The Scavenger Hunt

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I stared at the phone like it was a chocolate chip cookie, which, no thanks to Rosia, I was deprived of. See, she had found my secret stash and ate all of my precious cookies!

Steve has to call me! I thought to myself as I suppressed the thoughts of cookies to the back of my mind. I mean, if he wasn't interested in going out with me, than he wouldn't have talked to me for hours ... Right? 

"Who is supposed to call?" Rosia questioned me as she walked out of the bathroom.

"No one! Why would you think someone's gonna call?" I said nervously, not wanting her to know about Steve. I knew, I would not hear the end of it, if she knew about him. 

"Liar!" She said, then sat down on my bed next to me. "Tell me or ... I will tickle you to death."

I looked at her wide-eyed, "you wouldn't!" I stated.

Rosia gave me a single nod that said it all, she would.

All the sudden, the phone rang and I went to grab it, but Rosia beat me to it.

"Hello." My heart dropped, crap, that might be Steve ...Crap, she will now know. "Yes, she is here." Rosia handed me the phone. "It’s for you," a smile played on her face as her arm out stretched to give it to me. 

I slowly grabbed the phone. "H-hello?"

"Skyla, dear, you have not called me in ages." My aunt Edie said with exaggeration seeping into her voice.

I let out a sigh, it was just my aunt.  "Sorry, I just have been busy,. Exams are next week," I truthfully told her.

"Oh well, I was wondering if you and Rosia will come to my house next weekend. I called the Dean, of your school, and he said it was fine for y'all to leave for the weekend."

"Ummm ... I guess," I said looking down at the floor. A ping of sadness hit me because a part of me really wanted it to be Steve that called.

"Great!" Aunt Edie shrieked on the other line.

I heard the other line beep in.  "Aunt Edie, there is someone beeping in on the other line. Can I call you later?" I asked.

"Of course darling," with that she hung up and I switched to the other line.

"Hello," I said in a bored voice. I really was not in the mood to talk, I hoped it was a call for Rosia.

"Meet me in the library where we talked. Be there in five minutes."

Smiling, I knew it was Steve from the first word.

I was going to ask him why he wanted to meet me, but he hung up. I sat the phone down, and all but jumped up off the bed. 

"Where you going?" Asked Rosia as I was putting on my coat.

"Out," I simply stated, then ran out of the dorm.

I ran across the campus, and into the library. I walked in a fast movements as I made my way to the back corner of the library.

I was surprised to see that Steve was not here. I looked at my wrist watch. It had only been six minutes since he called, he told me to be here in five ... Maybe he is running late. I walked over to the couch and saw there was a note on it. I picked it up. 

Dear Skyla, 

You’re late or early ... Either way, I am putting you on a chase or shall I say scavenger hunt.
This scavenger hunt will be just like the one Max had for Shasha in Captured by Fate...
At the end there is a surprise for you, but you better watch the time, because you only have twenty minutes to finish this 'chase' I have set up for you.

First place you need to go to is the fountain in the middle of Harvey Academy campus.


I quickly folded the letter, shoved it in my shoulder bag and ran out of the library.

The fountain was actually not that far from the library, so it only took me five minutes to get there (mind you the campus is very large, almost like a college campus).

I got to the fountain and saw a girl sitting by the fountain and she was playing a song on a violin.

I knew that song … It was Jack’s Lament, it’s a song that I loved. At that moment I gave a small grin, I told him that the other day.

I walked up to the girl, and thought that the girl had some mad talent when it come to the violin…

Looking beside her, I saw there was a sign.

You’re so close. Now go to the Harvey Coffee … Tick, Tock … P.S the rose is for you …

Next to the sign was a red rose. My favorite! I picked it up. Like a bat out of hell, I ran as fast as I could to the campus Coffee shop. When I reached it, I saw it was empty.

That shocked me, usually this place is packed. Especially since it is in the middle of winter, everyone wants a taste of their famous Pumpkin Spice coffee.

I walked to the door and pulled it, and surprisingly it opened. I walked in. "Hello?" I shouted, there was no answer. I walked to the counter and saw a steaming cup of … Pumpkin Spice coffee!  I picked it up and then noticed a note on the cup in black sharpie.

Enjoy it while it’s hot, but don’t stay here too long, because next you need to go to the gym.

I groaned, the gym was like half way across the campus.

 The thought of just giving up on this hunt, crossed my mind. But the rose, coffee, and thought of Steve made me dash out the shop (trying not to spill the coffee in process) and head to the gym.

I got to the gym and I looked at my watch, it has been exactly twenty minutes … crap I hope this is the last place.

 I walked into the gym, and braced myself for what ever this crazy Steve as in store for me next.

Upon strolling into the gym, I noted that it was silent and empty.

The lights where on, thank gosh, I thought as I went to the middle of the wooden basketball court.

"Hello?" My eyes scanned every inch of the gym, seeing if there was a note, sign, or just plain anything that Steve left me. Yet, after spinning 360, I saw nothing out of the ordinary.

"Hey, Skyla." I heard someone say, and I jumped at least three feet in the air.

I looked behind me and saw Steve. "You scared the crap out of me!" I yelled as I placed my hand over my pounding heart. He smirked at me as if that was his goal. "Um… I have a question for you." I said, he nodded for me to ask away. "You’re not really here on a scholarship, are you?" I inquired.

"W-why do you say that?" He questioned with an arched eyebrow.

"I mean, you must have money. The girl with the violin, can’t be free. On top of that, you rented the coffee shop and gym because usually both places are packed with people." I commented.

"…Errr … I used my college fund money." He stated with a slight blush on his cheeks.

"Steve! You didn’t!" I shouted. "How could you? That is too muc-"

Steve leaned in a kissed me, like I wasn't even talking.

I was shocked, and completely lost on what to do … until my hormones kicked in and I kissed him back.

He backed away after a minute with a smirk planted on his face. "There is something I wanna show you." Steve held up a red blind fold.

"Oh, hell no, I am not letting you put that on me."

"Fine, I will just have wasted my college money for nothing," he admitted with a defeated look etched on his face.

"Where are you going? To freaking Harvard? … Fine! Put it on me!"

He smiled and blind folded me. As he did this something inside of me made me think, he was lying about using his college money … I think he’s rich and lying … but why would he lie to me?

Maybe he’s not lying. If he isn’t, I feel really bad for him spending he’s college money on me …

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