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"Its almost dawn! Where could he be?" Johannah spoke from the carriage, using her binoculars to look out of the windows to see if she could spot him.

"Louis Tomlinson elopes with corpse! Heart broken bride to wed wealthy newcomer!" Came a voice of a news broadcaster from outside.

Jay looked back at her husband and frowned. "Wealthy newcomer? Can not be!"

"Did he say corpse?" Dan spoke, confused.

"Oh, dont be ridiculous. Not a corpse would marry our Louis." Jay stated sternly.


Louis walked around, following where Scraps was guiding him. To which the dog stopped walking and turned to look at Louis and spit out a rather familiar looking bouquet of roses. Louis looked down at it and gave out a soft sigh, leaning down and picking it up from the floor and continuing to walk inside of the bar he went to when he was first brought down there. There was a soft tone of music playing and when Louis got closer he saw the back of Harry by a piano, the source of the melody. It was simple and only done with one of his hands yet it was still gorgeous. He slowly walked behind him and held the bouquet up to look at before he looked back at him and went to stand beside him.

"Hi.." Louis said softly. Harry didnt acknowledge him and continued tapping at the keys. "I believe these belong to you." When he didnt look at him even then, Louis sighed and moved to set the flowers down onto the top of the piano and turned to sit on the bench besides Harry, his back to the keyboard. "I'm sorry.. I'm sorry I lied to you about wanting to see my parents. Its just... This whole day hasn't gone quite... Well... According to plan."

Harry still hasnt responded. So, Louis moved to turn around so he could face the keys and lifted a hand up to start playing a couple keys. That made Harry stop what he was doing and Louis had looked over to him. Harry continued ignoring him, though, and Louis stopped playing his tune. To which, Harry started to play again. It was like a game, then, Louis played the same melody just with the higher keys and Harry did the same on his. Evenually Louis started to play a more elaborate tune with both hands as if trying to be impressive. Eventually Harry gave in and started to play alongside him with a small smile. But his hand decided to come apart from his arm and started to play a bit more and Harry lost his smile.

"Sorry... My enthusiasm.." Harry said softly.

Louis merely smiled softly and grabbed his hand before moving to use his other hand to grab Harry's arm and went to reattaching his hand. "I like your enthusiasm."

That made Harry give a soft smile to Louis.

The moment was ruined, though, as a loud bell rang out. That's when everyone started to flood into the bar and gather around the tables and the bar itself. Someone new, it seemed. And when Louis got sight of the back of the man, he gasped. He knew him. It was the man who drove the carriages.

"Oh! Mayhiew! Its so nice to see you!" Louis exclaimed and stood up, moving to go towards him before the man turned and he saw the pale blue colour of his face. Which made Louis gasp. He was dead. "I'm so sorry.."

"Oh.. Yeah, well, actually I feel great." He said softly, taking in a deep breath and letting it out.

"I have to get back... How is everyone?" Louis asked softly.

"Well... They're still wondering where you've gone to." The man said. "Oh.. And miss Eleanor.."

"Yes.. Yes, how is she?" Louis asked, almost eagerly.

"Well, she's getting married this evening." He finished.

Louis' eyes widened. "What? To who?" He asked franticly. This couldnt be true. How could this be true? They were supposed to be married. Not Eleanor and someone else.

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