Chapter 10

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Plane Boy: I'm sorry Raine.
I read the message and ran my fingers over the screen of my phone. I looked over at Lanie who was still fast asleep.
Raine: Can you meet me in front of Lanie's dorm?
Plane Boy: Done.
I threw on a sweatshirt and met him out front. We made our way back inside and sat in the lobby. We sat in silence for a little. I nuzzled my head into his side. I didn't really want to talk. Even though I had so much I wanted and needed to say. None of it really wanted to come out. His arm wrapped around my shoulders as I curled into his side.
He didn't speak. He waited until I was ready to actually talk. I'm pretty sure he would have sat there all day if he had to. But I finally spoke. "It's all too fucking much. I need my brother."
"I don't know what it's like to go through all of this. But I'll be here to listen."
"I never explain my shit problems to you because that isn't our friendship. That's what I have Lanie for. We are Storm and I's relationship. All about being happy and bantering."
"But I am not you brother. And I'm pretty sure I will never compare nor will I ever be him."
"Still Simon."
"All I'm trying to say is that I can listen when you need to me to. I'm not just all fun and games I can be serious and listen when I need to."
"I know I just.."
"Don't want it to be that way? You want me to see you having no faults. I know."
"I have no faults."
"See. You don't trust me."
"I don't want to talk about how both my parents have signed the divorce papers. I don't want to talk about how we're waiting for everything to be finalized. I don't want to talk about how I have to choose between my mum and my dad. I don't want to talk about missing Storm. I don't want to talk about going through all of this alone. I don't want to talk about the hard shit. I go out to get away from it all."
He was quiet for a few moments before coming up with the right thing to say.
"If you don't want to talk about it then don't. Talk about how awful you are at selling shoes or how much I would kick your ass if we played A to Z right now."
"That wouldn't happen and I don't suck at my job you dick."
"Oh it wouldn't happen? Do I hear a challenge coming my way?"
"You're on Sore Loser."
It was an instant battle. We were both calling out our letters as we found them. Neither of us were worrying about taking the photos for proof. It was point and say the letter aloud. It was a neck and neck fight. Simon started pulling ahead and I couldn't let that happen. I was trying everything in my power to keep him from continuing. I was covering his eyes, sitting on him. I was doing everything I could to not let him win. I was calling out more letters in the process. He finally grabbed my arms and looked at me.
"Z." He pointed to my sweater. "Champion Simon." He flexed his muscles, or lack of muscles, jokingly.
I hit his arms down. "Don't rub it in. I will get you back Simon."
"I mean you're still a cheater. But I'm not longer a sore loser."
"You're a sore winner now." I was still sitting on his lap and I hadn't even realized it.
"Sore winner or not. I don't care. You're still a cheater." He looked down. "Can't even hide the fact you cheated."
I quickly got off of his lap. "I just take my games seriously."
"You are so competitive."
"There's no problem with that. I hate losing too. So right now I hate you for winning."
"Now you know how it feels losing every time."
"I just lost to a freaking loser. How could I disappoint the master?" I shook my head. "An amateur just freaking beat me."
"Now whose being a sore loser." I glared at him. He put his hands up in defense.
"This is all that I had over you."
"You have a lot over me. You have bigger boobs."
"I'm a female! I'm supposed to have bigger ones than you!" I exclaimed. "That doesn't even count."
"You graduated from Uni, which means you're smarter than me."
"Also not true. You don't know how smart I am."
"Stop putting yourself down." He placed his hands on my cheeks. "You aren't like this Raine. Put your stupid self back into place and snap out of your funk. You left this funk while we were playing the game. Continue it while we're not playing."
"I'm trying Si." I moved my face from his hands and stood up. "I just need to do something. I don't think I'll be fully happy until it happens."
"Can I help?"
"I'm going to need the help because it involves a shit ton of money and leaving here which means no money being made."
"Explain." His eyes followed my swaying body.
"When you and Lanie are both at my house I will be able to."
"What are we doing waiting?" He stood up and grabbed my hand. He began pulling me in the direction he saw me come from. I laughed quietly. It made him smile.
To Lanie's room both of us went. She packed up her things. "Can you miss class for a few days Lanie?"
"Raine. It's mid break. I have a week off. I just never come home on them so no one ever knows. So yeah I can come. That's why I'm packing you idiot."
As she packed Simon went off to the guys to let them know he would be off planning and possibly leaving for a few days. I know for his job this was something he had to prepare for. So the next few hours or days were going to be spent filming and preparing for a crazy adventure. They, Simon and Lanie, still had no idea what was going on, what they were preparing for.
We made it back to my house where we made our way to my room. I pulled out a box labeled with a number 1. "This is what we are going to do." I opened the box and dumped out all the Polaroids that were inside. "These are from Storm." Lanie grabbed a photo.
"I know this smile like the back of my hand."
"Well all these photos are clues of where Storm is now." I pulled out a few photos which looked like monuments that were well known. I pulled out every one that I felt could help us. "I need my brother."
Simon went to grab one of the photos when our doorbell went off.
"I'll be right back."
I ran down stairs and grabbed a package and the mail that was delivered. As I looked through the mail I saw a large envelope. The envelope I didn't know if I wanted to come or dreaded its arrival. It was the confirmation or finalization of the divorce. These papers were the last thing needed for it to be complete. Now with these papers it was all official. My parents were no longer married. I dropped the mail on the floor and walked to my room.
"They're officially completely divorced. It's done. The papers just arrived." I was drawn to Simon and I went to him for a hug. Usually I would have gone to Lanie. There was something about Simon that made me want him over her.
"Then I guess there is no better time to get the hell out of here." Simon rubbed my back as he spoke.
"We need to figure everything out Simon I don't know where this place is. I wanted to wait to look them up. I didn't want to know."
"I know exactly where this is." He held up a Polaroid that he hadn't let go of since I went downstairs.
"What?" It shocked me.
"Just get your things ready." He said to me. I grabbed a bag and began filling it with clothes. I grabbed my notebook and my stuffed animal placing them gently into the top of my bag.
"Is it here?" Simon shook his head. He was on his phone doing god knows what. I put all the Polaroids back into their box and grabbed the last one, the one of Saige and placed it in my bag and zipped it up. "I'm ready."
Lanie stood observing the whole time not saying much. I guess not going to her rubbed her the wrong way. I walked over to her and hugged her while Simon continued on his phone.
"You okay Lane?" I said quietly so Simon couldn't hear. She nodded but didn't speak. "Don't think you're being replaced."
"I don't think I am. I just think that you would have come to me first about things."
"It's hard when he is here and you are hours away. I'm sorry that I have a lot of shit going on La.."
"Let's go!" Simon interrupted.
"Are you going to say where we are going or what is going on?"
"That would ruin the fun wouldn't it?"
Lanie and I didn't fight it. We let him lead the way. To the airport we went. I don't know how he managed to get three tickets last minute but he did. He also refused to let both Lanie and I pay him for the tickets.
"Simon." Lanie said as he sat across from us while we waited to board our flight. He looked at her. "So who really are you?"
"What?" Both Simon and I said at the same time.
"Like I understand your famous and all."
"I'm not famous but continue."
"But besides that. Who really are you like you've practically taken my spot and I'd just like to know the person whose doing it."
"I'd never take your spot trust me. All Raine ever talks about to me is you or Storm. Trust me. You two come before anyone."
"Lanie why are you doing this? When all of this started you wanted me to hook you up with him. You were always happy for me now all of a sudden you are all jealous. I don't understand what's getting to you."
"I guess people change don't they Raine."
"Are you kidding me? Because I make one really good friend you do this?" I stood up out of anger. "I hadn't seen Simon for at least a month or even really talked with him and the first time I do this happens. It's not like I'm going to run off with him like Storm did with Saige."
"It's his girlfriend. That's not the fucking point Lanie. If anything you are the one that left me. I was doing everything I could to keep this friendship going. You are like my sister and it's like you can't even stand to be around me anymore. At least when Simon is involved."
"Because I know what happens when you get involved with a guy Raine."
"Involved with a guy? You have to be kidding me. Involved with Simon would never happen. You know he's not my type. He's a really good friend who listens Lanie. He cares about me just like you and Grayson do. Plus the only guy I have ever been 'involved' with was a complete joke."
Simon sat there trying not to listen but I just knew he couldn't help but to listen.
"Don't even lie and tell me you don't look at Simon and think about banging him. Look at him!"
Simon looked up as he heard those words come from Lanie's voice. I mean everyone knew Lanie would get with anyone who had a little notice to their name. But it wasn't even just that, from the beginning Lanie thought he was attractive. He isn't bad looking he's just not my usual type. Maybe she was right maybe there were times when I thought about things going differently between Simon and I but it would never happen.
"I haven't Lanie. He is my friend. One of my best friends."
"Being best friends with someone doesn't stop things from going further." I looked at Lanie. "Didn't stop the one drunken time with Storm."
"Hold up. Lanie hooked up with your brother?"
"We don't talk about it. Because we all had a bit of alcohol in us. I mean Lanie always thought Storm was attractive but no one ever expected shit to happen. But Lanie gets what Lanie wants, eventually."
"Very true. But you say you don't want anything to do with Simon. Prove it. Kiss him right now and tell me you feel nothing and I'll believe it."
"Flight 121 boarding now" was called over the loud speakers. I started walking to get on the plane.
"You realize walking away proves my point even more Raine."
I walked over and looked at Simon. At impulse it happened. We kissed and it was over. "Nothing." I walked off and got on the plane. They followed behind. I wasn't even thinking when I did that. I didn't even realize the potential of fans being there and what could happen from it. But there was nothing there. I felt nothing and I assumed it was the same for him.
The plane journey was quiet for all of us. The tension would hopefully be gone by the time the flight was over. Simon tapped on my shoulder gently. "Where it all originated."
I nodded my head. "Friendship began here."
"You want a chance to beat the new champion before we find the master?" Simon looked at me no differently. It was like nothing happened. The best outcome from the situation had happened. Lanie had fallen asleep so she didn't know any of this was happening.
"Don't let me win."
"I would never think of doing that. I'm just as competitive as you are. I don't feel sorry for the loser. So you on?" I nodded my head as we began. The silent race was fast. Difficult but we had learned the places to look. We both had become great players of the game. I guess practice makes perfect.
"Looks like a new champion has been crowned." He looked at me. "And by champion I completely mean cheater."
I smiled. "And a sore loser has for once a not been so sore." I looked out the window as our flight came to an end. We all got off the plane and got ready for the adventure that was ahead of us.
Simon led the way to where this landmark was. I didn't know exactly where we were going to go from there. I guess the only plan was to ask around the town. See if we recognized any other places along the way. I mean we had to eventually run into him. Into Saige. Into something. Into someone.

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