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Back up in the real world, Eleanor stands inside of her house by the mirror in the front of her house, watching and waiting for Louis to make an appearance back. She couldn't help but feel extremely terrible for how things went at the rehearsal and even though it wasnt her fault at all and Louis was merely nervous and everyone was putting so much pressure on him, she couldn't help but feel the need to apologise.

"Eleanor! Come away from the window!" Her mother called out to her from the sofa positioned in the room in front of the fireplace. Her and Clive were sitting down, cups of tea in their hands while Jay and Dan were sitting on two chairs opposite of them with tea in their hands as well. Eleanor sighed softly, stepping away from the window like she was asked and went towards the sofa where her parents sat.

Jay spoke up. "Oh, I'm sure he'll be back shortly. He's terrified of the dark." She spoke, feeling only a bit nervous herself around these people. "In fact, when he was a boy, he used to wet his trousers at night, didn't he Dan?" She spoke, elbowing him. Which made him jump and almost drop his tea. But then there was a knocking at the door that made everyone turn their heads.

"Enter." Clive spoke loudly without really a moments worth of hesitation. Then the doors opened and Max stepped inside, holding his hands behind his back, his head held high in a cocky sort of manner.

"Ah.. Lord Hurd." Patricia spoke up, lifting a hand and waving it around in a proper manner. "I trust the rum is to your liking."

"Ah, thank you. You are a most gracious hostess." Man spoke slowly and stepped inside a bit more before he stopped in front of Clive and Patricia and Eleanor. "Which is why it kills me to be a bearer of such... bad news." He ended up whispering this part. It sounded awefully sinister but the three didn't seem to catch that part. Only curious about the news. Max lifted a hand and snapped his fingers, the man that was announcing the terrible rehearsal Louis had seen beforehand walking into the room, bell in hand. "Would you care to repeat tonight's headline for us?" Max spoke towards him, looking towards the man.

"Here ye! Here ye! Tomlinson boy caught with another mystery partner tonight after rehearsal wedding goes aweful with the Calder girl by the bridge! They were seen whisking away into the dark!" The man shouted, ringing his bell as if they were outside, which made everyone cover their ears a bit. Then his voice got normal. "And now the weather. Its going to get a bit chilled—"

"Enough!" Max shouted towards him. "That will be all." He added, motioning with his hand for the man to step out of the room and leave them. Which he did, walking out briskly and shutting the doors as he left.

"Mystery partner?" Jay spoke up first, in complete and utter shock. "He doesn't even know anyone outside of family!"

"Or so you thought." Max spoke, stepping over to the doors and opening them again. Then he turned back around to face the two set of family's, a smug look on his face and a mysterious glint in his eyes. "Do call if you need my assistance. In any way." He added, grabbed the doors and slamming them closed as he left the room.

Eleanor reached a hand up, covering her mouth delicately in shock. Patricia looked towards her husband. "Good heavens, Clive, what shall we do?" She spoke in distress and stood up.

"Fetch my muscat!"

"Oh, Dan!" Jay spoke. "Do something!"

Dan stood up and walked towards Clive as he was being handed his weapon. "The town probably has just had a slow news day! You know how it is. You need a little something to cry about." He spoke, taking the muscat from Clive and holding it in one hand. Then he walked back towards Jay.

"We are one groom short for the wedding!" Clive spoke and stood up from his chair, stepping over to Jay and Dan. "Not to mention the financial implications.." He spoke much softer this time, worried more about that than anything.

Patricia set her tea cup on the tea cart and faced Clive. "The most scandalous embarrassment for us all!"

Jay quickly stood up and went towards the door, Dan not far behind her at all. "Oh, give us a chance to find him. We beg of you." She pleaded towards Patricia. "Just give us until dawn!"

"Very well." Patricia stated, making sure her back was faced towards Jay and Dan, waving a hand in dismissal towards them. "Until dawn."

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