Something Is Going On ... Part 1

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I walked into my dorm room in a daze, not really paying attention to my surroundings or what was going on because I was numb. My mind told me over and over that this was the end and I was officially screwed. Jack was never one not to be informed of my doings. Reaching my bed I sat down and pulled my legs to my chest as my back rested on the head board. The room was dimly lit with only the light by my bed  illuminating the room. Silence was sadly confronting as I sat there. My body resisted to move as the phone beside the bed rang. Every fiber of my being told me not to answer for I knew who it was, Jack. Yet, stupidly, I found myself leaning over and grasping the telephone. Putting it to my ear, I answered it, “H … Hello?” I breathed.

“Skyla, I warned you,” a raspy, familiar voice said on the other line. My fingers trembled, daring to drop the phone. “Fortunately, I am out of the country for a few days. But note that a few days gives you time to say your goodbyes. Love you baby and see you soon,” he said and then the line went dead.

My eyes glossed over as I put the phone down. I had no idea what to do so I just sat that. When he said for me to say my goodbyes, did that mean he was going to … Kill me?!

“Skyla!” I jumped a little as I focused back on reality. I saw that I was still sitting on my bed, hugging my legs. But the room was brighter and Rosia was here. My eyes drifted to her figure that was standing by my bed with a heated expression. She sat down on her bed and looked at me.  “You ditched me! I had to get Zhan to drive me home, not that I minded. He is so cute! Not to mention sweet … Skyla? Are you listening to me?” Rosia asked as she leaped off her bed and ran over to mine. Rosia jumped on my bed and smiled at me. “You look like you’ve seen a ghost. Are you okay?” She quizzed. My blue eyes looked at her. I tried not to cry, but I couldn’t help it. Her expression softened and she pulled me into a hug. “Oh, Skyla! What’s wrong?” I was choking on my tears and clueless how to answer her. If I told her about Jack he would be sure to get rid of her. So, that left me weeping in her arms as she tried to comfort me.  “How about I go down to the Food Court, it’s open late tonight, and get us some ice cream?” She suggested. Oh, how much I wanted ice cream! I moved away from her and nodded. Her lips curved up into a smile. “I will be right back,” with that she dashed out of the room.

I sat there for all of two minutes before a knock on the door made me rise up from my bed. I figured it was Rosia and she had forgotten her key. So I opened the door without looking in the peep hole. My body froze when I saw who it was. “Steve?” I questioned.

He gave me a grim look. “Why do you keep rejecting me?” He asked in a deep demanding voice.

I stood there not really knowing what words to tell him. Nothing would be the truth, and the truth would dig, both our graves. “Steve … Please just go to your dorm,” I pleaded.

He shook his head and pushed pass me into the room. He walked over to a lounge chair that was in front of the T.V. I decided that he was not going to leave, so I closed the door thinking ‘Oh, well, I am already going to get killed by Jack’. Going over to Steve I saw he was looking at the blank screen T.V.

“I will leave, but please Skyla, I like you. I never seem to fall for girls, but you … Please, tell me the truth as to why you push me away.” He begged for my answer.

I wanted to cry so badly, but he gripped my hand making me not able to go in the bathroom and release my tears. I tried to stay strong in his presence, because I couldn’t tell him.

“Oh! MY! GOSH!” I heard Rosia shriek from the door. I looked up at her to see she had dropped the brown bag with what I was guessing contained ice cream. Her eyes were gazing at Steve. I

went wide eyed, thinking she thought him and I were a couple.

“I-I …” I was about to explain what was going on when the phone rang. I got out of Steve’s hold and went over to it. I picked up the phone, hoping it wasn’t who I thought it was.

“Skyla?” I could hear the sound of my Aunt’s voice. I sighed and she began to talk but Rosia and Steve whispering back in forth so I couldn’t hear what my aunt was saying. So I left the room and went into the hallway. My aunt told me that she wanted Rosia and me to come visit her. I agreed and said I would talk it over with Rosia. After about five minutes we hung up. I walked back into the room only to find Rosia yelling at Steven.

“But you are a-”

Steve cut off Rosia. “I’m a hot guy, I know,” he added as his eyes flickered to me.

Rosia’s eyes glanced over at me and she put on a fake smile. “Hey! Skyla ... You ...” Rosia said in a ranting manner.

I wrinkled my eyebrows in confusion. “What’s going on?” I asked, the room went silent.

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