First Unexpected Ending

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"What do you mean you're breaking up with me? You're breaking up with me?" Amber shrieks.

Ashton's voice comes out level and calm as he says, "You're cheating on me."

Amber looks horrified.

"How did you find out?"

"Mitch told me?"

"Mitch? He goes to a different school!"

And then it dawned on her.

"Basketball playoffs," they both say grimly at the same time.

"I'm through with you," Ashton states, walking away.

Amber stands there, fuming and embarrassed.

"This is your fault!" she screams at me. "You made him believe in himself!" She storms away.

Ok, so that might be partly true. Doing the school play together has proved to be a bonding experience for Ashton and I. Over the last week, he's confided in me about lots of things. Basketball playoffs, I've come to all of his games, Amber, I've regretfully helped him impress her, and English, I've begun tutoring him, are just a few of his favorite topics. Also, if you haven't noticed by the Gorgeous Boy remarks, I'm crushing on him. Hard.

Then, one day, during our tutoring sessions, Ashton started talking about becoming a rockstar in a band or something, or maybe moving to Hollywood as an actor, but stopped abruptly. When I asked why, he explained that that was never going to happen. Amber wouldn't let him. She wanted him to be an investment banker of something practical like that. I might have responded with something like "Amber doesn't own you! You should be able to do whatever you want! You're your own person!"

He might have calmly asked her to stop cheating if it weren't for this discussion, might have given her a second chance. Or fifth chance, seeing as he has asked her to stop being such a bitch before. I try to see it from Amber's point of view, try to think of his newfound self confidence as a bad thing, but I just can't do it. I would never be able to do that to a person, to push them down so that they'll be wrapped around my finger. That's just twisted!

My phone vibrates. I check the message it's from Ashton.

Meet me in the auditorium. I want to practice the scene where Fiyero's all fired up.

I can't help but laugh at the fact that Ashton's angry right now. He's really good at keeping his feelings to himself. When I get there, he's got his fake musket in his hand.

"Ready?" he asks.

I nod. Ashton smiles and climbs up to the top of the platform. I stand on stage as he swings down.

"Let the green girl go!"

"Fiyero!" I shout.

"Fiyero, how in Oz?" someone shouts automatically.

Ashton and I head backstage to find Lizzie sitting by herself behind the curtain.

"Lizzie?" we ask in unison.

"Hey," she says meekly. "I'm only here because I'm trying to sort some things out. After I got the Glinda part, Amber said it was perfect because then I could spy on Ashton. Only, I really enjoy theatre. This was a dream come true for me!"

How could I forget. Julia lost the part and cried for half an hour. Then, she got offered to play Cinderella in Into The Woods at the town theatre and completely forgot about it. That's how Julia and I came to rule the Mergenthaler Theatre, playing rolls from Sandy and Frenchy to Cosette and Eponine. I look up from my haze as Lizzy continues, tears streaming down her face.

"But now she wants me to quit the play! She says if I don't, I can't be friends with her anymore!"

Ashton sighs, muttering, "I knew she would bring other people into this."

"Just don't be friends with her!" I blurt out, a little too loud.

Ashton chuckles.

"You really don't like her, do you?"

I shake my head.

"Lizzie, you can hang out with us. I'm sure Julia, Greg, and James would be cool with it. I can't guarantee you'll be as popular as you are now, but you'll make some real friends."

Lizzie brightens.

"Really? I don't mind not being popular. I mean, I'm popular in the play, so maybe it will help me develop the character better if I'm not exactly like her."

I nod enthusiastically and offer her a hand up. Then, together, we run through the Fiery Fiyero scene. It's pretty good, actually. Ashton is a much better actor than usual, and I think that dumping Amber has lifted a five hundred pound weight from his shoulder. It also helps to have LIzzie there to say the Glinda part. The scene makes a lot more sense.

After our brief fifteen minute rehearsal, we decide to head back to the cafeteria. Before I can leave behind Lizzie, I'm stopped by Ashton.

"So, you were telling Lizzie she's welcome to hang out with you guys. Does this apply to me, too? Because I've just been through a big break-up and could really use some good friends."

I smile, lightheaded, faintly saying, "Sure."

"Cool," he grins.

"Has anyone told you that you've got a dazzling smile?"

He chuckles as I make a mental note to punch myself later. We stroll out of the auditorium. His feet fall cool and casual, and I pretend to be casual like that, although I'm really smelling his shampoo and vomiting rainbows in my brain.

We have play practice after school. I rehearse Defying Gravity, the hardest song in the play, throwing passion into the high notes and nailing the almost impossible range. Lizzie smiles and praises my performance and I get a high-five from Ashton. Ms. Nicoli smiles warmly, but only for a split second before getting us right back on track.

"Alright, since I'm pretty sure Skylar should rest her voice for a bit, let's run through March of the Witch Hunters. Where's Madame Morrible?" she asks, worried, noticing Jade's absence.

A nervous looking munchkin steps up.

"She said, 'I have to quit the play, I was only here to spy on Ashton for Amber, and school plays are stupid,' and left."

Ms. Nicoli sighs.

"Wait!" I practically screech.

"I know someone!"

It's luck for us that Julia answers her phone so quickly. She was at the school in fifteen minutes, ready to play the part.

When Ms. Nicoli thanks her, she replies coolly, "Well, the show must go on," and dances to her spot.

I wish I could speak like her. She always knows just how to phrase things without making them awkward. I can't do that without thinking. We practice, and might I add, Julia is a superb Madame Morrible. Who knew playing the villain would suit her like this?

Eventually we get to As Long As You're Mine, my favorite part of the musical. Not because I get to kiss Ashton or anything... Or maybe it's exactly that. Ok, it is exactly that. We sing the song and do the final kiss. Then, something strange happens. Ms. Nicoli calls cut, but Ashton doesn't stop kissing me. He holds the sides of my face with a newfound passion. Ms. Nicoli taps him on the shoulder. He looks up, embarrassed, and bursts from the auditorium. Everyone stares after him, and I know I'll have to be the one break the tension.

"Alright guys, let's run For Good. We haven't done that one yet."

Eventually, we all get back into the swing of things, and everyone seems to relax but me. There's this little piece of my brain that won't stop repeating, What just happened?

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