Chapter 6

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The next morning started a crazy journey. One that none of us saw coming. I was woken up at quarter to four by a screaming Belle. All she wanted was her mummy. I went into her room and got into bed with her. "What's wrong?" I said rubbing her back as she cried. 

"Hurts." She got out. She was clenching her stomach. I didn't know what to do. Seeing her like this killed me. I picked her up and took her to Simon's room and got in bed with the both of them. She continued to scream and cry in pain. Simon woke up and looked at us. Worriedness read all over his face. 

"What's wrong?" He quickly asked. 

"Hurts." Belle said again. 

"Where?" He was trying to stay calm. She held her stomach. "Stay here with mummy okay? It's going to be okay." He got up out of the bed and walked off with his phone. I did the best I could trying to comfort her. It seemed as though nothing was working. I started to walk around the room carrying her hoping that would help but it didn't. I was at a loss with what to do. The only place my mind kept going to was the hospital. Simon walked back into the room. "My mum said just take her to the hospital make sure everything is okay. Well find out what's wrong at least and try and help her. Sitting here isn't going to do anything."

Off to the hospital we went. It wasn't fun. Sitting in a room full of sick people. With a scared and hurting daughter on what felt like 30 minutes of sleep. They couldn't figure out what was wrong. All we got was some medicine and good luck. It was like clockwork every single day quarter to four in the morning screams from her room would occur. We were in for a long journey. We went to all the doctors we thought could help us but everyone said she was fine.

"Raine I don't know what to do anymore."

"Cry? Because that's all I feel like doing anymore."

"You're exhausted we all are." He said holding me close to him. "We'll find out I promise. We will figure it out Raine."

After days of fighting the issue we were lost. We had fully begun to lose our minds. We had no options left. We had spent hundreds of dollars and got nowhere. I had begun to break. I couldn't deal with it anymore. 

"Go get some sleep, I'll deal with her." Simon said pushing hair out of my face. "You deserve some rest." He kissed the top of my head and grabbed Belle. 

Apparently I slept through the whole day and night. I was beyond exhausted. Nothing woke me. I woke up just after 3am. Simon was fast asleep next to me. I went and checked on Belle. She was fast asleep as well. I waited for the dreaded quarter to 4 cries but they didn't come. After sitting by her in her room a while after the time past I joined Simon back in bed. 

"You okay?" I heard him say as my head hit the pillow. 

"She didn't wake." Tears filled my eyes. It was the first time since the first occurrence that it didn't happen. He smiled and pulled me into him. I curled my head into his chest. "What did you do?"

"I just told her it was going to be okay. I asked her what she felt. I asked her what caused it. I made her talk to me about it. Even if I didn't understand much I listened. I think the pain was all in her head."

"What do you mean? She faked being in pain?"

"No not at all. She felt pain that wasn't there. I think that she woke up that first night with a tummy ache. A really bad one. It traumatized her. In her head she made it a million times worse than it was. Her body tricked her into thinking that it was happening every night. She really thought she was in pain."

I didn't know what to say. I didn't know how he figured all of this out. I was just quiet. I ran my finger along the bed in circles for comfort. I mean we didn't know if this was exactly what was going on but it was a start. After the silence I had given he was fast asleep. Even though I wasn't tired I joined him. We woke up the next morning to Belle jumping on the bed. 

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