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Everything was dark for Louis. Nothing was making any sense at this point and he couldn't find the need to want to know what exactly was happening. Maybe everything was just a dream. Maybe he was dreaming and maybe he went home after the disaster of a rehearsal wedding and everything after that was a dream. A dream that he didn't want to remember, that is.

Louis blinked open his eyes and ignored the pounding in his head that seemed to be one of either an oncoming headache or a headache he's had even while he was passed out. He didn't even think twice when there was that skeleton of a boy kneeling over him next to an actual talking skeleton with a worn out purple blazer.

"A new arrival!" The skeleton spoke with an excited tint to his tone of voice.

"He must have fainted... Are you alright?" The boy from before spoke up, reaching his bone of a hand down to gently cup the back of Louis' neck to try and hold his head up. Louis blinked a couple more times and stared up at him.

"What—what happened?" He asked and then the skeleton man leaned forward, his jaw moving up and down as he spoke and Louis' eyes widened.

"By jo, man, looks like we've got ourselves a breather!" He spoke. A skeleton was speaking and he didn't even have lungs to speak with. This can't be happening, Louis was sure that this wasn't happening. Yet, it didn't stop himself from pushing up on his hands from behind himself with his body starting to shake. Especially when a small and rather large lady with the palest blue skin and sewing scars from around her mouth and buldging eyes got close to him.

"Ooh! Does he have a dead brother?" The woman spoke, her voice low and shaky. Almost like people would expect a ghost to sound like. But before Louis could even react, another skeleton was popping up in front of him far too close to him for his own comfort. It was a small boy figure, though, with a blue sailors hat on and a sailors uniform torn at the ends and covered with filth.

"He's still soft!" His voice spoke as his boney hands started to poke at his stomach and chest. That's when Louis gave a small gasp and tried to quickly scramble back, kicking his legs more than necessary to get the help he needed to push away from these.. These.. Creatures. His back hit one of the counters and he used that as leverage to get to his feet, hands gripping the edges of it so tightly his knuckles turned white, as did his fingertips.

"Oh.." Louis whimpered out and looked down at the sailor boy and then up around, his heart beating extremely fast and he swore it would explode. He swore a lot of things tonight but he was almost positive this one would be true.

"Let's make a toast, then!" Another spoke and Louis looked over to see a short skeleton wearing what he could only describe as a blue and white pirates uniform, a sword stuck in his chest. He was standing on another counter with a skeleton in a 1950s red guards uniform, a cannon shaped hole through his chest and stomach. That one tore the sword from the others chest and while that one drank, it came right back out through his chest and into the guards cup. Who in turn drank it and then stuck the sword right back in its place into the skeleton.

"To the newly weds!"

Louis gasped and shook his head. "Uh.. I.. Newly weds?" He asked. But then the boy that he had met in the woods placed a hand on his shoulder and gave a smile. His skin was tearing from his face and he was so close to Louis so he saw every small detail. He wasn't sure if he liked this or not. No.. He was pretty sure he didn't like this. Not one bit.

"Ah.. In the woods, you said your vows so perfectly." The boy spoke, walking around Louis' front, trailing his left hand over his chest and then pulling his hand away from Louis, wiggling his boney fingers around to show off the sparkling ring on his third finger.

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