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Louis ended up standing on a bridge that led out of the town, between it and the forest across the way. He couldn't go anywhere else without having someone there to judge him. He needed time to himself to get his act together. God... How could he have been so stupid enough to mess up to a point where he actually set Eleanor's mother in fire. As funny as that was, it was also the scariest time ever. Having that kind of power judge you for how much you were nervous and how much you messed up.

Louis wanted to die.

Louis held a small flower in his hand, lifting it up to gently eye it, leaning forward to rest against his elbows on the stone railing of the bridge. He sighed.

"Oh Eleanor.." He whispered. "She must think I'm such a fool. This day couldn't get any worse." He gently let the flower go and had it drop and disappear in the fog that had built up over what used to he a very beautiful stream of water.

"Here ye! Here ye! Rehearsal is ruined because that Tomlinson boy causes chaos! Again! Horrible disaster ruins rehearsal wedding!"

Louis looked over and saw a man waving around a bell and shouting those words and okay... His day just got even worse. He groaned and pushed himself off of the wall of the bridge and decided to walk away from the town and to the other side of the bridge. Maybe some time spent outdoors in the beauty of the forest would make him feel better. Well... At least it was a good thing to try and calm him with.

"It really shouldn't be that difficult.." Louis found himself mumbling to himself after a couple minutes of just walking. "Its just a few simple vows.." He added before stopping. He lifted his right hand up and looked down at it.

"With this hand.. I will take your wine." He spoke before closing his eyes and shaking his head with a sigh. "No.." He kept walking.

"With this hand, I will cup your-" he started and moved to have his hands move to his chest. Though he realized what he was gesturing to and he moved his hands away immediately. "Oh.. Goodness, no." He breathed out. Then he was walking again.

"With this... With this... With this candle, I will..." And he trailed off, forgetting absolutely everything and frowning to himself. He paused for a moment and shook his head again. He just can't get it.

"I will..." He started again before slumping his shoulders and sighing. "Set your mother on fire.." He mumbled before putting a hand to his forehead and getting seated on one of the stumps nearby. What was so difficult about this? He just... He didn't understand.

"Oh... Its no use." Louis sighed softly before he was reaching into his suit pocket and gently pulling out the ring. He looked down at it and just sadly looked at it for a moment. Until he decided to brush off any nerves. He had to get this. He had to. Suddenly, he moved to stand up and clutched the ring in his fist.

"With this hand.." Then he moved to lift up and show the ring as if actually in a reception to get married. "I will lift your sorrows.. Your cup will never empty! For I, will be your wine." And then he was smiling a bit, flicking the ring in the air before catching it in his hand again.

Louis chuckled and turned to walk to a tree. "Ah, Mrs. Calder. You look ravishing this evening." He spoke with a smirk and grabbed a branch as if it was a hand before turning to look the other way, stepping aside and going to another stump. "What's that Mr. Calder? Call you dad? If you insist, sir."

By then, Louis was just over playing everything. It was the perfect situation to happen if he were to be able to actually do this with real people for the ceremony. He had to get this right and he was doing a great job now that he had all of his nerves settled down and somewhat vanish. This was probably the best idea for him and he was really glad that he was able to go out to clear his mind.

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