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"Its true, mother! Louis is married to a dead woman!" Eleanor exclaimed as she paced around infront of her mother and father. "I saw her! A corpse! Standing right here with Louis!" She pointed to a spot in her room by the glass doors.

"Louis was in your room?" Patricia demanded.

"You don't understand!" Eleanor exclaimed.

"The scandal!" Patricia shouted, one foot stomping on the ground. "Maid! Fetch her a straight jacket, she's gone mad!" She shouted before moving to walk out of the room with Clive. She took a key from her the top of her dress and then slammed the door shut, locking it from the outside to keep Eleanor locked in.

Of course that didnt work too well as she started to walk over to the glass doors of the balcony and pushed one open. It was raining outside but she didnt care as she was walking out to the railing and peering over. She needed to get out of there and she knew just what to do. Rushing back inside, she grabbed the sheets from her bed and tied them together, making sure to use everthing she could to make a long enough rope. Then she went back outside and tossed one end off of the balcony and tied the other end to the railing. When she knew it was secure, she started to climb down it carefully with the way that rain made it a bit difficult. Yet, she was able to get down safely enough and got to her feet on the ground. She went all the way across the town before she headed straight up the steps of the church, knocking on the heavy doors.

The door opened after a couple more knocks and it was the priest in what seemed to be a nightgown. "Miss Calder. What are you doing here? You should be at home! Frustrated with grief!"

"Father, i have to ask you something." Eleanor said softly, shakily from the cold weather.

"This is most irregular." He said with a frown and backed up, going to shut the door.

"Oh, please! I beg of you!" Eleanor said and moved forward to push through the doors, making the priest back away slightly and stare down at her. "You're the only one here that knows of what's beyond the grave!"

"Grim topic for a bride to be." The priest stated slowly.

"It is a groom that I fear. Which is why I must know... Can the living marry the dead?" Eleanor spoke up desperately. Which caught the priest of guard as he straightened a bit and his eyes widened.

"What on earth are you speaking about?"

"Please. Its Louis." Eleanor said, moving to clasp her hands together infront of herself. "Hes married to a corpse. He has a corpse husband! There must be some way to undo what's been done!"

The priest narrowed his eyes down at her, giving out a low hum in thought. "I believe I know the thing to do.. Come with me."


"Eleanor!" Patricia spoke as she opened the door to reveal her daughter at the hands of the priest. "Where are your corsets!"

"She's speaking in tongue!" The priest told the lady. "Of unholy alliances! Her mind has come undone, I fear."

"Its not true! Let me go!" Eleanor shrieked and struggled against his grip. The priest only shoved her forward where she stumbled inside and her mother gripped her arm.

"Thank you, father... Thank you so very much." Patricia said softly before she slowly shut the door. "Take her to her room!" She shouted after.

"No! I'm telling the truth!" Eleanor said as the butler grabbed hold of her. "Mother, father, please!"

"Seal the doors and windows! See to it that she doesn't escape again!" Patricia demanded, stalking forward while Eleanor was being dragged back to the staircase to get locked back in her room, shouting to let her go the whole way. "Will the mortification ever cease? It'll be years before we show ourselves in public again! What shall we do?"

Clive lifted a finger up. "We shall continue as planned! With out without Will."



"For that boy to toss aside a young woman like Eleanor... Its positively criminal." A voice spoke from behind them and when they turned they saw it to be Max. "Why... If I had a woman like your daughter, I would lavish her with riches befitting royalty!"

"Your lady wife is a most fortunate woman." Patricia spoke.

"Alas... I have not married." Max said. "I was betrothed some years ago... But tragedy snatched my beloved away. Wealth counts for not."

Patricia and Clive glanced at one another and raised their eyebrows. Fitting.

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