Chapter Two: Diagon Alley

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I woke to a blinding light. I blinked a few times and found Molly had opened all the curtains in my room. Then it hit me: Diagon Alley today! I quickly jumped out of bed and took a shower in my towel I walked into my closet and picked jean shorts and a blue crop top. I slipped the clothes on and added a cute belt and my plain blue flip-flops. Then I brushed and straightened my hair. I ran to my vanity and put on my favorite peal earrings and a tiara. The tiara resembled the one from my birthday but instead of diamond it had pearls.

I glanced in the mirror and then ran to the kitchen. Our chief Laurence chuckled at me and said, “Good morning mademoiselle. What would you like for breakfast?” I quickly answered him, “Le sandwich au saucisse et œufs et fromage. S’il vous plait!” (Saucage, egg, and cheese sandwich if you do not know French!!)  “Oui, Oui!” He quickly made my food and I thanked him, “Merci!” After eating I ran to the front of the castle to find a car similar to a what I believe muggles call a limo. (For those of you who do not know what a muggle is: a muggle is a none magical person.) The only difference is this car runs on magic and is much bigger on the inside then it looks on the outside. I climb into the car to find my purse on the seat. Robert our family driver greats me and informs me that my mother has instructed him to drop me off at the Leaky Cauldron were Hagrid and another student will be waiting. Inside my purse I find my supply list a few coins and my key for Gringotts the wizard bank. Robert used magic on the car to fly us over the ocean to London. I thank Robert and hop out seeing the Leaking Cauldron.

 It was a tiny, grubby-looking pub.The people hurrying by didn't glance at it. Their eyes slid from the big book shop on one side to the record shop on the other as if they couldn't see the Leaky Cauldron at all. It was very dark and shabby. A few old women were sitting in a corner, drinking tiny glasses of sherry. One of them was smoking a long pipe. A little man in a top hat was talking to the old bartender, who was quite bald and looked like a toothless walnut. Then I spotted Hagrid, but then again who could miss the giant man. Everyone was waving and smiling at Hagrid, and the bartender reached for a glass, saying, "The usual, Hagrid." "Can't, Tom, I'm on Hogwarts business," said Hagrid, clapping his great hand on a black haired boy shoulder and making his's knees buckle.

"Good Lord," said the bartender, peering at the boy, "is this -- can this be --." The Leaky Cauldron had suddenly gone completely still and silent. "Bless my soul," whispered the old bartender, "Harry Potter... what an honor." He hurried out from behind the bar, rushed toward Harry and seized his hand, tears in his eyes. It was then that I noticed the boys emerald eyes, glasses and of course the lightning bolt scar that was famous. "Welcome back, Mr. Potter, welcome back." Harry looked like he didn't know what to say. Everyone was looking at him. The old woman with the pipe was puffing on it without realizing it had gone out. Hagrid was beaming.

Then there was a great scraping of chairs and the next moment, Harry was then shaking hands with everyone in the Leaky Cauldron. "Doris Crockford, Mr. Potter, can't believe I'm meeting you at last." "So proud, Mr. Potter, I'm just so proud." "Always wanted to shake your hand -- I'm all of a flutter." "Delighted, Mr. Potter, just can't tell you, Diggle's the name, Dedalus Diggle." "I've seen you before!" said Harry, as Dedalus Diggle's top hat fell off in his excitement. "You bowed to me once in a shop." "He remembers!" cried Dedalus Diggle, looking around at everyone. "Did you hear that. He remembers me!" Harry shook hands again and again -- Doris Crockford kept coming back for more. A pale young man made his way forward, very nervously. One of his eyes was twitching.

"Professor Quirrell!" said Hagrid. "Harry, Professor Quirrell will be one of your teachers at Hogwarts." "P-P-Potter," stammered Professor Quirrell, grasping Harry's hand, "c-can't t-tell you how p- pleased I am to meet you." "What sort of magic do you teach, Professor Quirrell." "D-Defense Against the D-D-Dark Arts," muttered Professor Quirrell, as though he'd rather not think about it. "N-not that you n-need it, eh, P-P-Potter." He laughed nervously. "You'll be g-getting all your equipment, I suppose. I've g-got to p-pick up a new b-book on vampires, m-myself." He looked terrified at the very thought.

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