Come Back - Leo's POV

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          I wake up in a panic... Images coming back in a flash. I fell unconscious as soon as Raph...
          "RAPH!" Jumping up I sprint out of my bedroom and into the hall, heading for Donnie's lab. Images seem to play I front of my eyes.
          "Leo stop!"
          "Don't hurt me anymore..."
          "I'm scared. I'm scared. I'm scared." The last thing echoes in my mind. Over and over and over again until completely faded and I still hear it then. I break through the living room where I stop dead in my tracks...
          "No..." They don't need to say anything. I can tell by the look on their faces... My vision is blurred by droplets.
          My family stares back at me. Bags under their raccoon eyes. Shoulders slumped, puffy cheeks, blood shot eyes, they've all been crying. It's like this invisible glumly rain cloud is following them around, beating down on their heads. Donnie and Mikey look at me but quickly shuffle their eyes away. Master Splinter holds my gaze the longest, soon sighing and his big rat ears drop. Staring at the ground my Sensei cries. It's the first time I've seen him cry... Ever!
          I rush into Donnie's Lab. Gasping at the sight... For the longest moment I don't so much as breath. My voice caught in my throat, frozen in terror, stuck in my tracks. When I do breath, my breaths quiver... My knees wobble... My hands shake... Body racks... I'm trembling so much even if my eyes weren't raging with tears I still wouldn't be able to see! Wheezing my chest squeezes my lungs until it hurts to breath. It's hurts to stand! It hurts to cry!
          Collapsing to the ground my fists pound into the floor, yet I'm weak. An unnatural sound bubbles from deep within and I just shake my head I can't. I just can't. I can't do anything else I just don't I can't! How?!? Why?!?
          "AHHHHHHH!!!!" A screech of mental agony leaps from my mouth as my body arches up and my arms are outstretched and tense.
The mental inferno leaks into my physicality and I can't move for the longest time. All I can do is huff and puff on all fours, head sunk and heavier than an anchor.
          Weeps moan from my voice and my eyes clench shut as my hands go to my head. I squeeze it and my nails dig into my skin, dragging them down to my neck I don't care how much it burns it doesn't hurt anywhere near the hell burning heart.
          My mouth is pulled into an uncontrollable grimace of disturbed pain. Then my feet regain with a stumble and I rush to Raphs side.
          "RAPH!" I scream and shake him. Blood... There's blood everywhere... Why does he have so much blood?!? Why is there so much blood?!? Blood...
          My stomach churns and I feel like hurling. Bile floats beneath the surface then burns as it explodes out. I turn to the side so it splats to the hard floor, making me want to vomit even more.
          I try calming a little but nothing helps, my heart just races and races like an untamed horse in search of something, something, anything! No not just anything... Raph!
         "RAPHAEL!" I scream in his face and shake him even more furiously than before.
         "RAPHAEL!!!" My violent racking turns into me having a conscious cesurae.
          I take my light waited brother in my arms. His eyes are closed. Despite the pain he must have gone through, his face is soft.
         "RAPH!!!" I scream and cry and hollar but nothing works! He won't wake up!
         "RAPHAEL HAMATO WAKE UP! OPEN YOUR EYES! I NEED TO SEE THEM!" I break down even more so than before, hugging him to my chest as I sink to the ground.
         I sob into his plastron, voice breaking as I speak, "I need to see your beautiful glowing green amber eyes... I need you Raph... Raphael please... Please just open your eyes! Wake up please!      AHHHHHHH!!!!" My voice tears my throat as my yelping jolts out, it burns, tears sting my eyes but I just can't, I can't live without my baby brother.
         Anxiously I rock back and forth with Raph in my arms, cradling him like one would a child. I press his forehead to mine.
          "I w-won't get a-noth-er chance like th-this again..." I kiss his lips. They are freezing, colder than ice, but so is my soul for doing such a crime.
          "I need you to know something..." My voice is so hushed, it's broken, like me...
         "I'm sorry... For everything. Yelling at you... Always on your case... I should have sympathized... Should have let you know you were special... Should have loved you... Should have told you, shown you... I love you Raphael..." I close my eyes and hug him tight to me...
         This is where part of me is expecting him to hug me back. Or say, "I love you too Leonardo..." I know he does... Did. Somehow I just feel like it's not over like there's some last word that he needs to say... But he doesn't.
         I don't know how long I hold him to me.
         In the outskirts of my mind, I'm telling myself, "You're hugging a corpse Leonardo, he's not coming back!" But that just makes me hug him tighter.
         I'm sobbing and weeping into his neck. His soft skin. Inhaling his wonderful sent through my stuffed up nose. Each exhale, I hold him tighter, and tighter...
         "Come back Raphael! Come back! Don't you leave me Raphael! Don't you dare! That's an order! I'm your leader! Your brother! Please come back just please! Ah... Why?!?" I cup his cheek in my hand.
        "I always feared it would be the Shredder who'd take you away from me... But never myself... I'm sorry Raph! I'm so sorry... IM SORRY OKAY?!?" I scream looking to the ceiling, not exactly sure who in screaming at.
       "I'M SORRY! I MADE A MISTAKE!!! JUST DONT MAKE MY LITTLE BROTHER PAY FOR MY BLINDNESS WITH HIS LIFE AND BLOOD!!! DON'T LET HIM BE THE COST!!! RAPH DON'T LEAVE ME PLEASE!" I cry so hard there isn't even a word for it... Snot, sobs, weeps, hyperventilation and tears. Over and over I break down through already shattered layers. And Raph doesn't way up...
       "Raphael come back to me... Please... Come back."

Don't Hurt Me - Leo and Raph FanficWhere stories live. Discover now