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"Louis, darling!" Harry spoke, hands held together in front of him as he walked around the quad of the village in the underworld. His head looked back and forth to try and find Louis after he had disappeared from sight in the saloon. "Where are you?"

"If you ask me, your boyfriend is kind of jumpy." An echoing voice spoke up and Harry knew who it was immediately, stopping his walking for a moment.

"He's not my boyfriend. He's my husband." He stated, looking down at the ring on his finger. "Louis! Where have you gone?" He called out again, head coming back up to look around. However, he felt something pushing at the back of his eye and he reached up right on time to catch his eye in his hand before it fell to the floor, the maggot poking out of his eye socket again.

"I'll keep an eye out for you." The insect spoke and Harry rolled his eye that was still in tact.

"Louis?" Harry shouted again. Where could he be?

Louis panted softly to himself, hiding behind a statue of a skeletonized horse, successfully watching as the corpse that was supposed to be his fiancé walked further away from him. He looked around for a second before slowly tip toeing away from the statue and trying to find somewhere, anywhere, to go that would lead him back home.

However, the maggot in Harry's eye caught sight of him as he looked over. "There he goes! He's getting away! Quickly!"

Harry turned to look at the direction and saw Louis look at him at the same time and then take off running in another direction. Harry popped his eye back into his socket, frowning sadly. "Louis!" He called out to the boy as he started to walk in the direction that he had went.

Louis was still scared out of his wits but he knew that he had to at least strategize if he wanted to get away. He ran until he stumbled upon an alleyway full of wooden coffins. Some were even in terrible shape as if they had gotten beaten and he didnt want to know who those ones were owned by. But that boy's voice calling out for him got closer and the only thing he could think to do was blend in with the scenery around him for now. So, he stepped into one of the standing coffins, crossed his arms and closing his eyes, tongue sticking out of the corner of his mouth as he pretended to be dead.

Surprisingly, it worked. Harry stepped right passed him. Louis waited a second before he opened his eyes and looked to watch the boy walk down the alleyway even more.

"Married, eh? Lovely. I'm a widow, myself." A voice spoke and Louis gave a small shriek as he saw a huge black spider with a red design on its back, right in front of his face. He whacked it with the back of his hand and then ran off in the direction that he had came from.

"How rude! He went that way!" The spider called out, making Harry turn around with a hopeful glint in his eyes.


That didn't stop Louis, though, he continued to run in so many different directions, twists and turns, that he was sure he was getting even more lost than he was from finding what he was looking for. However, another corpse was standing around one of the corners and this was Louis chance. He quickly ran to him, grabbed him by the shoulders, and shook. "Please! This is a mistake! I'm not dead!" He exclaimed helplessly. From all the shaking, though, the corpses head fell clean off of his shoulders, leaving only his spine to poke out from his shirt. Louis gave a small scream before stepping back and then looking around to see if anyone saw what had just happened, then ran off once again. He ran until he got to a complete dead end.

"Dead end.. Oh.." He spoke. But the echoing of his name being called made him just shake his head and reach towards the wall, starting to climb up it. It was such a smooth wall that his fingernails ached from digging into it as he tried hanging on so he wouldn't fall back. He eventually got to the top and reached out, grabbing onto something but soon realised that it was a leg. And when he looked up at who it belonged to, it was that boy in the white suit again.

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