Daniel Weber

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I inhaled and exhaled loudly before walking to the front of the plane. Right when I got to the front I noticed it was spacious up here and very seat was full but one in the very first row. I walked towards the seat but stopped when I saw someone in a seat next to it. I froze, knowing who it was.


I walked slowly to my seat, knowing that I would have to take a seat sooner or later. When I sat down, a pair of grey almost brown colored eyes looked at me. I knew exactly who it was, the guy from the King’s party. The one I talked to and wouldn’t tell me his name. A smile twitched upon his lips, “well, well, well, if it isn’t Skyla. Are you stalking me?” He inquired with a smirk.

I shook my head at him. “How can you stalk a guy that didn’t even tell you his name? So, since we are going to be on the same plane for a while, mind telling me your name?" I boldly asked him. It was surprising me how easy it was to talk to him. Usually, I am stuttering and can’t complete a sentence, but with him I am just talking away.

“Why do you want to know my name?” He questioned when the seat belt light came on. I buckled up and sighed as the stewardess started to talk about safety rules. Once the woman was done talking, I gripped the arm of the chair as the airplane’s engines turned on. “Never flown before?” He asked me. I violently shook my head. “Don’t worry once we are in the air, you’ll relax … So Skyla, where are you headed?”

“Do you mind not talking to me right now? I’m thinking of one hundred ways of how I’m going to die on this flight,” I admitted in a shaky voice.

The guy next to me chuckled. “I think it’s the perfect time to talk. So are you going to answer my question?” He inquired as his eyes intently gazed at me.

I glanced at him before releasing a much needed sigh. “I’m going to my aunt’s house for the weekend. There … Happy?” I questioned.

He raised one of his brown eyebrows in a questioning manner. “Happy? No … Content, yes…” was his reply. “So, Skyla what grade are you in at Harvey Academy?” The no-name guy quizzed.

“You like asking questions?” I replied to him.

“Only when I get a response,” he stated with a small smirk. I rolled my blue eyes at him. “Plus, I seemed to have kept you preoccupied during takeoff,” he proclaimed. Sure enough when I leaned over and looked out his window, we were up in the air. Part of me was wondering how in the world was he able to keep my mind from realizing we were taking off. “Skyla, tell me about yourself?” The man requested as I reclined back into my seat.

“I have nothing to tell you,” I admitted. Something inside of me just felt like I shouldn’t even bother telling him about my personal life if he won’t even consider letting me know his real name.

“Oh come on … Inform me as to why you are going to your Aunt’s house and not your parents.”

“How about you tell me, why the hell I got so unfortunate enough to be put in first class with a nosy boy. Who by the way wants to know about other people’s lives when he won’t even admit his name, let alone does he personally know the other person.” I huffed.

The no-name guy gave me a shocked expression before letting a small humorous laugh escape his pink lips.

“You’re funny.”

“Yeah, I think you told me that before,” I exclaimed as a small flashback of the party popped in my mind.

“Okay, maybe now that I think of it, I was playing unfair … So let do this, I ask one question, after you have given me a reply, then you can ask a question. Deal?” He asked me with his hand stretched out as if waiting for me to shake it and seal the deal. I just sat there for a minute, contemplating on what I should do. “Come on, it will be a long silent flight to your Aunt’s if you don’t take this arrangement.”

Reaching over, I shook his hand. “Fine, but I get to ask the first question since you have already done so.” He nodded in agreement. “What is your real name?” I quizzed.

The color in his face slightly drained and I saw his eyes widen a little before he shifted a little in his seat and started to relax. “Ummm ... Daniel ... My name is Daniel Weber.”

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