Steve's (Sebastian's) P.O.V - For Skyla

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Steve’s (Sebastian's) P.O.V

Skyla’s dad and I argued for a good ten minutes before I threw my hands in the air and said that if he wasn’t going to allow me to stay while he was holding on to Skyla, then I would just call the police along with some high ups I was close with. I saw his ears immediately perked up at my words as I turned around and acted like I was leaving. It is safe to say that he quickly agreed to my terms.

I couldn’t help but notice, however, that Skyla had the saddest look on her face when I turned to walk away. I made a mental note to tell her that I will never leave her side and I only did that to make her father feel cornered. Thinking about it a second longer I thought about how I wasn’t ever going to give up on Skyla or leave her side. I felt almost as if I needed her in my life and right now I knew more than anything, she needed me.

Giving a cough the moment we walked in the trailer, the man that I now knew to be named Kane, gave me a frown.“You’ll have to sleep on the couch or-"

“Where is Skyla sleeping?” I asked with a raised eyebrow as I cut him off.

 “In her room.”

“Then that is where we will take up residence.”

“There is not enough-” he started to argue, but I held up my hand.

“I go where Skyla goes, and this girl,” I said as I pointed to Rosia, “stays with me. No argument,” I spoke with authority laced in my voice.

Kane glared at me before shrugging his shoulders. “Have to make a call,” he bitterly spat. “You three better not leave this trailer or I will-”

“You will what?” I quizzed in humor at what his threat would be.

“Give me your keys,” he demanded as he held out his palm.

Reaching in my pocket, I pulled out the keys to the Ferrari and handed them to him. “I’m only giving you these because I always hold strong to my deals.”

Nodding Kane took my keys and went off into another room rambling about how he was finally going to be free.

“That was stupid of you!” Rosia hissed as she looked at me. “We could have escaped and you don’t have to pay him. That bastard doesn’t deserve a single dime from you or anyone for that matter.”

“Chill, he is not asking for a lot. I would rather give him the money and then he stays out of Skyla’s life than try to escape from this place like I want to.” I replied before finally turning over to look at Skyla. I began to wonder what was going on in her mind. She was without a doubt trying to piece together how I was getting money to do this. I considered once again lying to her and telling her this was all coming out of my college fund, but she was smarter than that.

Lifting up her arms, Skyla gave a silent plea that someone untie her.

Reaching in my right pocket I pulled out a pocket knife that I always carried around. With one solid wipe, I undid her bindings and looked at her. “Skyla-” I began to say but something behind her stirred and muttered aloud. Leaning to the right, I saw a woman much older than all of us but looked almost as if she could be Skyla’s twin.

“She must be waking up,” Skyla informed us. “Come on, let’s go to my room.”

Walking closely behind her I tried not to think about how someone could live in such a small quarters. I mean their home equaled the size of the refrigerator in my house.

We entered her room, and my heart dropped to my knees at the interior of the place called “Skyla’s Room.” The walls were dirty and achingly bare, and there, sitting like a drunken old and ancient man, was what was supposed to be a bed. “Skyla...” I whispered, saddened to a degree that I couldn’t say anything but her name.

I looked at her back to see it tense up, but she still didn’t say anything.

From behind me, Rosia cleared her throat and marched forward like a girl on a mission. She wrapped her arms around Skyla, and a few seconds later, I heard a small sniffle. “I was so scared! When you disappeared, and then all the way over here, and then when your dad had that ugly thing to your neck and then when Seb-err...” Rosia paused at her word choice before looking up at me. “Can I talk to you for a moment?”

Releasing Skyla, Rosia told her that she would be right back. Giving me a hard look, Rosia walked out of the room in full confidence that I would follow. Grunting at the possibilities of all the things she could want to talk to me about, I sluggishly turned around and walked in the direction she went.

I saw Rosia leaning against one of the eight by eight plaster walls that supported the hall.

With her dark brown eyes pleading up at me, she bit her bottom lip. “You really shouldn’t pay that guy!”

Sternly, I repeated. “It’s the easiest way to get her parents out of her life-”

“The easiest way is if they were dead and gone.” My eyes narrowed on the girl who looked to be building up a wall of resolve that would rival the Great Wall of China. “You can do it, right? Get rid of them like that, I mean-”

“That is not an option.” I replied, tight-lipped. Of course, in my head, it had a certain appeal, with her parents past of abusing Skyla. Anyone who harmed even a hair on her head should be punished a thousand times a thousand times worse.

“But if they are gone then Skyla will truly be free! I mean, what if these wretched people decide that a hundred thousand isn’t enough? What if they try and use their daughter as collateral again.”

I knew without a doubt that the reason Rosia trailed off had nothing to do with her running out of steam, but the glower that took over my face. And the more my eyes registered this dump that Skyla had spent her childhood in only fueled my need to rip something up from the bottom up, preferably that man who called himself Skyla’s father.

A few second of silence passed before Rosia wiped away a stray tear that was falling down her rosy cheek. Pushing past me, Rosia went back into Skyla’s room while not sparing me a single glance.

I gave a big sigh and then trudged after her. Upon walking in the room I realized that it was going to be a hard night staying in here and being reminded that Skyla lived in this dump while I grew up in a palace, literally. “I do believe I need to get out of this place. It’s suffocating me.” I turned to leave, but after a second thought, I turned back to the two girls. “You two come with me. I don’t want you out of my sight.”

I ushered Rosia out first, and went to put a reassuring hand on Skyla’s shoulder, but she jerked away from me as though she had been burned. My hand stayed in place right above where Skyla’s shoulder was as I watched her scurry away with her head down and hidden by her blond hair.

Slowly, my hand retreated back to my side and I followed them out the house in hope of us walking around for a minute before returning back to this miniature trailer that I hope never to see again after this night...

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