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"Bye Zoe! Bye Alfie! Say hello to Nala for me please!", I give both of them one last embrace as they head into the tunnel for the plane. I wave a long wave, Joe puts his hand on my shoulder as he also waves them both off goodbye to Brighton.

"Well, what you want to do my love?", he grabs my waist and whispers into my neck. I chuckle turn around to face him, nose to nose and arms hanging over his shoulders. "I don't know. My place? I got new furniture we can put those up." I get on my tip toes so I can see his eyes more clear. "Sounds enticing!", he whispers once more. He takes my hand into his and we carry both each other's hands to the car.

On the way to my house he pulls his iconic move, putting his hand on my knee giving me goosebumps. He then takes my hand and traces something on my palm, "What are you doing?" He doesn't answer he smiles and returns his hand to the wheel. One of our phone's ringtone went off and sprung out a new text from Caspar, "Can you read that for me?" I can't help but smile because just the fact that Joe trusts me enough to have me read his texts made me feel all giddy inside.

When do you think you'll be done "having fun" with Ella?

I read aloud to Joe, his cheeks began to be colored red as he pulls into parking lot for my apartment. "You weren't planning this, were you?", I asked him with a concerned face. "No! Caspar you know him, he always teases me.", he argues with me and I just laugh it off as I get out of the car. We travel up the stairs to get my door with paint already peeling off the front, I sigh as I put my keys in and unleash the dog so she jumps and barks at Joe. He laughs and when she jumps once more he catches her paws and pretends to tango, before she gets agitated and decides to flee into my bedroom again.

The soon to be furniture in the brown boxes are resting on the white walls, Joe immediately spots them and starts to investigate the boxes while I start preparing two cups of water. "Hmm, you have a desk, a dining table, one wait no two bookshelves, and a nightstand.", he is mumbling to me and as I hand him his water I reply to him, "yep, I've been busy." He takes a sip and begins to destroy the boxes to reveal bubble wrap holding the unassembled furniture pieces in place. He takes out the instruction booklet and starts reading it, "Are you going to help me?", he asks not having his eyes stray away from the writing. "Uh, no thanks, I rather watch you.", I smile into my glass of water and scoot onto a stool at the bar separating the kitchen and living room. "Hmm, okay.", he takes off his jacket while saying this and puts it on the floor. I groan as I pick up the jacket and lay it on my couch.

I perch myself back up on the stool as I watch Joe fumble through the pages and pieces in the first cardboard box. I grow bored and sink down to the floor to be behind Joe and wrap my arms underneath his arms. I hum into the back of his neck, a faint quiet little hum that Joe still picks up. "What are you doing?", he whispered into the air. "My contribution", I whispered back inching closer to his ear. My hum has now transferred to his mouth and he makes a quiet noise every time my lips brush up against his neck. My lips grow into a smile and I look over his shoulder to find him not even working on the furniture, "Hey! Get back to work!"He jumped when I startled him making me laugh while also getting a good whiff of his scent. Not in a creepy way just in a way how you would smell someone you are attracted to, which I think he could hear me take in his smell and laughs back at me too. A tiny, nearly silent sound comes from my laptop on the counter, I leave Joe on the floor and walk to my laptop and sit myself down where I was before. I open the laptop to see that an email has appeared in my inbox.

"Dear Ms. Collins,

           We have recognized your appearance on YouTube has grown tremendously in the past years, first of all we would like to congratulate you on such a success! Second of all, we would like to ask you to join a project here at YouTube headquarters about gathering a small group of YouTubers from around the world. Such as the U.S, Japan, Australia, United Kingdom, and many other countries, and of course we would like for you to be one of the YouTubers that represents England. To be part of this project we invite you to stay with us November 28 through December 7.

YouTube Headquarters"

My energy went up by thousands, I was overwhelmed by excitement and enthusiasm. I started to squeal with a toothy smile on my face and about to fall off the stool making a clashing sound when legs hit the floor again. Joe turns around with a worried face all he could see was me basically dancing on the chair, "What happened?", he asked still with the stuck worried face. I sit on the floor crossed legged staring straight at him, "YouTube just asked me to go to The U.S and work with them for a project!" "Ella! That's amazing! When?", Joe interrogated me. "Uh, I believe November 28 through December 7.", I answered him back still with a goofy smile, but also noticing that Joe's smile from beginning has turned into a frown. "So nine days?" "Yep!", still with some pep but with a touch of concern. "I won't be gone that long a week and two days!" "Yeah, but still.", he says with disappointment seeping through his words making it's way to my head and thinking, "Maybe i shouldn't go." "No, Ella please you have to go! I'll miss you but in 9 days I'll see you again! Sorry, I'm just overreacting and letting my feelings get to me.", Joe pleaded and I just responded, "How about I think about it.", I say with a forced smile, he seems to also force a smile because we both know that arguing about it isn't going to help anyone's case.

The rest of night I ended up helping him with the furniture we didn't finish a bookshelf and a nightstand but we found ourselves on the floor not talking to each other. "Well, I should probably go.", Joe suggested, "Yeah, probably." He grabbed his jacket and kissed me on the cheek and left me on the floor. A sigh escaped my mouth when he closed the door, Ash came to me and rested her head on my lap. I cleaned up the instruction books and all the extra screws, we didn't even put the furniture in the correct rooms. I dressed in my pajamas and sat in my bed with my phone in hand contemplating whether or not to text Joe before I go to bed. I start to construct a text to apologize for tonight, but quickly erase it and set my phone on the floor because I do not have a nightstand to rest it on.

Thank you everyone for reading my story!! I love writing and when I see positive comments it just encourages me to write more chapters.

And just to tell you I have already planned everything that is going to happen in the story till chapter 20. Obviously I'll write more than 20 chapters but I have planned everything that is going to happen till there! So keep reading, and stay amazing!! xx

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