Chapter One: A Birthday to Remember

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the magical world of harry potter belongs to jk rolling and i am just putting my little character into it cause jk is fab at creating worlds :) and i love h potter!!


I woke to water splashing all over me, not the best thing to start a birthday. Today is July 12th. I opened my eyes to find my brother Jimmy and my sister Jenna with large buckets in their hands. There was no doubt that the ice water covering me and my bed had been in those buckets not too long ago. They were of course cracking up while I sent them a glare. “Stop laughing,” I demanded. They ignored me and just laughed louder.

A sudden knock on my bed room door brought them to their senses and they stood up straight. I rolled my eyes and called to the person at the door, “Come in.” The door opened and Molly, one of our many maids, came in. She has beautiful midnight black hair and hazel eyes.

Molly is I a few years older than me. She is 14 while I just turned 11 today. Her mother has been working for my parents since before I was born so Molly and I grew up together. Molly glanced around my room which is quite large.

The door to the hallway is on the south wall. There is a big plasma screen TV on the west wall. The walls are all a pretty light blue. In front of the TV are two large purple couches with many zebra patterned pillows and bright green pillows scattered along them. The TV has Bose surround sound speakers, a Wii, DVD player, and Xbox 360 hooked up.

The east wall is almost completely covered by celling to floor book cases. The only parts of the wall not covered are two doors and a black old looking desk with more books and lots of papers on top. One of the doors leads to a large bathroom fit for a queen and of course the other is my huge walk in closet.

Lastly , on the north wall is large glass doors leading out to a nice porch.  My big king sized pink bed with a mellow yellow canopy and lots of colorful pillows also rests against the north wall along with two old black side tables, a big old white vanity, and an old orange bureau. Saying my room was colorful is an understatement.  

Molly’s eyes fell on my drenched figure and soon she was on the ground with my two siblings laughing her head off. I glared at them but soon I too was cracking up. Finally after a few minutes we calmed down enough to hear what Molly had come to say. “Your mother and father want all of you at breakfast in a half hour.” We all nodded and Molly left the room still chuckling.

“Okay both of you out of my room right now and get changed.” I said as I pushed my younger siblings out of my room. Once they were out I opened walked into my closet to pick out my outfit. I choose a pale yellow dress and white gladiator sandals. I carried my clothes into my bathroom and put them on the counter.

I quickly striped and hopped in the shower. Once I was clean I got out, dried myself, and slipped into my dress. Next I got to work on my long, wavy blond hair. I brushed it and slipped on my shoes. Next I went to the vanity in my room and applied a little makeup. I then put on diamond earrings, and a matching bracelet, and finished the look with a diamond encrusted tiara that had once belonged to my dead grandmother given to her when by my father’s father, my grandfather, also dead. The tiara is supposed to be worn by the crown princess of the Winx which I am.

Winx are basically humans with all these cool powers and stuff, but we aren’t considered humans because although weapons can hurt them age has no effect. They are very hard to kill because the more power they have the fast they heal. Once a year until their 16th birthday a Winx goes through a sort of transformation. Not a physical on but it is still a transformation. Depending on the person they gain power, some more than others. The transformation feels just like a wave of calmness comes over your body and each year it takes longer and you gain more power. To the person it feels like a few seconds but in reality it is much longer. On your 16th birthday it is different and painful because you receive more power than ever before. I am only half Winx but my transformations have gotten very long. Last year it was 6 hours.

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