My Brother - Leo's POV

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          "LEO! LEO! Have you heard?!?" Mikey comes storming into the Dojo with Donnie trailing out of breath behind him.
          "Heard what?" I stop what I'm doing and stair at my brothers.
          "There's a new villain in town and I didn't even get to name him..." Mikey pouts and slumps down until his arms dangle just centimetres from the ground. Donnie gives him a glare.
          "Come look!" Don motions for me to follow and we all run to the TV.
          "A new villain has been reported helping the Foot Clan. Very smart. Very dangerous. His name is... Nightmare. Where have our vigilantes run off to when we need them? And we do need you. The Foot have now gained control over many areas and have stollen much equipment and expenses. If you are watching this right now, be careful, stay safe, and please help us." The news report lady finishes her story and we are left frozen in place.
          "So this Nightmare guy..." My jaw hardens and my hands clench into fists. "We gotta stop him." A smirk tugs my lips.
          "Finally some action!' Mikey yells, throwing his hands up in the air.
          "Let's go!" Donnie smiles, flipping his staff.
          It's been about a month since Raph... I don't sleep. I don't really eat either, unless you count a slice of pizza once every few days, eating. I only eat when Sensei tells me to, but he spends most of his time cooped away alone in his room. Grieving I suppose, just like the rest of us.
          Sometimes I'll find Mikey and Donnie curled up together in one of their rooms. I'll normally tuck them in, even if they're asleep. I'll kiss them on the forehead and tell them I love them. I tell Sensei every night too. Before going to Raphs room where I lay in his hammock and burry my face in his pillow... It still smells like him... Still smells like roses...
          Master Splinter told me that I need to find a way to pick my brothers up. So I find Nightmare a pick up. We can focus on defeating him and it'll give us a distraction. I train all day and my brothers find ways to keep busy. It was hard the first couple weeks... It's always hard but I'd lost purpose and feel. I'd lost myself. And I think the best part about losing myself, is finding out who I am in the end. I haven't exactly found myself yet, but I will... I hope.
          It's been so long since I've sailed these familiar roof tops with the wind whistling past my ears. We move swiftly and silently. Searching until we come across fishy business. I know what Raph would say at "fishy business". I almost laugh at the thought of it. But then I'm overwhelmed by sadness...
          Shaking my head I focus on the target. We've stopped and bellow are some Foot Ninja doing who knows what. I'm not exactly sure but whatever it is, it can't be good.
          I whisper to Donnie and Mikey to follow my lead and they nod.
          Hoping down into the alley way, we trap them in so there's no escape.
          "Which one of you is Nightmare?" I ask, surprised at how my body holds so bold and confident, voice beaming and strong, a hint of pleasure in my face.
          "Me." A gruff and raspy familiar Brooklyn accent says, stepping out from behind some Foot Soldiers.
          I hear the gasps from my brothers. My eyes widen to the size of watermelons and I can't believe what I'm seeing! It can't be true! It can't be!
          "Raph?" The smirking familiar face narrows when I say his name.
          "My names Nightmare! Which one of you killed me?" He stairs dead into my eyes... He doesn't remember... Or does he? What'd they do to him? I gotta admit he looks bad ass with his new outfit but why is he like this? It doesn't even make sense! He was dead! It's not Raph! It can't be! But the wound... That'll prove if it's him! That'll tell me if I'm crazy or not. Where the injury would be, it's covered by a vest that really makes Raphael's shape pop out. He's got a wonderful shape...
          "Mikey, Donnie, we need to see if he's got the wound to be sure it's him. Go!" I command and we attack. I haven't touched my Katanas since that day... I haven't been able to. And I'm not about to. I use Raph's old sais. He had several pairs but he gave me his lucky special ones for my birthday. Even carved a heart in each one! He said he wanted me to have it, so he could always protect me no matter what.
          Raph's gotten much stronger and he's a huge threat. Or is it Nightmare? Is it Raph at all? Uh I'm so confused! Seeing if he has the scar will help. That's the only thing I can come up with right now. My brains not really functioning.
          We take out the Foot Ninjas pretty easily. There's only ten or fifteen, guess they don't send as many out in Raph's group cause he's so excelled.
          Raph is difficult even for the three of us at once. He swings his leg for a kick and we all duck, Donnie tries to sweep kick him but Nightmare flips onto the wall and pushes off, charging at Donnie and tackling him to the ground.
          Mikey and I jump on Raph and end up pinning him to the ground after getting elbows to the ribs, teeth to skin, blade to blood, body to bruises. If there's one thing that hasn't changed it's his attitude and will to fight.
          "You won't take me again! Just give me the blade myself! You won't do it again!" Tears spray from his eyes as he struggles and it takes everything from me not to give in, not to hug him and hold him. Not to give him the blade and let him kill me.
          Donnie pushes back his vest and we all gasp again. The wound is there and looks so horrible! It's an infestation itself! I almost hurl just looking at it! It doesn't take a doctor to know its infected. There's white puss waiting to be let lose and purple insides bruised and inching out... Red, tender swelled skin puffing out and his plastron is cracked and broken, a good chunk of it missing.
          Raph-now confirmed-shakes our grip in our statue form and retreats away, pulling down the vest, holding his stomach and scoots back out of our reach.
          "Leo that's infected bad if it's not treated soon he's gonna.. He's not gonna.. He'll..." Donnie tries to finish his sentence but can't bring himself to do it. I can't think or anything right now. All I can do is stair at my brother. How is he alive? What happened to him? Why can't he remember us? But he knows I killed him... This doesn't make sense! I need Master Splinter... I need my brother!
          Raphael gets up with a grunt, flipping his sais in his belt and runs out of sight. Why'd he leave? We should go after him... I don't know what to do! I'm so lost! So confused! I need Raph! And he's right there! But it's not him... No! He's in there! I know it! I saw it! In his eyes... They're glossed over like he's blind... Or something, Donnie must know. But beneath the sheet of fog in Raphael's eyes... I saw his glowing amber ones... Those beautiful green eyes... My brothers eyes... My brother.

Don't Hurt Me - Leo and Raph FanficWhere stories live. Discover now