Chapter 17

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There was a knock on our flat door. Simon grabbed the door while I sorted out work things. I got everything figured out and my shift covered. Thankfully because if I hadn't Storm would have murdered me. Not actually murdered me but he would have wanted too. 

"Will tonight's process make me want to jump off the balcony?" I pointed to the balcony that was off the dining room area. 

"Oh stop Raine Cloud. You love helping us."

"Makes me never want to get married. Too much effort."

"Good. I don't want you to ever get married."

"Hey now am I not a good candidate here?" Simon was a bit offended, but not actually. 

"I mean you're alright." Storm joked with him. 

"Raine have you gotten your final dress fitting done yet?" I made a fake surprised face like I had completely forgotten. 

"Oh my days." I covered my mouth trying not to laugh. 

"Seriously?" Storm glared at me. 

"I'm kidding! Jeez. Of course I got it done. But I gained like a hundred pounds so it didn't fit." I smirked. 

"I'm pretty sure she's lost weight not gained it." Simon looked me up and down. "Even if she eats like a pig."

"I like food." I shrugged. "Correction I don't like most foods but I like eating."

"So did it fit or not?" Saige sounded irritated. It was a stressful time for both her and Storm. I could understand why she was acting like this. 

"Of course it fit." I grabbed her hand. "Come with." I walked off with Saige into Simon and I's room. I walked into our closet and pulled out a bag that held the precious dress. I slowly opened up the bag and pulled out the light pink dress. "I shall see you in a few minutes." I walked off and put on the dress and entered the room with it unzipped. 

"It's perfect." She walked over and zipped it taking another look. "I'm glad we chose this one."

"It's very you. Simple and to the point. But also very different. Just as you and Storm are." I looked in the full length mirror at the dress. 

"Do I get to see this dress?" Storm yelled from the other room. 

"Simon has seen it on you right?" I nodded my head. 

"Not the final one but in fittings yeah."

"Let's show them then."

We walked out and showed the guys. 

"This is why I sparked a conversation with you the first day we met." Simon looked at me. 

"Don't." I said. The thought of him liking me from the beginning always made me feel uncomfortable. He knew it. We had plenty of talks about it. Sometimes things just slipped in spare of the moment situations. 

"This is fitting." Storm looked at me. "Looks great my little Raine Cloud."

"Can I go change now?" I looked at them. There was something about the attention that made me feel very awkward and uncomfortable. I just wanted out of the situation. I was given the go ahead and I went to change. I was half way through changing when the bathroom door was opened and I quickly covered my body. I looked over to see Simon's head peaking in. 

"It's only me." He just stared at me for a few moments. "I just wanted to apologize for the comment. You looked so ugly." I smiled. 

"Thanks you dog poo." This just made me feel better. I'd take a 'you looked so ugly' over 'you looked amazing' any day from him. It was something that we shared together. It just meant so much more to me. "Now stop staring. You are acting like an actual dog right now." I walked over and pushed the door shut pushing him out. 

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