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The two stood in silence for a moment, the both of them just taking in what had happened. Where they were. Louis' was more of a relief while Harry's was more of a passionate remembrance.

"I spent so long in the darkness... I had almost forgotten just how beautiful the moonlight is." Harry spoke up softly, eyes looking up at the moon that shined down into them. It was still dark but the light alone left a glow around them and had this beauty to it that you couldn't get with anything else in the world.

Then Harry's attention was averted to the side when he saw a butterfly start to flutter around and went in the direction of the moon. It made Harry give a small sigh of pure delight before he just stepped forward and started to twirl around the empty space infront of them, laughing out. He seemed so at peace, so lively. This boy was taken from life at such a young age and in such a terrible way. He was just young and dumb and in love and that was what cost his life. Taken by someone that was full of greed and full of selfishness. It made Louis feel a slight tug in his chest. Sorrow? Pity? He wasn't sure. But there was definitely something pulling in his chest when he watched him move around ever so gracefully. It eventually grew to be too much to the point where he had to glance away, a hand coming up to his mouth to cover it as if it would also block away that nagging feeling.

Harry hummed softly before his foot caught a root of a tree poking from the ground and he fell down to the floor with a soft 'umph'. He shook his head a bit and pushed himself up.

"Psh.. Think you dropped something." He heard in his head and glanced back to see the bone of his leg up until his knee still attached to the root where it snapped off of his body entirely.

"Oh." He quickly scrambled up and pushed himself up with his arms holding his leg, snapping it back in place under his pantleg. He glanced up in time to see Louis turning back to him and covered up his mishap with a small grin, hands folding infront of himself before he turned around and just continued his frollocking and twirling.

He went up to Louis, twirling around him with soft laughs before he felt Louis grip his shoulders and lower his down to sit on an old stump where a tree used to settle. Yet another thing that died in this forest, how sad. The poor tree.

"Now hold on." Louis said as he sat Harry down to get him to just stop moving for a second. "I think... I should prepare mother and father first for the big news."

Harry merely stared up at him with a soft smile.

"I'll go, and you...wait here." Louis continued, holding both hands up to signal the words he was already speaking.

Harry sighed out happily, shoulder moving up and down with glee. "Perfect!"

Louis slowly walked around Harry, facing him the entire way. "I won't be long. Stay right here. I'll be right back."

"Okay." Harry glanced back up at the moon. It was just so beautiful. Hes forgotten how big and bright it was. Then again, he tried not to remember that. It was one of the last things he saw last time he was up here with a beating heart.

"No peeking." Louis spoke up.

Harry glanced his eyes to the side to steal a glance at Louis who he had thought left by now. He brought a hand up to his mouth to contain a laugh before he turned back around and once again glanced at everything.

Louis stepped away quickly, glancing back every now and again just you make sure that Harry would stay exactly where he had left him. A dead corpse was back from the dead. And he brought him back. No one back home could ever know about this. Then he himself would be dead alongside him. With a shake of his head, he raced back to where the lights of town shown brightly against the contrast of the moonlight that he could see from the trees of the forest. God, what has he done?

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