Chapter 20

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I could instantly feel my heart start to race. It was as if I was being force fed adrenalin and my body was bolted to a table. Every part of me wanted to turn and ask him to repeat himself. But at the same time I wanted to take it in as a moment. The first time I heard him say the words to me. But it got me to thinking was this something he did every night? If it had then when did it all begin? So many questions I needed answers to but there was too much I could lose with asking.

After my heart slowed down with my mind slowly following behind I fully drifted off into dream land. 

I was woken by the movement of the bed. Simon was getting up but his normal attempts of not waking me didn't work today. I tossed and turned or at least wanted to toss and turn all night after falling asleep. It seemed like every hour my body felt like it was time to get up, but it just wasn't time. 

"Good morning," I said quietly to him. His bare back towards me. It startled him no matter how subtle I was with speaking. He turned quickly around and looked at me. 

"Well good morning." 

"You think you can sneak around with a girl. I see how you are."

"You know it." His voice was groggy. Morning voice is the best. "I'm going right to Aspyn. You caught me." A little smile appeared on his face. It was just so fitting of him. 

"You wouldn't even dare." He shrugged and walked to the bathroom. "Have I ever told you how much I hate you shirtless?" I called into him. 

"Have I ever told you how many times I've caught you staring?" He called back as he did his bathroom duties. 

I got up peaking my head in the door. "Hate it so much."

"Staring again."

"Sorry I can't help myself. I have to see what touches me every night." I paused. "That sounded weird. What did I just say?" I shook my head. "Anyone asks you. That never came out of my mouth."

"You know. When you get flustered your accent turns more American. And I don't know how you do it. But," he paused. "It totally doesn't make me more attracted to you."

I smiled and walked out of the room. I got ready for the day, taking the bathroom once Simon was finished. 

"Yo you English folk. Get your asses out here and stop sleeping all day." I heard one my friends call out. 

Simon and I walked out together. "Hey you American folk look whose ready for the day while your still being lazy." I replied. 

"Is there a place to have breakfast around here that's good? We are starving."

"No all the places exploded right before you got here. No food for you." 

"I might just have to unleash my cooking for them." Simon spoke in a proud voice.

"No!" I replied to Simon's statement quickly. "I don't want to be stuck eating it and I really don't want this place burning down either. Or you because that's how much I don't trust you."

"Is he that bad?" Aspyn said looking over the back of our sofa.

"I don't think you will ever want to experience what this boy does."

"In bed? Your right that's your spot Raine." Jax replied. 

I walked over and hit his arm. I whispered in his ear, "don't make tell everyone about the huge crush you had on Aspyn your freshman year." That was something Jax only told me. 

"Don't you dare." He glared at me. 

I smiled and walked over to our flat door. "Come on you idiots lets go get food. Simon knows all the right places to eat. Plus Storm stole my car for wedding purposes so Simons' is all we got."

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