Never Forget, Always Remember -Nightmare's POV

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"Night what the hell?" Karai gasps rushing towards me. I'm pushed back on to the counter, where I lean most of my weight.
Karai tries to pull my vest up but I push her hand away only to have my eyes roll back in my head as I drop. If it weren't for my sister swiftly scooping her arm under mine to share my weight, I'd be lying on the ground face first.
Karai sits me down against the bathroom wall.
"Let me see." She demands, arms crossed standing tall I front of me. I chuckle a bit. If she were a cartoon character, I imagine her with hips as big as her attitude and blowing bubble gum from her mouth. "Pop!" Maybe I have gone insane...
          "Nightmare let me see!"
"Oh come on is it really that bad?!?" I can no longer look her in the eye. I notice her hand tremble and she makes it into a hard first to keep control.
"Night..." Karai says my name and bends down to my level. "Please..."
I sigh in defeat, there's no getting my sister off my back-or shell I should say.
"Fine. But ya gotta swear not ta tell anyone!"
"How can I swear before I see it?!? I don't want to lose you Nightmare! I can't lose you! You're my brother! If I don't tell anyone how are you suppose to get better?" Her voice breaks and her cheeks are wet with tears. She cries right in front of me...
"Karai..." I cup her cheek in my hand and wipe her tears away.
"I just..."
"I know sister, I know. But I'm gonna die anyway. I've already been dead once. We are all gonna die. And I don't wanna spend my last moments in some lab waistin time. If I'm gonna go anyway, I wanna go with pride and joy. I wanna live my last moments, really live 'em. And I will. But if ya tell anyone, you're gonna steal that away from me... And for that I can never forgive ya." Karai looks me dead in the eye, I press my forehead to hers and then kiss it.
"I love ya sister, never forget that."
"I love you too brother, always remember."
I sigh again before looking away and allowing her to undo my vest. She gasps and I tense, fists clenching. Lightly she touches it and a high hissing sound slithers from my mouth.
Then something unexpected happens... Something that surprises me so much, I'm paralyzed in my dazed form for a few moments before I can regain myself. Karai hugs me! She throws herself at me in a tight hug, crying in my neck. When I snap out of my awe moment, I hold her tight to me, and to even more surprise, I cry too.
"No matter what happens Nightmare, never forget, I love you."
"I love you, now always remember, no matter where I end up."
And with that, we stay in each other's arms for a forever. But even forever has its limits.

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