Chapter 1

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Boston was my place of residence. At least for a few months it was. I had taken action in my life and decided that I need a change of scenery. Studying aboard was a great option, one I couldn't just give up. But the school year was coming to a close, as was my journey in the states, well Boston at least. It was time to start the long trip of flying back home to London. The place I had grown up in for 20 years.

I took my first step into the Boston airport which started the adventure. Home was definitely something that I had been missing and was completely ready for. I boarded my flight and took my seat. Flying wasn't something I was necessarily comfortable with. But it was something that had to be done. My headphones were placed in my ears as soon as I was situated in my seat. I watched every person that passed. Taking in everyone who boarded my flight. That was something about me, I liked knowing what was going on around me.

The seat next to me was filled and my eyes peered out the window. He was a boy around my age I assumed. Nothing had yet to play through my headphones so I could hear him speaking with his mates. I assumed they were sat behind us as he was facing in that direction. Thank goodness for reflective surfaces on phones or I would have never known that. I pulled my headphones out as a voice sounded over the plane. A few moments after that the hours of flying began.

My head rested against the window as I watched the clouds below. I felt a tap against my shoulder. I removed the headphones that had been placed back upon my ears as we took off. "We're going to be next to each other for hours I thought I should introduce myself. I'm Simon." He stuck his hand out. I placed my hand hesitantly into his.

"Call me Raine." It was the first time I got an actual look at him. His blue eyes were to die for. I would do anything to have eyes like his.

"Very unique I like it." He wanted a conversation and I needed comfort for the flight. I should have been, we both should have been, sleeping. But it was something the both of us couldn't seem to do. I glanced around the plane and it was as if everyone had already been doing what we should have been.

"That's my parents doing." My hands held tightly onto my phone as we talked. I fidgeted with the case and the buttons. I was trying to find all sorts of comfort. "They always had to be different. Raine and Storm." I clicked the home button on my phone and a photo of my brother and I appeared on the screen. It brought a smile to my face. I hadn't seen him in years. He went off to Uni and never came back.

"Storm? My mate," he pointed to a boy sitting behind us, "he was supposed to be named Storm. His parents picked Ethan instead." I nodded my head simply. "So what were you in the States for?" I looked up from my phone and looked at him again. Should I tell him a lie or the truth I knew nothing about this boy? Should I really trust a stranger? Well I decided that my gut feeling was the best thing to go with. He seemed like an alright guy, someone I didn't need to hide things from. Definitely not someone who was going to stalk me.

"School. Decided that studying aboard would be a little more enjoyable. Especially after never leaving England in my 20 years of life. It was time for a change."

"Uni over now?" I nodded. I didn't need to go into details.

"What about you?"

"It may seem a little weird. I was there for a convention. A gaming one called PAX. It makes me sound so lame." I laughed quietly to myself, or at least I thought that I had. He was offended by my laugh therefore meaning he had heard it. It read all over his face. It was more of a joking offended face though. Thankfully I hadn't hurt his feelings. It would have made the rest of the flight extremely awkward.

"So you're a gamer? Like a huge nerd?" I joked with him but he didn't deny it. I was quite surprised.

"I mean I guess you could say that. My friends and I all go to these things to meet our fans. That makes me sound really cocky. I swear it's not like that. We kind of do Youtube for a job and so we travel to conventions to meet them."

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