Chapter 11

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Simon and I went on with our days like part two didn't happen. We tried to avoid the talk as much as possible. We avoided contact as much as possible. It felt as though any small interaction might have the power to set either one of us off. Obviously not in a bad way but into a situation we wouldn't be able to handle. 

"Can I trust you two to watch both kids?" Storm asked Simon and Saige. Like they weren't able and capable parents. They both clearly replied with they could do it. He had a talk in store for me. I didn't want it but it got me away from Simon. With their response Storm and I left. I was stuck in a car with him not looking forward to the conversation. "Why Raine?"

"Hm?" I questioned him. 

"Why are you getting involved again?"

"Because I love him. I will always love him. I can't help what I feel for him. I don't care about looking stupid. It's my life and my decision."

He put his hands up in defense. "It was a simple question. Don't get feisty."

"Sorry." It was all I really had to say. 

"Please next time don't have sex in the open though. No one wants to see that."

I felt my face getting hot. "I have no idea what you are talking about." I tried to hide my face without being obvious. 

"You really don't know what I'm talking about? He snuck out last night and you never came back. There is only one thing you two could have doing being gone all night. And that car didn't leave the driveway."

"Watching our car. You're weird."

"No. Saige is up all night with Westby. Our room is has a window which faces the driveway. Any light shines in."

"Well. Nothing happened." I could feel the heat spreading everywhere from embarrassment. 

"Bullshit. You fucked Simon last night and liked it. You have a glow. I know my sister better than anyone."

I looked at him. I didn't know how to get out of the conversation. I didn't know if I should come straight up and tell him everything or hide it. I didn't hide things from Storm but it was my sex life. But I also knew he wasn't going to stop until he had the answers he wanted. 

"Belle walked in on us."

"Hold up." He slammed on the breaks swerving into a parking lot. It was too much for him to handle clearly. "What?!"

"When we came in this morning. I was wearing Simon's top from the Charity match years ago. Well I forgot uh. You don't need to know but yeah um." I fiddled with my fingers. "We both wanted each other bad alright. And then Belle walked in. It was a mess."

"You got cock blocked by your own daughter." He burst out laughing. I hid my face. 

"After seeing you two in the car I wondered why you were avoiding each other."

"Round two never got settled." I sighed. "You've learned your sister's a whore."

"You made a child with the guy I mean not much of a whore."

"I just feel like I'm in my early twenties again before I had a child and it feels right Storm. You know with Simon things never feel right. Something always feels off but this time."

"You say it every time. It's different." I nodded my head. 

"This time might be the charm." I sighed happily. 

"I'm your brother I have to support what makes you happy so that's what I'm going to do." I looked at him quickly. 

"Really?" He nodded. 

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