Rosia's P.O.V - I Hate You

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Rosia’s P.O.V

“You sure she is going to be fine?” I questioned Zhan as I watched Skyla walk over to Sebastian.

Zhan moved in front of me and placed his hands on my shoulders. “I’m ninety-nine point nine percent sure she will be perfectly fine. Aside from having a terrible headache tomorrow-”

Cutting Zhan off, I started to glare a hole in him. “You are only ninety-nine percent sure?! This is my friend we are talking about! If she starts having seizures or falls over dead, I will kill you,” I stated in a stern tone.

Zhan raked his right hand through his hair. “Calm down, Rosia.”

I punched one of his arms and turned around. I was about to leave the room when I realized that I couldn’t leave Skyla in here. Maneuvering away from Zhan, I walked over to the other side of the room.

“Stalking me?” A cool voice said from beside me as I lean up against the wall and looked around the room for Skyla.

Turning my head I saw Daniel Weber. Rolling my eyes, I spoke, “no. Stalking you would imply that I’m interested or intrigued by you. If I was feeling any of the two towards you I would personally beg one of my friends to kill me.”

“That was the worst comeback of all time,” he informed me with a smile. Raising a cup to his mouth, Daniel took a swig of what I was guessing was some kind of alcoholic drink.

“What is your poison?” I quizzed.

Looking down at his blue solo cup, Daniel grinned before looking at me. “I wouldn’t ask that question, Rosia. You sound interested in me.”

I opened my mouth to reply to him but every come back that I had I knew he would answer back smoothly. That was one of the thing I really hated about Daniel. He always had some kind of quick, witty response. In return, I would be in a mentally race to figure out what to say next, which of course would only make me say something stupid...

Suddenly, the sound of boos erupted over the room. I looked away from Daniel and saw at the front of the room was the DJ waving his hand to silence the group. “Alright, alright, alright. I know you all were jamming out to that, but we have an announcement from the gorgeous...” the DJ halted in the middle of his sentence. He pulled the mic from his mouth and asked the person next to him a question.

I didn’t have to get on my tippy toes and see who he was talking with to know it was Skyla. Grinning like a wild cat, I knew this was about to be Epic -- with a capital ‘E’.

“From Skyla!” The DJ boomed.

“What is she doing?” Daniel muttered to himself as we all watched Skyla climbed up on a big speaker.

I could now see her because the speaker was about five to six feet off the ground. Looking at Skyla, I saw that she was smiling.

The DJ handed her the microphone and it was then that I knew everything was really coming together.

“Hello, my name is Skyla Ruth and I’m slightly intoxicated,” Skyla blurted out.

From her slightly slurred voice, I could tell she was drunk, even without her announcing it.

“Do you know what is going on?” Daniel asked me.

Glancing over at him, I grinned. “Maybe.”

“I hate heels,” Skyla proclaimed before taking off both of her heels and tossing them out into the room. “I also hate this dress,” she casually stated.

“Whatever she is doing, she better stop,” Daniel flatly declared.

“Why?” I inquired.

Pointing to a few feet from us, he showed me to where Sebastian was standing. I could see as clear as a summer’s day that Sebastian was seconds from blowing the roof off this place in anger as Skyla stripped down into some shorts and tube top she had under her dress.

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