Chapter 7

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I went back to editing and he watched for a while. The tv was on playing some shit movie on Netflix that we hadn't watched a single part of. I don't remember getting up and going to bed that night but I woke up alone in my room. I searched the house. Simon was asleep in his bed, Belle was in hers. He must have carried me to bed because I know I didn't walk there. 

I made breakfast which woke the both of them up. I made a mean breakfast that they both craved in the mornings. 

The day was a normal one. There was just a lot of cupcake eating going on. Something that I expected after yesterday's actions. Simon and I were great after our talk. It helped me cope. It helped me with grieving everything that happened. I needed him to tell me the things he did or I would never be fully able to forgive him. I knew he was a changed person. But I needed to take the extra step for myself. It was something he understood so well. He was no longer angry at me for treating him the way I did. He understood why I felt the way I did and things just worked. 

Simon was working and Belle was playing in her room when I got a phone call from my brother. "My little Raine Cloud."

"Thunder Storm. What's up?"

"Saige and I have some news for everyone."

"Wait wait let me get Simon and Belle." Storm laughed. I ran and grabbed Belle from her room and interrupted Simon's recording session. "Can we FaceTime instead?"

"Obviously." We switched over to FaceTime and I set my phone up on Simon's desk. 

"What's the news?"

"Dundertorm!" Belle yelled at my phone. He smiled and replied to her. We were excited for the news. I mean Simon and I knew what was coming just out of common sense but we were still excited. 

As they announced the news our suspicions were correct. They were having a baby. I couldn't be happier for them. Belle would finally have someone to play with. Even if it would be while before they could actually play. It can't be fun always playing with adults. Even if we are the coolest ones there are. They were more ready for a child than I would ever be. They had planned everything. They weren't making mistakes like I did. Even if mistakes were made I wouldn't change them for the world. Belle was a blessing. She allowed Simon and I to rekindle greatness. 


"Babe!" Simon yelled from his room. It was something he never called me but I liked hearing it from his mouth. I hurried to his room. He was laying on the bed pretending to be sexy. "Get your little butt over here." 

"Excuse you. I don't have a little butt." I joked back with him. 

"Get over here." I walked over to him but didn't sit on the bed. "Can we share a room yet? You always end up in my bed."

"Ew sharing a room with you. Never." I walked over and kissed him. 

"I'll take that as a yes."

"I mean if we have to." I smiled. 

"Here or your room?"

"My bed bigger and so is my room." I liked my room better. I just somehow always ended up in his room instead of the other way around. But it wasn't that big of deal on which room we had. But he let me win. 

We slowly got all of his things into our room which meant we had a spare room. Which meant guests could come and have a good time. Our spare room we dedicated to Belle's play room and the other room was specifically Simon's office so we didn't have room for guests until now. I wanted Storm and Saige to visit but they were too much into having their baby. Even though they had months until he or she came. So it was just the 3 of us. 

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