First Class Project

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Mrs. Barnes' yellow bug pulls up in front of a grey brick house with lots of big windows in the front. There were brick pillars by the huge, oak front door, and ivy hung ominously from the top of the doorframe. A small bird's nest rested on top of the pillar to the right, and, seven seconds after ringing the doorbell, a very chipper Brandon appeared. His expression darkened slightly when he saw Greg, his smile becoming more forced, eyebrows furrowed, but he tried to be as optimistic as possible.

"Hi, Skylar," he says, beaming, then turns to Greg. "Greg."

Greg waves and I say hello.

"Julia isn't here yet?" I ask.

Brandon shakes his head. We all just stand there awkwardly for a second. Then, he starts towards the stairs, motioning for us to follow. We enter a large room with a flat screen TV, X-Box, Wii U, foosball table, air hockey table, and pool table. There's a balcony outside with another TV, a radio, a bin of electronics, and a jacuzzi.

"This," Brandon begins, smiling at the awed looks on our faces and pausing for dramatic affect. "This is the gameroom."

Greg manages to get out the only word either of us can say right now. "Wow."

The doorbell rings.

"Greg, could you get that?" Brandon asks.

"But this is your h-" Greg protests, only to be cut of by Brandon.

"Just get the door."

Greg sighs, but leaves anyway. I want to tell him not to let Brandon push him around, slightly because I don't want to be left alone with Brandon and don't know what to expect him to say, and partly because I think I know exactly what Brandon's going to say. Once Greg leaves, Brandon clears his throat. Oh, crap. Here it comes.

"So, Skylar, I was wondering if you wanted to go out sometime."

I stare at him. He's silently pleading to me, puppy dog eyes and all. Does he really like me or is he really desperate?

"Oh. I'm sorry. I've just gotten to school and I'm not sure I'm ready for that yet. I'm so sorry."

I'm glad he wasn't there when I accused Greg of rejecting me in Home Ec. Then, I remember how fast gossip spreads.

"Is it because you like Greg?"

"Um," I swallow. "No. I'm glad that he didn't go out with me because, like I just said, I'm not ready for that yet."

"Hey," Julia chirps.

I look up, grateful for the distraction, and oblige happily to her request for a hug.

Before she pulls away, I whisper, "After this do you want to come to my house, eat cookie dough, and watch a romantic comedy?"

She giggles and nods. Brandon flushes red, thinking I told Julia what happened and giving himself away. When she asks what's wrong, he has no chance but to explain. It's Julia's turn to blush. Brandon says he has to use the bathroom, and, after he leaves, Julia turns to me and mouths the words what's wrong with you. I just shrug. She turns to me and asks, Can I go out with him? with her eyes. I shrug and nod to show I don't care, and I really don't. Brandon's not my type.

Brandon resembles the dreamy member of a boy band, with his curly brown hair, eyes the color of milk chocolate, a smile that melts your insides, and adorable dimples. Most girls go nuts when he looks their way, but I think he just looks like a typical teenage heart throb. Plain, vanilla.

When we hear the door squeak open, Julia walks quickly towards him, catching him in the hallway. She's trying to ask him out when his confidence has been shattered to give her a better chance.

"He is kind of cute," Greg remarks, bringing a burst of laughter.

Julia and Brandon come back to find Greg and I literally rolling on the floor with laughter, Julia very perky, Brandon wearing a neutral expression, sadness in his eyes. I feel bad, but I stand by what I said. Brandon's just not my type. With that mess out of the way, we finally begin to work on our script, which thankfully pushes all awkward topics out of the conversation.

Our skit is about annoying little kids at a birthday party and the world's worst clown. It's actually pretty funny. I can safely say that I'm one of the only kids at my school who's actually looking forward to Monday.

After about an hour and a half of practicing, a video game tournament between Greg and Brandon, and a Chick Flick Julia and I made the guys watch, though I think I saw them both get teary-eyed at the end, and a spaghetti dinner, the parents' start to arrive. Greg's mother pulls up first, in a silver minivan, followed closely by Mrs. Barnes in her yellow bug. As we pull away, I think I see Julia's dad's red pick-up truck coming down the street. My suspicions are confirmed when the horn is honked, and a burly man with bright red hair and a mustache to match waves merrily at us.

"Did you have a good time?" Mrs. Barnes asks, and I can hear the genuine curiosity in her voice.

"Yes," I reply smiling.

I really did have a good time. I have friends who share interests with me, I have a best friend who thinks she has to ask me to go out with a guy, and I have another friend who's shared a special secret with me and only me. I've only been trying to be normal for two days, and I already have strong relationships. This is great!

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