1- Los Angeles.

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   "I just can't believe it." Mom whispers into my ear longingly, "You grew up so fast."

   "Mom..." I murmur into her neck as she squeezes me tight, "Stop being so sensitive..."

   She pulls away, but doesn't let go, her outstretched arms holding me in her clutch. Tears stream down her face and her warm brown eyes stare into mine, "I love you so much!"

   I hug her again, this time not getting squeezed too hard. When I let go, another set of arms wraps around me, pulling me to their chest, "You are going to have to much fun! You have to let me in on all of your secrets and tell me about all of the drunk parties you go to!"

   The set of arms belongs to my brother, Jeremy. He's only a junior in high school, but he acts like he's as old as me. He's the closest brother a girl could ever get, and I'm happy to be his sister. Although, he does get in trouble from time to time, he is a kind-hearted little brother, with a great life ahead of him.

   We let go of each other, and then he takes a step back, now standing by my mother. Their matching brown eyes stare at me as I start, "I'm going to miss my flight if you guys continue to keep me trapped inside your hugs!"

   They both smile at me, mom wiping a tear that had been sliding down her cheek. "Stop crying." I order mom, pointing a finger at her.

   She laughs, "I'm just going to miss you so much and-"

   I roll my eyes and cut her off, "I'll call you when I land in Los Angeles! Then, I'll call you when I get to my dorm room. You'll have tons of time to tell me how much you miss me..." I tap my wrist, gesturing as if I had a watch, "I need to catch that plane..."

   My brother runs a finger through his short brown hair and sighs, "Be safe."

   My smile grows, "But I really wanted to go jump from roof to roof, trying out some new parkour tricks!"

My mom gives me a horrid glance, and then it fades when a laugh erupts from my throat. My brother laughs along, and then he throws me a wink, "If the parties up there are like the ones down here that you have told me you've snuck off to...."

Mom stops him there by playfully pushing him away, "Stop messing with me you two..."

"Flight number 2489 is now boarding." A voice crackles out of the speakers of the airport.

My eyes widen, "That's me! Love you guys!" I give them each a quick hug, smash a gentle kiss on each of their cheeks, and then wave them goodbye, heading towards a door of the airport where many other people are cramming together to get into.

I glance back to watch my mom start tearing up again, and my brother wrapping a comforting arm around her, before they both start to ascend towards the air port's exit.

I turn back around to finally begin my life as a independent college student.


The plane ride was quick, or so it seemed that way, since I was a sleep for the most part. I'm a heavy sleeper, so when the flight attendants woke me up, I was the last one in the airplane.

But now, as I roll by the city's lights, I watch in awe at the magnificently beautiful scenery. The night sky is a perfect shade of black, the moon providing a pretty view of a crescent. The city is the most eye-attracting view, though. The city has all different types of buildings, some towering over me, and some just shining out into the night. Bars and clubs are packed with partying people and the traffic moves at a steady pace.

My taxi driver is taking me to my dorm room on my college campus. He doesn't talk much, and I'm sort of thankful for that, so that I can use the ride time to see the city.

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