Chapter 12

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The long journey to the waterfall had begun. The trip to get there had the most unbelievable sights. I could get used to seeing stuff like that. No wonder why Storm chose this life over the one he had.

We could hear the waterfall in the distance. As we got close we realized how much of an attraction it was. We hadn't passed many people on the way to it but when we got there all you could see were people. They were all gathered around taking in some incredible sights and sounds. But we were on a mission to find people. We scanned the faces of everyone we could. We didn't want to seem too weird. 

"Raine look." Lanie nodded in front of us. Pointing would have been a little much. Simon had his arm around my lower back. It was in an ushering since, both to move me along and to not lose me. 

"Storm." I said quietly to myself. It was an instantly rush toward the person. I pushed through the crowds of people losing both Lanie and Simon in the process. I wanted nothing more than to get to the one person I had come here for. I tapped the person on the shoulder. As they turned around I was shocked to see that it wasn't my brother. It was just all of our minds thinking it was him. 

"Sorry I thought you were my brother." I sighed. I began to walk off before the person stopped me. 

"Are you lost?"

"In a sense but not in the way you're asking about. My brother lives here I think and I'm just trying to find him." I looked around taking in every person that walked by.

"Is there a reason you came here exactly?"

"His girlfriend called me. Well at least I think it was her. She said to be here. They'd be here waiting. Little did my friends and I know what a zoo it would be here." I turned around to realize that I had lost them. "Shit my friends. Oh no." I began to panic. Now instead of searching for Storm and Saige I was searching for Simon and Lanie. 

I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around quickly to see Simon standing there. I don't think I ever hugged someone faster. I mean seeing Storm might beat it but as of right now he was winning. "Simon." I said not letting go. 

"Lanie is waiting for us." I looked up at the guy who I had mistaken as my brother. 

"I'm sorry about the confusion."

"Don't worry about it. I hope you find who you are looking for."

"If you see someone who looks like you with a girl. Tell him Raine wishes he would stop playing hide and seek."

Simon pulled me off and toward Lanie. She was in full panic attack. I guess the both of us really aren't okay if we didn't know where each other were. "Oh thank god." She pulled me into a hug as soon as she saw me. I hugged her back. 

"I told you I would use my height to our advantage Lanie. Spotting her was easy." 

"Why did Storm do this to us?"

"Storm was never an easy guy Raine. You of all people know that. He makes you work for everything you get."

"Well I'm pretty sick of his games. This just isn't fun. No matter how absolutely beautiful the sights are. I almost lost my two best friends in this mess of people because of him. I just want to go back. I don't want to be up here anymore."

"We come all this way and you're just going to give up? Raine Evanson does not give up." Simon said and Lanie instantly agreed. 

"When she's fighting a losing battle she does."

Without saying a word I started to push back through the crowd of people without them. I was done with the situation. Back through the people and down the path to the town I was headed. Nothing was going to change my mind. 

Storms Don't Last Forever- Miniminter FFWhere stories live. Discover now