I Love You - Leo's POV

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          We seem to float over rooftops. I don't think I ever new Sensei's full potential. And I'm about to find out. To be honest, I'm a bit afraid. Not of the battle that will happen sooner than later. Or the fact that we will face Shredder. Or that we will need to fight Raph... I'm afraid of Sensei. I fear seeing what he might potentially become. Hate drives the Shredder. I fear my Master will become like our enemy. If corrupted. I can't lose my Leader. I can't lose my Father. Not my dad. He guides us all. He is what connects us all into one, a unit. A team. A family.
          We make our way to Shredders mansion. And the fight begins. Ninja after ninja present, we take them out with the blink of an eye. We were good before, but different adrenaline pumps through our veins now. We are different than before... Much different.
          We don't make it inside, they bring to fight to us. An army of ninja. Against four. An army of ninja, Shredder, Karai and,
          "Raphael!" Master Splinter calls out for his son, but Sensei still doesn't understand... It's not Raphael. Raph isn't there.
          "Why does everybody keep callin' me that?!? I ain't no Raphael or Raph okay?!? The names Nightmare. And Ima bout ta become your worst nightmare!" The second battle commences.
          Charging forward we come to meet perhaps our death. But we will fight for Raph. Even if he's lost. We fight in his memory. We avenge him.
          "Guys! Make him remember! Tell him who he is! Let him know!" Donnie yells, we are all back to back, taking out ninjas as we go.
          "Raph you're our brother!" Mikey starts.
          Nightmare throws himself at Mikey but my youngest brother holds his place and their faces are inches away from one another.
          "I ain't no brother ah yours." Raph spits his words and pushes back, away.
          "Just look at you! You're a giant turtle just like us! We were originally little box turtles before! Before the mutagen! We aren't brothers by blood. Blood runs deep but our bond runs thicker. It's a bond of the mind and body and soul. And heart!" Donnie shouts over the noise of blade against blade. Body against body. Blood mixing with blood. Teeth gaining wings. Skin greeting bruises.
          Through all the bodies, Raph sneaks through and sweep kicks Donnie, bringing down his sai but Donatello blocks it with his Bow Staff.
          "No! I volunteered for the experiment! Just like the rest of you! Only you betrayed us! You betrayed my Father!"
          "I AM YOUR FATHER!" Master Splinter steps up to shove Raph off of Donnie. "Are you too blind to see that only a mad man would willfully volunteer for such an experiment?!? Only a mad man would let their son go through the torture of it!"
          Shredder attacks Sensei, "My son!" He looks back at Raph, "Remeber what I told you! Do not believe these mad men! They will try to corrupt you! Do not listen! I will not lose you again!" Turning back to Master Splinter, where Raph cannot see, Shredder smirks and my dad attacks in a new level of rage.
          I hold off Karai.
          "Really?!? You too! You're in on this too! How could you?!?" I step forward, she steps back.
          "It's not like I had a choice Leo! And it's not all play! I actually care about him! He's like a brother to me! You don't understand!" She steps forward, I step back.
          "I DON'T UNDERSTAND?!? HE'S MY BROTHER!!!" I charge and she tumbles beneath me.
          All of a sudden I get the wind knocked out of me by Raph, who tackles me off of Karai. Pinning me to the ground.
          "Karai what were ya talkin 'bout with him?" Raph holds me down and looks at Karai with tear filled eyes. "WHAT WERE YA TALKIN BOUT?!?" He shakes and I cave beneath him.
          "Karai! Do not betray me!" Shredder yells, still in battle with my father.
          Karai stands there, crying silently, unable to hold the tears back. She doesn't weep or make a sound, until opening her mouth.
          "Raph..." She whispers but suddenly Donnie and Mikey come upon her and they're fighting, Karai unable to finish.
          "WHY'D SHE CALL ME RAPH?!?" Nightmare shoves me hard into the ground.
          I grunt as he punches me with such a force, I swear it was a blasted cannon! He lifts me up by the throat and throws me back.
          "I will not fight you brother!" My Katanas serve no use in defence against Raph's attacking sais.
          He kicks me to the side, "I am NOT your brother!"
          My hands are up in defence but Raph just pounds and pounds away. This is what he went through. Right before he met his death. Hearing the sound of broken jaw. The cracks of ribs. Ankles aching, heart racing, breath hitching.
Growling and grinding my teeth together, I look at my brother. I look into his eyes. But I don't see Raphael. I see a blind stranger. And that's when the fear hits me. He's going to kill me.
          Now he gives me a few more cuts but spends his time beating me with his fists and the back of his Sais.
"Raph stop!" BANG! The back of his Sai connects with my temple, making everything a bit more blurry and my head even more dizzy.
"Raph stop!" BOOM! Another series of blows to the ribs and head, my blocks serving next to no use.
"Raphael..." I gasp as he kicks me to the ground and I lay flat on the floor. Hands outstretched, arms and legs heavy, but head even heavier. I lift my head just for it to drop back down in defeat as my opponent kicks me in the gut, winding me and pulls me back up to my knees by the ends of my blue mask. With one Sai pressed to my throat, the other ready to plunge into my plastron, right where I did it to him...
I take a deep breath, and smile, tears rolling out of my eyes, shoulders slumped, my fingers dangling in the dirt.
"Do it... It's okay... I understand..." My voice is a whisper. Everyone has gathered to watch. Their own battles long forgotten.
Raph shakes, he searches for something, like he's bouncing through emotions and needs to find the right place, needs something to sort out his thoughts for him.
With much effort, I lift my heavy arms and cup my brother cheeks, wiping away the wet trail his tears have left.
"It's okay Raphael... I'm here... You're here... I love you." I'm not sure I even know what I'm doing before my lips are pressing against his. But somehow, I know exactly what I'm doing. My eyes are closed, his still open. At first I think he might do it, he might kill me. And I think he believes the same. But then I feel his body relax, and the sound of his sais clanking against the ground finds its way into my ears. When I pull back, his eyes are still open. But I'm staring into different eyes. The glossed over sheet, diminishes, and finally disappears.
"Leonardo..." Raph gasps my name, and a fresh set of tears rolls into his eyes. A crying laugh bubbles from my mouth, I nod my head.
"Yeah. It's me!" I smile in my cry and throw myself into my brothers arms, crying as I laugh, and he cries as he hugs me back. And I know, he remembers. He knows.
We pull back only to have our lips collide again. It's a fury of pure passion grace. An indescribable sensation, that can only be felt with the heart, and seen with the soul. When we are out of breath, our foreheads touch and we still hold each other, locking teary eyes and smiling.
"RAPH!" Mikey and Donnie scream and rush forth, wrapping our brother in a family embrace. Sensei follows. It's a mix of crying and laughing, smiles everywhere. Shredder is too dazed to react, and when he does he comes at us ready to kill, but Karai gets in his way. She holds him back. And together we fight. Alongside Karai, and take down the Shredder. His minions were the candles on the cake, we blew them out with one breath. But we each take turns with the Shredder.
Karai swings her Katanas and Shredder blocks but Donnie sweep kicks and the evil doer flips back, only to be smashed in the face with Mikey's Nun-Chucks and then hit again by Master Splinter! I take my turn, each time we knock off some of his armour. I cut him open across the middle and Raph takes a final huge smack down kick, sending the Shredder to the ground and his helmet flying.
"I could leave you to rot and die here for the shit you've caused my family and I and every one else in dis city..." Raph says, getting really close, real fast, real personal. But he smirks as he looks back at us and turns around, sticking his sai deep inside the demon and pulling it back out fast, just enough to see the fear in the Devils eyes, before Raph knocks him out cold.
"You'll rot in hell." Raph says, mockingly slap cleaning his hands, brushing them past one another as he turns away, smirking and we smile, greeting him in an embrace once more.
Karai stays in the outskirts. Standing timidly until we part and Raph walks up to her, lifting her chin to meet his gaze.
"Sister, what'd I tell ya? Never forget." They smile, sharing a bond and memory that we did not live with them. But in our hearts, we have all connected.
Karai smiles with tears in her eyes, "Always remember." And they hug in a tight embrace. We all join in with Mikey screaming, "GROUP HUG!" Making us laugh again.
We all seem to have forgotten about one thing, right up until Raph's eyes roll back in his head and he smiles, whispering his last words before passing out,
          "I love you."

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