? I don't know this guy.

Frankly he looks like he could be a male model. I'm not a puzzle for him to solve anyway, I'm just here to sleep so I can wake up and get through another day of this hell.

The Girl He Left BehindWhere stories live. Discover now