What He Does, For Me

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Skyla’s P.O.V

It was decided, I was going to act like Sebastian was dead to me. I knew that that would get under his skin and I really, really just wanted to tick him off. Lightly biting my bottom lip, I began to realize that it was a childish idea. Yet, it irked me that he thought he could run my life. I bet you that he thinks that if he yells jump, I’ll reply with ‘how high?’... Nope, that wasn't going to happen. I wasn’t going to let him run my life ... nor let him think he can.

Sticking my chin up in the air, I smiled. Yep, he is going to learn no one is in charge of me.

Walking to the middle of the room, I sat down on the cherry wood floor and faced the door. With a grin plastered on my face I watched the door ... waiting for the moment he comes in.


“Skyla ... Skyla, wake up,” I heard a voice whisper. I cracked opened my eyes to see that Daniel was hovering over me with a small smirk.


 “Hurry up, I am breaking you out of here,” Daniel said as he tossed me a green hoodie.

 Looking at it, I furrowed my eyebrows. “What?”

 “I’m helping you escape here. Now, hurry up and put that on. We need to get out of the house before Gage wakes up and does his thirty minute walk around.”

 Even though I was in a state of confusion due to beginning woken up in the middle of a deep – dreamless -- sleep, I sat up from the floor and quickly put on the hoodie.

 Standing up, I stretched for a second because my back was hurting from falling asleep on the hardwood floor. “Where are we going?” I asked him before we exited the room.

 “I don’t know ... lets just worry about getting out of here first,” Daniel said in a rushed tone.

 Deciding not to ask him further questions, I followed him out of the room and down the hall. When we got to the living room I saw Gage passed out on the couch. He was snoring like a pig and I also noticed that he wasn’t in his tux and sunglasses. Instead he was wearing a plain white tee and some jeans. I really wanted to creep over and see what his face looked like without glasses, but Daniel had a grip on my arm and was dragging me out of the condo.

Once we were in the elevator and the door closed, Daniel gave a really loud sigh.

I looked at him with an arched eyebrow. “What is it?”

 “Uhhh, nothing ... it was just that I was worried we wouldn’t get out of there without getting caught. Gage is usually a light sleeper…”

 “What are you saying?” I asked.

 Daniel looked wide-eyed for a second before composing himself. “Saying something? I’m not saying anything it is just that ... oh, you know what ... never mind.”

 “Daniel ... what is going on?” I questioned as I started to get a weird vibe from him.

 “Going on? Nothing is going on,” he nervously proclaimed. With slightly shaky hands he rubbed the back of his neck.

 The elevator dinged as it stopped at a floor. I thought it was the lobby, so I looked forward and was seconds from walking out of the elevator, but I saw that it wasn’t the lobby. A few people come in the elevator and all started to talk amongst themselves as the elevator door closed and continued to its destination -- the lobby.

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