Raph or Nightmare? -POV

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"Leo!" I gasp waking up. Who's Leo and why am I saying his name? Some how I know whoever Leo is, he isn't female. Somehow I know what hands and fingers are. I know how to count. I remember feelings... Love. Hate. Hurt. I remember pain... A lot of pain. But I don't know how. I don't even remember my name. I don't even know how I know or why. I'm so confused and my eyes... I'm not seeing properly.
"My son!" A body is thrown at me so fast, clinging to me. I don't hug back. I think the figure is crying, do to a sniff and some drops of tears on my shoulder. When the figure pulls back, holding me by the shoulders, a gasp escapes my mouth as my eyes widen. I'm not scared. Perhaps just shocked at the-now I can see-male's face.
Scar burn marks eat half of his face and on the same side is his vulture eye. I don't see full detail. My eyes burn too. I see all black but I see movement. Much like a T-Rex I imagine. A heartbeat is a movement, thus I can see the creature in front of me. Atoms and cells move around. The figures are outlined in a mix of almost glowing purple. The purple outlines their features but the only other colour I see is grey, which defines objects but basic detail. No filling.
"I am so glad to have you back!" The man hugs me again. Obviously much older, human, but then I take in the fact that I carry a shell on my back and I look over my three fingered hands. This man says I'm his son, obvious signs of affection are show or else he wouldn't be crying and clenching me so tight.
"Who are you? Where am I?" I almost snort at how typical this I sound. I imagine a little princess with a high pitched voice going, "Where am I? Who are you?" And throwing a hand across her forehead, sinking to the ground fainting. I ain't no fairy princess, more like an ugly green turtle monster or somethin.
The man sighs, "I apologize my son, I have forgotten of your memory loss. I am your father, and you are at home." He spreads his arms out as if to show me and welcome me. "I am called Master Shredder, your Sensei, but you may also call me Father." He smiles and something just seems a bit off when he does... Like it's not quite right on his face or something I just can't put my finger on.
"If ya are ma fatha, den why am I a gigantic turtle?" My-so called-Father laughs lightly.
"You very nobbely volunteered for an experiment. Do not be mistaken, you are no experiment my son, you are the future!" There is a glimmer in my dads eyes, something I don't know good or bad. "It transformed you into what you are now. Very honourable this is indeed. It signifies a new era. A new beginning, to the end!" Another smile pulls the corners of his mouth. But this smile makes my stomach twist. And my fists clench. It is not a safe smile at all.
"You see my son," he begins as he stands and paces around the room. "There was a complication..." His eyes trail on the hard wood floor boards at our feet. "There were three others such as yourself. Turtles. And another, their Leader, a rat. These monsters are the ones who stole you from me. They stole the mutagen, what was used to transform you and them, and betrayed me. When they left you followed very heroically indeed, to try and get what they took, back. But you were killed." Master Shredder stops dead in his tracks, anger spreading across his face. He then looks at me, but not at me, at my plastron.
I follow his gaze to meet a wound so intense my heart begins to bat inside my chest like its trapped in a cage and beats on the walls to get out. Above the hip, my plastron is partly destroyed and the wound runs deep. It looks so nasty there isn't even a word to describe how intense! I want to hurl just at the sight of it! I almost do I swear! But I quickly glance away.
"This is what they did to you." Sensei explains. I remember a pair of blue eyes. Looking into them, to see a stranger and a pang of fear, of betrayal and sadness... And most hauntingly the intense agony of the blade entering my body. My eyes shut in the memory and my wound actually hurts when I remember the pain... I feel the pain! I remember screaming and being restrained. It makes me so uncomfortable I wince and grimace at the memories coursing through my mind.
"I never want ta see it again." I say, opening my eyes, surprised at how calm my voice sounds. My father nods and signals two ninjas dressed in all black standing by the double doors of the room. The doors have an ancient Japanese or Chinese tree painted on it. With its perfect brown branches and beautiful pink flowers blossoming. Somehow there's something off about it though. I don't know what. An image of a rose pops in my mind and I smile. That's why.
The ninjas go out for a mere blink of an eye before returning with a vest. It's leather bad ass and has some studds. Some string too and they tie it around to fit me. It hides my scared wound and I smile after standing.
"It fits you well my son. I had it made just for you. It is light wait and leather, but will also protect you." He knocks on the shoulder of the vest, proving the point of protection.
"Thank you Father." I say and he hugs me once more. This time I hesitate but hug back.
"We will prepare you for your new life. When we found you, I would rest at nothing to bring you back. And with serum and much effort, we brought you back. We meaning myself and the Foot Clan, your family, your home."
When my dad finishes his speech, more ninjas come in and dress me. They strap fingerless studded leather gloves to my hands. Long leather boots go done up on my feet, crawling up my legs. Something like paint or some type of black liquid makeup stuff is drawn across my face, from the eyes out, staining my-which I only now realize I'm wearing-red mask. I am given a bad ass tattoo on my left shoulder, it's an ancient Japanese symbol that means Nightmare. A smirk pulls across my face and my Father chuckles at my reaction.
Suddenly my smirk fades, and my brows furrow.
"Father, what is ma name?" I ask, curiosity, uncertainty, confusion and anger fight for the dominant emotion.
But when I look back up at Master Shredder, his lips are pulled into a most devilish smirk, both pleased and insane.
"Your name, my son, is Nightmare."

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