I Want My Raphael Back - Leo's POV

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My brothers don't need to ask I can see the question in their eyes... "What do we do Leo? Tell us what to do!" I don't want to admit that I'm as lost as they are. I don't want to admit that I don't know what to do and that I'm so confused! The one person I can think to count on right now, is my Father. So that's who I go to, taking my brothers along with me.
We are on both knees in a line, explaining to our pacing Sensei the situation.
          "Are you sure it was him?" Master Splinters eyes search the floor, his hand stroking his beard in thought.
          "Hai Sensei."
          "But it can't be... How can you be sure? It could be some trick and Shredder is toying with us. That man knows no boundaries to his evil and hate. He will stop at nothing until everything burns to ash in his fury." My dad stops pacing and looks me in the eye. Somehow I find he's talking to me more than anyone else, even if my two other brothers are right beside me.
          "We are sure Sensei. We saw his, uh, wound..." Mikey butts in and hesitates, trying to find the right word for Raph's injury.
          "But Sensei it was infected!" Donnie exclaims, "Really badly! And if he doesn't get treated properly for it soon..." Donnie doesn't finish. We all know what follows.
          All of a sudden Master Splinters eyebrows narrow. Determination set. And he knows what he's doing, it's clear. He's made up his mind and nothing can stop my Father when he's like this.
          "Let's go get your brother back. I will not lose my son again." And with that we take off through the sewers, making our way to find Raphael... I'm afraid for Sensei when he sees Raph. Not because of what Raph wears. But because he doesn't remember. Because he is now Nightmare. And I think it's going to hurt my dad. I'm not sure why. I want to ask him and figure everything out, but I know that's what we are on our way to do.
          It doesn't take a genius, like Donnie, to figure out that somehow Raph was brought back, memory lost, the Shredder corrupted him and lied, so now Raph thinks who knows what and believes he is some Nightmare fellow. There's something else... Donnie explained to the rest of us before we left. That Raph is partially blind. And it can go away, but not by any medicine. It's weird, Donnie said, the way it works. Like his mind is fogged over and so are his eyes, he can see but not full colours or all detail. It's easy to tell there's something wrong when you look at his eyes, they just look... Almost impossible. But this is coming from a giant mutant turtle monster, so I can't really talk about the impossible.
          I just want my brother back. I want my Raphael back.

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