I Was A Damsel in Distress...He Saved Me

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I arrived here at Harvey Academy at 3 p.m this afternoon, and have been looking for my dorm room ever since!

When I saw the crystal chandelier and glossy hardwood floor, that I passed just a few minutes ago. I realized that it wouldn't even take a genius to know that I was walking in circles. Letting out a loud sigh, I let it sink in that I was officially lost.

 "What are you doing in here?! This is the private ballroom! Students are not allowed in here at this hour, unless there is an event going on!"

I looked at the door way and saw a skinny woman. She wore a navy blue pencil skirt, and jacket. Her brown hair was in a bun and a pair of black framed glasses were on the edge of her nose. It was so cliché to me, with her glasses at the brim of her nose; with a neatly ironed jacket and skirt. She had a very authority domineer, that thought made me back up a few steps and look at the ground ... Please, don't let me get in trouble on my first day! ... Wait, it hasn't even been a full day yet! ... Ahh!

"I-I'm sorry, I'm j-just-" I stopped talking when I heard someone cough. I thought it was the woman before me that coughed, so I stopped talking and stared at the floor.

"She's with me, Ms. Kenneth."

I jumped a little, not knowing that someone was behind me. I dared not to look up or move from Ms. Kenneth's death glare to see who was behind me. But, when a hand landed on my back, my cheeks grew red, and I looked up at Ms. Kenneth and gave her a shy smile.

She sighed and then her glare melted into a sweet smile.

"As you say, Mr. Crow." With that she walked out of the room with her navy stilettos heels clicking the ground she walked on.

I let out a breath; that I didn't know I was holding in.

"Her bark is worse than her bite, I promise."

I moved and looked behind me. I tried to breathe, I really did, but it was hard, when I was staring at a guy that made me rethink that Leonardo DiCaprio (Titanic reference) is not the cutest guy to ever walk the earth.

In front of me was a tall, blond haired guy. He had a smirk on his face that showed two dimples on both sides of his lips ... lips that were so ... I lost my train of thought  when he coughed again.

"I am guessing you're new here." He said in a deep velvet voice.

Okay, I am going to admit something, I am shy. Well, at least to people I don’t know. Yet, once I get to know a person I start not to shudder and look at the ground when talking. So, when it came to answering his question, all I could do was nod.

"Where are you headed? Maybe I can show you the way," he suggested.

I shook my head 'no'. "I-I will find my way." I said looking at the ground. I heard him chuckle.

"Okay, be it your way. I would just hate you to run into Mrs. Kenneth, again." He stated then started to walk away.

I looked up and bit my lip for a second wondering what to do ... Take his offer? Or not? "W-wait!" I shouted, almost too loud.

He slowly turned around with a grin , "yes."

 "Where is-s dorm r-room 225?" I asked glancing at my crossed arms.

He walked over to me and grabbed my bag from my hand. I was going to protest, but I ended up saying nothing.

 As we went down the halls, I noticed that no one and I mean no one was in the hallways.

 "W-where is everyone?" I asked, and almost mentally slapped myself for saying something.

"It's the day before the first day, everyone is at the game room or either the gym. They consider this is  the day to mingle with others," he stated.

I nodded and refused to ask the hundreds of questions that were running through my mind.

We walked down a few different hallways and up some stairs, until finally I saw a gold plate on a door that said 'Girl's Dorm'.

"This is as far as I am allowed to take you. They don't allow men in the women's dorm ... but in all honesty I know where your room is. Go through this door, down the hall and it's the third door on your left." He said.

"T-thank you." I mumbled as I grabbed my bag from his hand.

"You're welcome ... " I knew he wanted me to fill in his sentence with my name, but I did no such thing of giving him my name anyways. Instead I gave him a half hearted smile, opened the door, and made my way to my room.


When I found my room, I pulled out the key I was given on registration day. I opened the door and walked in. At the moment there was no one in the room, just two beds. I dropped my bag on the bed without sheets.

I looked at my roommates bed spread, it had bright yellow flowers on it ... Something told me she was not going to be a shy roommate that never said a word to me ... like I wanted ... Instead I knew a she was going to be a bubbly, talkative girl ... Great, we will definitely get along ...


One Year Later

"Skyla! Are you going to come and see the Kings?!" My roommate Rosia asked.

I looked up from my book. She asks me this every week to go to a dance that the three 'kings' of this school have.

I know what you’re thinking, 'Kings?!' Yeah, they are three guys that basically have the whole school wrapped around there finger, excluding me ...

"You know I am not into the dances that they host or really anything that invovles them."

"But, you have never been to any! How do you know you will not like it?”

“Is there dancing?” I asked.

“Well, yeah, it’s a dance after all.”

“See, there is the first thing I don’t like about it, dancing. I can’t even keep on a beat to save the life of me.”


“Is there drinking?” I questioned as i cut her off.

“Ummm, no,” she said looking down at the floor.

“Liar! You and I both know that every time you go, you end up getting wasted! I am not going, Rosia.”

My roommate looked at me in anger. “Skyla, please! You admitted it last week that you have never seen the three kings! They are so cute! Omg! I would marry one of them if I could! You have to go, and try to meet one of them."

"No, thank you! And besides, I would have met them already if they would show up to class, but they are too much in their own world to show up."

"You know that they don't have show up because they are princes! They have a country to watch over!" She shrieked.

"Last time I checked, a king watches over a country, not a prince. They are just too lazy to go to class. I will tell you this for your own good because over the past year, I have grown to consider you as a friend ... stop being a fan girl." Rosia gave me a glare. "You don't need a prince; you can be a strong, independent woman, without them."

"I know Skyla, but-"

"And from what you told me they are all players. Never have steady girlfriends and they expect everyone to eat from their palms ..."

"You are so blinded by those books." Rosia mumbled. I gave her a death glare and started to read again. "Your Aunt is right..." I looked at Rosia with a shocked look.

"You talked to my Aunt?!"

"Yeah, she so cool!" I rolled my eyes. "She and I agreed that you will  fall in love with the first guy your with ... maybe I can speed up the process." She said in a very low voice, I think she thought I would not hear the last part.

"No, Rosia, I would rather you go to the stupid dance then set me up with someone."

Rosia gave me a smile.

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