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Louis ran straight to the Calders house, not knowing where else to go. Hes been gone a while, he's sure, so he hoped that the Calders will be there for him to at least explain himself. He stopped to catch his breath a bit outside the doors, gasping for air a couple seconds before he reached a hand up to knock on the door. However, before he could knock, he heard voices talking through the door. Out of sheer curiosity, he couldn't help but to stop from knocking and leaned closer to the door to hear.

"Whenever I see that Tomlinson boy, I will strangle him with my bare hands!" It was Clive. Louis gave a soft gasp, standing straighter.

"Your hands are too fat. His neck is too thin." That was Patricia. "You'll have to use rope."

Louis' eyes widened, moving to slowly start backing away from the door. They sounded serious and they've always scared him since they first saw eachother so he knew there was no doubt in his mind that they would follow through with such acts. As to not make a sound to alert he was there, he took tentative steps back until he got further down the stairs leading to the house where he rushed away from view of the front of the house.


"This is the voice of your conscience."

Harry moved to lift his chin from his hand upon hearing the voice.

"Listen to what I say... I have a bad feeling about that boy."

Harry rolled his eyes and reached up to start hitting the side of his head before the small worm flew out of his ear and landed in the snow piled beside him. "Go chew someone else's ear for a while. Louis has gone to see his parents, just like her said."

"If I hadnt just been sitting in it, I could see that you have lost your mind." The worm said.

Harry looked back over. "I'm sure he has a perfectly good reason.." He sighed, his eyes shifting downcast. "For taking so long."

"I am sure he does." The worm spoke, moving to slide out of the hole he had made in the snow from being thrown to it. "Why dont you go ask him?"

Harry sat straight and nodded. "Alright. I will."

"After all... He couldnt get far with those cold feet." The worm slid over to where a pair of shoe prints from Louis were leading out of the forest.


Louis ran around the building and looked to where there was a pillow with vines wrapped around it leading to a patio on the second floor. He knew that it had to lead to where Eleanor's room was set. He needed to talk to someone about this. Hopefully she wouldn't be awful like her parents. So, he moved over and one hand and foot at a time, he started to climb up the pillar and the vine wrapped around it. He eventually got up it and gripped the stone railing of the balcony for leverage and moved to hop over it. Through the glass doors he can see Eleanor sat on a chair sewing something together. So, naturally, he knocked at the door.

Eleanor gasped and jumped, turning around and seeing Louis. She gasped again and stood up, rushing to the doors and instantly shoving it open. To which Louis pushed inside, shutting the door behind himself and giving out a sigh, leaning back against it in relief.


"Louis... I'm so happy to see you. Come by the fire, you look freezing." She took his hand and lead him towards the fire to sit him down infront of before taking a seat across from him. "Are you alright?"

"I.. I... Oh dear." Louis looked down for a moment before back up.

"You're as cold as death. What's happened to you?" Eleanor spoke up softly, looking down and noticing a tear in the shoulder of his coat. "Your coat!"

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